Refrigeration C3

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Faculty of Electrical and Electronics Engineering





PhD. Nguyen Dao


3.1 Moisture-Air.
3.2 Air conditioner scheme with air circulation 1 level
3.3 Air conditioning in Building

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3.1 The Moisture Air

3.1.1 Heat transfer to and from the Body of human

1.The body gives off and absorbs heat:
-The body- temperature 98,60F= 370C,
-The body gives heat to air-atmosphere.
-The three methods of heat transfer: conduction, convection,
and radiation.

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3.1 The Moisture Air
3.1.1 Heat transfer to and from the Body of human

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3.1 The Moisture Air

3.1.2 The Parameters of moisture air

1) Introduces
- Dry air consists of approximately 78% Nitrogen, 21% Oxygen,
and 1% other gases.
-In air is water-vapor,
-Water in the form of low-pressure vapor, is called humidity .
-Two types:
absolute humidity and relative humidity.

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3.1 The Moisture Air

3.1.2 The Parameters of moist air

2) The absolute humidity
The moisture content in moist air: ρva = Mva/V (Mva- capacity of
vapor in air-g; V- volume of moist-air –m3)
SI system: g/m3
British unit: lb/ft3
3) The relative humidity φ(%) = ρva/ρsa
ρva -The absolute humidity of air actual (at t0F, tC)
ρsa- The absolute humidity of air 100% saturated (vapor) (at t0F,

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3.1 The Moisture Air
3.1.2 The Parameters of moisture air
4) The moisture content :
d = Mva /Mair ;
Mva(g)- moist ; mass of moist air:
Mva + Mair- 1kg dry air)
SI system: g/kg
British unit:lb/lb
or grain /lb = 1 gr/lb = 0,1428 g/kg
5) Dry-bulb (tD or- t ) and wet-bulb (tW - tư) temperatures:
-Using tD and tW to Calculating the relative humidity φ-% (in tables
or diagrams)
-Example: room: tD= 760F, tW= 640F-> Δt =tD-tW=120F and φ= 52%.
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3.1 The Moisture Air

3.1.2 The Parameters of moist air

5) Dry-bulb and wet-bulb temperatures

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3.1 The Moisture Air

3.1.2 The Parameters of moist air

6) Dew point temperatures tdw: is the
temperature at witch moisture begins
to condense
7. Enthalpy of moisture air-h
-Enthalpy of air is the measure of heat
content in air – kJ/kg; Btu/lb.

8)The Parameters of Psychrometric chart (ẩm đồ): tD; tW; ; h,


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3.1 The Moisture Air
Psychrometric chart

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3.1 The The Moisture Air
Psychrometric chart

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3.1 The Moisture Air
3.1.4 The plotting of Air-conditioning processes

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V.Bài tập: quá trình ĐHKK trên đồ thị t-d

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3.2 Air conditioner scheme with air circulation 1 level
. mixing process of recovery air R-T
and fresh air F-N produces M-H mixture

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3.2 Air conditioner scheme with air circulation 1 level
3.2.2. The Components of air conditioning system
1/ The Equipments
2- Condenser;
3-Expansion devices;
4- Evaporator;
6- Conditioned air
9- Return air;
10- Fresh air;
11- Fan for exhaust air;
12- Exhaust air
(T=R, N=F), The scheme of air conditioning system

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3.2 Air conditioner scheme with air circulation 1 level

3.2.3. The Air handler(AHU)

2/ The Prosess
- H-O- Process cooling of air in
evaporator (φo= 90 - 95%)
- VO) -T- Process changed
parameters of air in room
- T-H-N- Process Mixture of air

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3.2 Air conditioner scheme with air circulation 1 level

3.2.1.The mixing
. process of
recovery air R-T and fresh air F
produces M-H mixture

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3.2 Air conditioner scheme with air circulation 1 level

3.2.4.The calculating of Heat capacity in the air cooling process

1. Grand (at point H):
-Grand Sensible Heat capacity: QHG = 1.2 LG (tH - tO); W
- Grand Latent Heat capacity: QAG = 3 LG (dH - dO); W
2. Fresh air (at point N): :
-Fresh air Sensible Heat capacity: QHN = 1.2 LN (tN - tT); W
- Fresh air Latent Heat capacity: QAN = 3 LN (dN - dT); W
3. Room (at point T): :
- Room Sensible Heat capacity: QHT = 1.2 LT (tT - tO); W
- Room Latent Heat capacity: QAT = 3 LT (dT - dO); W
- Units of quantities in the formulas: L (l / s), t (0C), d (g / kg)
LN- fresh air flow; liter/s, LT- room air flow; l/s; LH- air flow at the mixing
point; l/s L H = LT + LN = LG
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3.2 Air conditioner scheme with air circulation 1 level

3.2.4.The calculating of Heat capacity in the

air cooling process
4. Effective Sensible Heat
- Effective Sensible Grand Heat (Hs nhiệt hiên
- Effective Sensible Room Heat (Hs nhiệt hiên
phòng R=T)
5. Calculated:
- Capacity of indoor unit:
Q0 = 1,2.LH (hH - hO); W; (LH- m3 / s)
- Condensate water flow at indoor unit:
W = 1.2 LH (dH- dO); g/s 19
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3.3 Air Conditioning in Building
3.3.1. The same floor plan of Building with cool load load of room

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3.3 Air Conditioning in Building

3.3.2 Types of Heat load Q in Building

-Air conditioning (cooling) is to keeping the space temperature of
building cool.
-The air-conditioning system (refrigeration) for removes the heat
from the outside through to structure, and heat born in the house
-When air are warm and the
humidity is high, it is no good
to rest well (removes).
-Human induction domain is
within φ = 30-70%;
tD = 73-800F (23-270C)
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3.3 Air Conditioning in Building
3.3.2 Heat load Q in Building
Qth = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + Q4 + Q5 + Q6; W
Qth- total excess heat in the room
Q1- heat passes through the structure
Q2 - heat emitted by humans
Q3- heat is generated by electrical equipment
Q4 - heat generated by lighting
Q5- Heat due to solar radiation
Q6- Other heat sources ( wind fresh leakage)
Sensible H.: ΣQHi = Q1 + Q2h +Q3 + Q4 +Q5 +Q6h
Latent Heat: ΣQAi =Q2a +Q6a
Cool load: Q0 >= Qth = ΣQHi 401081-chapter
+ ΣQAi 3: Air conditioning (Cooling) 22
3.3 Air Conditioning in Building
3.3.4 The air transport system

1.Air transport system:

- the fan and moter,
- the return air system
- The duct and diffuser system
- The exhaust air system

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3.3 Air Conditioning in Building
3.3.4. The air transport system
2.The duct system

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3.3 Air Conditioning in Building
3.3.4. The air transport system
2.The duct system

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In this chapter, we have learnt:

• Moisture-Air.
• Single-level air conditioner diagram
• Air conditioning in building.
Reading assignment:
[1]: 897-985, [2]:5-7;44-62;215-222.;285-289;
224-231, [3]: 727-759

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