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By: Eduardo

 Marrocos economy is based on agriculture.

The country have 8,5 milion hectares of
places that you can plant.
 They produce flour, sugar cane, cevada and
other cereals.
 Other part of the marocheans economy is
the turism. Lots of people usually visit the
big cities of Casablanca, Rabat, and others.
 The country has estimateds U$51 billion,
that makes them the 47 richest country in
 They coin is the Dirrã. 1 Dirrã are U$0,10.
Marrocos has lots of big cities and turistic places where people
go. One famous one is the visit for Saara desert, the biggest
deset in the world.( and the hottest).

You can visit Casablanca, the biggest city in the country. It has
the jewish church, the unic one in arabics world. There has one
Turistic mosque calle: Hassan Mosque I, that is very beatiful.
If you want to see more historical things, ok, so go to
Marrakech. There has the Medina, that in arabian means “old
city”, with lots of ancestral things. The soulks( street markets)
are also very nice.

 Marrocos, phristaval was discoveres by the fenícios. Still

there, the Cartagins made lots of ports.
 Arabians found that place in VII to VIII. They intalled
the Islam in the place.
Arabic people weren’t only in Marrocos, but in Spain and
other places in Europe and in the North of Africa. One of the
importants kings was Moulay Ismall, who built big castles
and places( he had 700 sons and daughters).
The place was converted to Islam fast. Idriss I, one of the
imperators divides the place in two, Bagdad e Córdoba. His
son, Idriss II built the capital in Fez and the first Islam
university, the Qaraouyine.
They were independed in 1956.

 In futebol, I and lots of people may

considere that Marrocos isn’t a good team,
and they aren’t wrong, but, in my opinion i
think that has one great player, his name is
Ackiraf Hakimi, I only think this because he
plays in PSG.
 Director: Eduardo
 Co-productor: Eduardo
 Productor: Eduardo
 Who did everything: Eduardo
 One great thanks for: Eduardo


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