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Science Subject

T. Munirah Alqahtani
company vision
The highest quality, most widely distributed
educational company

The message
Providing competitive education with applied dimensions
according to the nation’s constants and stimulating the
environment for learning in a community partnership for a
.generation that produces knowledge
Weekly message

Do not give up and do your best

Classroom rules

Wait for Raise your Do not Do not talk Work

your turn hand interrupt or move harder
others without
How do you discover What is the meaning of
?the cells microscope and how
?can you use it

What are the main part How does excretion

?of Digestion system ?system work
An activity
?What is the meaning of magnetic poles
?How many are they
The title:
Magnetic poles
Pages 58 – 61
Learning Table
How can we ?what did you learn What do I want to ?What do you know
?apply our lives ?learn
The objective

To identify the meaning of
.magnetic poles
Magnetic materials

Every magnet has a north pole and a south pole. The

poles of a magnet are the places where the magnetic

force is strongest. Magnetic poles always come in pairs.

A magnet with just one pole (a monopole) has never been

Page 58
Magnetic materials

When a bar magnet is hung up so that it can swing around,

it is always the same end that comes to rest pointing south.

This is called the south-seeking Pole or just the south

pole. The other end is the north-seeking pole or north

pole. The poles are usually marked on a magnet by the

letters S and N. A magnet in the shape of a horseshoe

.has poles at the free ends

Page 59
The laws of magnetism

Your experiments show that when two magnets are

brought near to one another, the north pole of one

magnet attracts the south pole of the other, but

repels its north pole. The nature of the force between

any two magnetic poles can be predicted from the law

.of magnetism: Unlike poles attract like poles repel

The laws of magnetism

Magnets and magnetism have many

:practical uses. Some of these are

Page 62
Page 64 - 65
Page 66 - 67
Page 68 - 69
Learning activity
The result of the Know the different type of materials
Individual or as Individual
Time min 7
Skill Accuracy
Type of the Live Activity
Result of Learning activity
Learning activity - Individual

standard of mastery
not mastered Perfect
Learning activity
Feed back
Home Work
Page 68 - 69

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