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Taenia Solium

Taenia Solium is transmitted through eating

undercooked pork. The cysticerci can become very
large, especially in the brain and cause a space-
occupying lesion. Dead cysticeri release substances
that provoke an inflammatory response and calcify.
Cysticercosis in the brain causes headache, vomiting,
and seizures. Cysticercosis in the eyes causes uveitis or
Taenia Saginta does not cause cysticercosis and thus
are usually asymptomatic and cause malaise and mild
cramps can occur.
Protozoa Vs. Metazoa
Protozoa Metazoa
single-celled helminths Multicellular helminths
or worms or worms
Body is not Body is differentiated
differentiated into cells into cells
Intracellular digestion Intra and extra cellular
Independent digestion
Tapeworms Vs. Flukes
Tapeworms Flukes
Non segmented parasitic
Segmented parasitic flatworms
flatworms The life cycle of the
Hermaphroditic trematodes involves a
sexual cycle in humans
and asexual
reproduction in
freshwater snails
Definitive host Vs. Intermediate host
Definitive host Intermediate host
In which the sexual cycle In which the asexual
occurs or the adult is cycle occurs or the larva
present, is present.
Taeniasis Vs. Cysticerosis
Taeniasis Cysticerosis
 when undercooked pork containing the
 it is the eggs that are ingested by
larvae is ingested
humans and the resulting larvae cause
 In taeniasis, the adult tapeworm is located
the disease
in the human intestine. In the small
 The eggs hatch in the small intestine,
intestine, the larvae attach to the gut wall
and grow into adult worms. The and the oncospheres burrow through the
proglottids containing many eggs detach wall into a blood vessel. And can
daily, are passed in the feces, and are disseminate to many organs, especially
accidentally eaten by pigs. An oncosphere the eyes and brain.
emerges from each egg in the pig’s
intestine. The embryos burrow into a
blood vessel and are carried to skeletal
muscle. They develop into cysticerci in the
muscle, where they remain until eaten by a
Taenia Saginata
Taenia Saginata


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