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Counselling Skills for Managers

Management Counselling Approaches


:- Manager dictates solution Prescriptive :- Suggests possible solution & encourages its adoption Negotiative :- After offers & counter-offers ,both arrive at agreements Consultative :- Discusses on employee provided solutions to get better ones Non-directive :- Encourages employee to design solutions

Counselling Process

is a process with a beginning, a middle and an end, Where the counsellor facilitates an individual to consider the aspects of their life they wish to change. Each process has a task to accomplish

Counselling Process

whole idea is to enable the client to explore a difficulty or distress which they may be experiencing, assisted by the counsellor who would guide the client from feeling a victim of circumstances to feeling that they have more control over their life

Stage 1 - Preparation
Identify the need : An awareness of a problem & the need for help Readiness : The client should be ready to accept help Factors affecting readiness Ignorance Resistance Lack of motivation Attitude Place Time of meeting Organising information

Stage II Pre Counselling Session


interview to get acquainted Preparation of case history Exploration of the clients concern for the problem

Stage III Building up Rapport & relationship

Very Critical as it paves the way for a constructive relationship Relationship includes trust, respect & relative psychological comfort

Rogers in 1957 proposed the core conditions for successful counselling Unconditional +ve regard Empathy Congruence:- Both consider the issue from the same perspective & aim for the same goals

Stage III Building up Rapport & relationship


conditions include:-

Respect Acceptance Genuineness Listening Confrontation Concreteness Confidentiality

Stage IV Problem Definition & Goal setting

Examining Prioritising Clear

the problems the problems

definition of the problem

Stage IV Problem Definition & Goal setting


Beliefs may Contribute to the problem Inhibit the solution Become the problem Feelings/responses may Exaggerate the problem Inhibit comprehension of the problem Become a problem


Stage IV Problem Definition & Goal setting


Behaviour /response may Be inappropriate Contribute to the problem Complicate the problem Interaction patterns may Lead to miscommunication Greater expectations Copying Styles


Stage IV Problem Definition & Goal setting


Contextual factors Time Place Cultural & Socio-Political issues

Problem Definition
The clients might make different types of statements
Based Based Based Based

on facts & Alternatives on Judgements,preferences,dislikes on specific type of behaviour

on emotions, conflicts,pressures,fears & expectations

Problem Definition

of information for assessing the problem is gathered from perspective perspective





Problem Definition

implies changing from known ,apparent views to less known, hidden dimensions new perspectives are discovered, approaches to change can be evolved


Confrontation Self

confrontation Giving a different picture Directives

Goal Setting

Prioritising, Focusing & Accepting the problem Allowing the client to state the goals Determines the selection of interventions

Goal Setting

To change an unwanted or unwelcome behaviour To cope better in a stressful situation To make & implement decisions To enhance relationships To help in clients journey towards achieving his potential





Stage V Intervention & Problem Solving


action plan to meet the goals is made


indicate the steps to be taken by the client & the interventions utilised by the counsellor would include specific counselling, training & education, group therapy etc


Stage V Intervention & Problem Solving


successful treatment plan includes


clearly defined & reachable Plans adapted with time Positive ,action-oriented focus Clients willingness & motivation to follow it

Stage VI - Termination
Termination is important as a means of empowering the client by creating a temporary closure of relationship Termination is considered when:Awareness by counselor & counselee that the work is completed When it seems that counselling is not being helpful It is not a clear-cut ending, but also no need to continue beyond necessity

Stage VI - Termination
Suggested termination Imposed termination Situational termination Early termnation

A gradual tapering off of sessions Therapeutic vacations-break without breaking the connection

Counselor should carefully consider the most effective way to terminate each client

Stage VI - Termination

Open Door policy The client should review the future plan of action in his own words A future date is identified in consultation with the client for reviewing the progress & evolving corrective measures

Stage VII Follow up

Counselors role to be an evaluator & navigator Follow up is to :Review Progress Review the Learning

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