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STRATEGIC Arundhati Banerjee

Managers play a crucial role in enabling change within organizations.
This is particularly true for companies with Singaporean headquarters
and a U.S. branch. The following skills are essential for managers to
successfully drive and manage change:

1.Effective Communication:
 Managers need strong communication skills to articulate
the purpose and benefits of the proposed changes to
employees in both locations.
 They should be able to convey information clearly, listen
actively to employee concerns, and address any
 Effective communication helps build trust, mitigate
resistance, and create a shared vision for change.

2.Leadership and Vision:

 Managers must possess strong leadership skills to inspire
and motivate employees during times of change.
 They should have a clear vision of the desired future
state and be able to communicate this vision to
 Leading by example and demonstrating confidence in
the change initiative can help gain employee buy-in and

3.Adaptability and Flexibility:

 Managers need to be adaptable and flexible in their
approach to change.
 They should be open to new ideas, embrace different
perspectives, and be willing to adjust plans based on
feedback and evolving circumstances.
 Adaptability helps create a positive change culture and
enables managers to navigate potential challenges more
Despite the importance of change, organizations often encounter resistance during
implementation. Several factors can contribute to resistance:

• Change disrupts familiar routines and can create uncertainty among employees.
Fear of the Unknown: • Fear of the unknown can lead to resistance as employees worry about their job security,
changes in responsibilities, or potential negative impacts on their work-life balance.

• Change may involve alterations to existing processes or structures, leading to a loss of

control for some employees.
Loss of Control: • Individuals who are accustomed to established routines and practices may resist change to
maintain a sense of control over their work.

• If employees feel that they have not been adequately informed or involved in the change
Lack of Trust and process, trust may be eroded, leading to resistance.
Communication: • Poor communication channels or a lack of transparency can hinder understanding and
acceptance of the change initiative.
Empathy and Active Listening:
• Managers should empathize with employee concerns and actively listen to
their feedback and perspectives.
• By understanding and acknowledging individual concerns, managers can
better address them and find suitable solutions.

Conflict Management:

MANAGERIA • Change can create conflicts and disagreements among employees.

• Managers should possess strong conflict management skills to mediate and

L SKILLS TO resolve conflicts in a constructive and collaborative manner.

Stakeholder Engagement:
• Managers need to engage stakeholders at all levels of the organization to

ensure their involvement and commitment to the change initiative.
• Regular updates, clear communication, and opportunities for feedback can
help build trust and minimize resistance.

Change Management Expertise:

• Managers should have a solid understanding of change management
principles and methodologies.
• This expertise enables them to plan and execute change initiatives
effectively, anticipate challenges, and develop strategies to overcome
Aligning the training strategy with the business strategy is crucial for organizations to ensure that training
initiatives support and contribute to achieving the overall strategic goals. Here are methods to achieve this

1.Needs Assessment:

 Conduct a thorough needs assessment to identify the knowledge, skills, and competencies

required to achieve the business strategy.

Analyze the current workforce's capabilities and identify any skill gaps or areas that need

STRATEGY improvement.

 This assessment helps in developing training programs that directly address the organization's
strategic objectives.

BUSINESS 2.Goal Alignment:

 Align the learning objectives and outcomes of the training programs with the strategic goals
of the organization.

 Ensure that the training initiatives focus on developing the necessary skills and competencies
that align with the business strategy.

 By directly linking training goals with strategic goals, organizations can maximize the impact
of training on overall performance and success.

Enhancing Skill Sets Promoting Innovation and Adaptability

Training programs can help employees develop the skills and knowledge needed Training can foster a culture of innovation and adaptability within the organization.
to achieve strategic goals. By providing training on emerging technologies, industry trends, and new
By providing targeted training on specific competencies required for the methodologies, employees can stay updated and adaptable to changes in the market.
strategic initiatives, employees can contribute effectively to the organization's This supports the organization's strategic goals of staying competitive and being at
success. the forefront of industry advancements.
Understand and address the cultural differences between the
Singaporean headquarters and the U.S. branch.
Cultural Customize the training content and delivery methods to ensure they are
Context: culturally appropriate and resonate with the U.S. employees.
Incorporate case studies, examples, and scenarios that are relevant to

the U.S. market and work culture.

Identify specific challenges and requirements of the U.S. branch that

align with the business strategy.
Local Tailor the training content to address these unique needs and focus on
Relevance: areas that are critical for the U.S. market.

TRAINING This customization ensures that training directly supports the strategic
goals of the U.S. branch.

FOR THE Cross-

Provide cross-cultural training to U.S. branch employees to help them
understand and adapt to the work culture of the Singaporean head

Cover topics such as communication styles, teamwork, and decision-
Training: making processes to facilitate effective collaboration between the two

Define specific learning objectives that align with the business goals of
the U.S. branch.
Objectives These objectives should focus on developing the skills and knowledge
required to support the branch's strategic initiatives.
for U.S.
Examples of learning objectives may include mastering market
Employees: analysis techniques, understanding local regulations, or improving
customer relationship management skills.
Goal 1: Enhancing Technical Skills and
WORKFORC • The Employee Engagement Surveys highlight the need for our U.S. branch
employees to enhance their technical skills and expertise.

• This goal aligns with the strategic objective of staying competitive in our
industry and meeting the evolving demands of our customers.
• By investing in training programs that focus on technical skills

DEVELOPME development, we can empower our employees to excel in their roles and
contribute to our branch's growth.

NT GOALS Goal 2: Strengthening Leadership and

FOR THE Management Capabilities

U.S. • The surveys also indicate the importance of strengthening leadership and
management capabilities within our U.S. branch.

• Developing effective leaders and managers is crucial for driving employee
engagement, improving productivity, and achieving our strategic goals.
• Through targeted leadership training and management development
programs, we can equip our employees with the skills and competencies
needed to lead teams, make informed decisions, and drive organizational
Employee Engagement Surveys provide valuable insights into the development goals of our U.S. branch
employees. The following data points help identify these goals:

IDENTIFYIN 1.Skills Gaps and Training Needs:

1. Analyzing survey responses related to skills gaps and training needs can identify areas where
employees require development.

DEVELOPME 2. Look for feedback or responses indicating a need for additional technical skills, industry-specific
knowledge, or leadership competencies.

NT GOALS 2.Career Development and Growth Opportunities:

FROM 1. Employees' responses regarding their career aspirations and growth opportunities can highlight the
need for targeted development programs.

EMPLOYEE 2. Look for indicators of employees seeking opportunities for advancement, learning new skills, or
taking on additional responsibilities.

ENGAGEME 3.Feedback on Leadership and Management:

NT SURVEYS 1. Employee feedback on leadership and management effectiveness can identify areas for
improvement and development.

2. Look for feedback related to communication, decision-making, delegation, and other leadership
Training plays a vital role in meeting the development goals of our U.S. branch employees. Here's
how training can help:

1.Technical Skills Development:

1. By providing targeted technical training programs, we can help employees enhance their
skills and expertise in specific areas.
2. These programs can focus on industry-specific knowledge, technological advancements,
or specialized tools and techniques.

3. The training will equip employees with the necessary skills to excel in their roles and
contribute to our branch's success.

2.Leadership and Management Development:
1. Training programs focused on leadership and management can help employees
strengthen their capabilities in these areas.

DEVELOPME 2. These programs can cover topics such as effective communication, decision-making,
team management, and strategic thinking.

NT GOALS 3. Developing strong leaders and managers will foster employee engagement, improve
productivity, and drive our branch towards its strategic goals.

3.Individual Development Plans:

1. Implementing individual development plans for employees can further support their
growth and development.
2. These plans can be tailored to address specific skill gaps and career aspirations identified
through the surveys.
3. By providing targeted training and development opportunities, we can support
employees' personal and professional growth, aligning with their individual goals and our
organizational objectives.
[1] SNHU. MBA 687 Leaders Self Evaluations.


CES [2] SNHU. MBA 687 Employee Engagement Surveys.

[3] 2018. Kumar, S. E-learning Industry. 5 Key Benefits of Aligning

Training to Company Vision and Brand.

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