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Rubrics for Essay Writing

Rubric for participation and group work. It is also suitable for

self-assessment and peer feedback.
Rubric for oral presentation
Rubric for research reports
Skit or Role play
Task Description: (Teacher may explain specific assignment in this space.)

Criteria Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted

 Factual information is  Factual information is  Factual information is  Information is

accurate mostly accurate somewhat accurate inaccurate
Understandin  Indicates a clear  Good understanding of  Fair understanding of  Presentation is off
40% understanding of topic topic topic topic
g of Topic

 Accepts ideas of  Accepts most ideas  Unwilling to  Group does not work
others; able to without negative compromise together
compromise comments; able to  Few members  One person does all the
 All members compromise contribute work
Cooperation 30%
contribute  Some members

 Shows confidence  Shows some  Unsure of  Portrayal stalls

 Informative confidence responsibility  Lacks information
 Entertaining; engages  Presents some  Somewhat informative  Audience bored
audience information  Engages audience  Mumbles
 Speaks loudly and  Engages audience intermittently  Body language is
Presentation 30% clearly  Can be heard  Hard to hear lacking; inappropriate
 Appropriate use of  Some use of body  Some movement
body language language

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