The Human Body and The Human Soul

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Social Foundation
in Education

Human presented by

Fely Rose Quijano

Cebu Normal University
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Chapter 1: Chapter 4:
The Materiality of the Ownership of the
Human Being Human Body

Chapter 2: Chapter 5:
The Human Body as Manipulation of the
Intermediary Human Body

Chapter 3: Chapter 6:
The Human Body as
The Temple of the
Individuating Nature
Holy Spirit
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Chapter 1:

Materiality of the

Human being
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a real philosopher
must ignore his/her
body and avoid all
physical contact since
the soul can better
reflect when it is free
of materiality
Plato (348 BC)
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the human
being is the
totality of
his/her body
and soul
Aristotle (322 BC)
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although the body

is not part of the
essence of the soul,
the very essence of
the soul needs to be
one with the body
Saint Thomas Aquinas
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Chapter 2: the

Human BODY

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Through the human body,

a person experiences the
world because it acts as
the intermediary
between the
person and
the world.
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The body is not only an

intermediary between
the person and the world but
also between the
person and other people.
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Chapter 3:

Human BODY as

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The human body is matter

and being matter it is subject
to the laws of matter.
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The human being is Also limited by time;

the human being cannot
limited by space
be in the past and
because of in the future at
the body. the same time
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The human body is also an individuating nature of

the human being because it has accidental features
which can distinguish one’s own body
from other human bodies.
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Chapter 4:

of the
Human BODY
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My body is mine
and mine alone. I
and my body are
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But the “I” and

the body are two
different entities.
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Chapter 5:

Human BODY
of the
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The human body suffers a lot

of manipulation. It is exploited
to gain fame
and wealth when
some men and women
pose nude for money.
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One has to
remember that the
human body and
soul as a whole
were created in the
image of God.
Genesis 1:27
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Chapter 6:

The temple
Holy Spirit
of the
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The sanctification
of the body
embraces a well-
ordered care
for bodily health,
hygiene, and bodily
Peschke (1978)
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I appeal to you
therefore brethren, by
the mercies of God, to
present your bodies as
a living sacrifice, holy
and acceptable to God.

Romans 12:1
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God sanctified the human

body even as He encourages
the devotion of the energies
of this intricate and massive
structure to good works for
the Glory of the Kingdom
of Heaven.
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Topic for
If posing nude is
done for the sake
of art, is it
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Social Foundation
in Education

Human presented by

Fely Rose Quijano

Cebu Normal University
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Chapter 3:
The Christian View
Espoused by St. Thomas Aquinas

Chapter 1: Chapter 4:
The Platonic View Rational Psychology’s

Chapter 2:
The Aristotelian View
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Chapter 1: THE
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The souls exist before

their bodies in the world
of Pure Ideas. They, thus,
know ideas, because from
the beginning they co-
exist with ideas. – Plato (348
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theory which considers
the human mind as
possessing ideas at birth
without sensory
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when the soul came to

live on earth, it found out
that the human body
already had an
irrational soul, which was
subdivided into two parts:
(1) irascible; and (2)
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(impulsive and arrogant) with its seat
in the heart

The irascible soul’s appetite

whose object is what is
difficult and strenuous
compels the human
being to resist
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residing in the intestinal region and inclined to
pleasures of the senses

The concupiscible soul’s

appetite compels the human
being to seek what is suitable
and desirable according to the
senses, and stays away from
what is harmful.
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which came from the world of Ideas took its
seat in the head

In order for the rational soul to

live according to reason it must
regulate the impulse of the
irascible soul and repress the
desires of the concupiscible soul.
-Mascia, 1957)
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If souls existed before the

body, then the body is not
necessary for their existence.
When the body dies, the soul
simply returns to its original
existence in the world of
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Chapter 2: THE
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Aristotle uses the term

“soul” for life, the
form of organized
matter, the principle of
immanent action -- (1)
vegetative life; (2)
sensitive life; and (3)
intellective life
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vegetative LIFE

proper to plants, whose

operations are for the plant’s
nourishment, reproduction,
and growth
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sensitive LIFE
proper to animals, which,
besides nutrition,
reproduction, and growth,
have also the faculty of
locomotion and of
physical sense
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intellective LIFE
proper to human beings,
who, besides vegetative and
sensitive operations, have
also intellect, the faculty of
knowing through universal
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The union of the

human soul and
the human body
is not accidental
but substantial.
Aristotle (322 BC)
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The human soul has

two cognitive activities
which give origin to
two distinct types of
knowledge: the
sensible and
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knowing the physical

features of an object by
the five senses, each of
which perceives its own
proper sensible
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knowing the essences
or forms of things
abstracted from the
individuals. - Mascia (1957)
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the human being

is the totality of
his/her body and

Aristotle (322 BC)

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Chapter 3: THE
Christian view
Espoused by St.
Thomas Aquinas
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In man there are

many operations
– vegetative,
sensitive, and
Saint Thomas Aquinas
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The human soul is the body’s

form and just as every form
is the principle of all the
operations of the body, so
also the human soul is the
principle of all operations
performed by the body
through its various organs. –
Mascia (1957)
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The human soul is

immaterial and not
dependent for its existence
upon any matter. In other
words, it will continue to
live if separated from the
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Chapter 4:

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human beings are

hylomorphic creatures
because they have a
body, which is matter,
and a substantial form,
which is the
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The Soul is the

Substantial Form.
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By substantial form is
meant the determining
principle, which makes
a thing the precise kind
of a substance that it is
and not something else.
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Aside from being a

substantial form, the
soul is also a vital
principle or a principle
of life, which enables a
person to live, feel,
love, think, and will.
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A human being’s body,

which is called
“matter” and the human
being’s soul, which is
“substantial form”, are
both incomplete
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The body alone is not a

human person; neither
is the soul separated
from the body a human
being. Body and soul
complement each other
to produce the human
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The Soul is
Substantially United
with the Body.
It means that the union of body
and soul is intimate so that the
dependence of one on the other
brings together two incomplete
substances into one complete
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The Soul is Human

Being’s Principle
of Life.
It means that it is the
“anima” or vital principle. The
soul is present in every living
thing, whether plant, animal, or
person. So, whenever there
is life, there is a soul.
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The Soul is Spiritual.

By spiritual is meant “not
composed of quantitative or
material parts,” which is also the
meaning of “immaterial.” The
soul being immaterial or
spiritual substance exists and
operates independently of matter
and material parts.
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The metaphysical argument of the immortality of the

human soul may be stated this way:

Immortality means not

subject to death. Death
means the decomposition or
disintegration of material
parts. Since the human soul
is not composed of material
parts, so it cannot be
decomposed. Hence, the
human soul will not die.
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Topic for
So, what happens
to our soul when
we die?
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the Human
Human SOUL presented by

Fely Rose Quijano

Cebu Normal University

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