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Australia is located entirely in the
Southern and Eastern Hemisphere.
Pacific Ocean
Latitude: 10° S to 44° S
Longitude: 112° E to 154° E
Indian Ocean

It has Indian Ocean in the West, Australia

Pacific Ocean on the East and
Southern Ocean on the South. Southern Ocean
Most of Australia is less than
300m above sea level as it follows
a low-land topography but there
are many distinctive landforms like Ayers Rock (Uluru)

plateaus, deserts, coastal and

central plains, The Great Barrier
Reef, The Rift Valley and some
mountain ranges.
The Australian Rift Valley
The Western Plateau and Deserts
The Western Plateau covers parts of West,
North and South Australia. Many mountain
ranges like Darling Hamersley and Musgrave
Range emerge from it, also the Ayers rock is the
largest single rock in the world.

The top of the Plateau has many deserts like;

Great Sand, Gibson, Great Vitoria and the West
Australian Desert.
The Eastern Highlands
They run parallel to the East coast from Cape
York in the North to Bass Strait in the South.
Some Mountain Ranges -

● Great Dividing Range

● Australians Alps

The highest peak in Australia Mt. Kosciuszko

(2,228 meters) is situated in the Eastern
The Central and Coastal Plains
The lower region between Western and Eastern
Highlands is known as central lowlands it is
divided into many smaller lowlands -
● The Great Artesian Basin
● Lake Eyre Basin
● Murray-Darling Basin

The coastal plains are narrow stretches of land

along the cost of Eastern, Western, Northern,
and Southern Australia.
Vegetation and Wildlife
Australia is one of the many few landmasses which has been isolated from the
other continents of Asia, Africa, America and Europe for a long period of time.
About 50 million years ago few species of one of the three different groups of
mammals ‘Marsupials’ migrated from the Americas through Antarctica to
Australia, at that time the more dominant species of mammals known as
‘Placental’ were NOT there this led to ‘Adaptive Radiation’ and more species of
‘Marsupials’ evolved such as the Koala Bear and the Iconic Kangaroo. The
Vegetation mainly comes from the family Eucalyptus and Acacia on which the
Marsupials survive, however the Flora and Fauna are getting extinct and the
ecosystems are collapsing because of human effects on the environment.
Major Cities of Australia

Sydney is the most visited and popular city in
Australia, people often confuse Sydney as the
capital but its not. It is also the most
populated city in the country.

Melbourne It is one of the most important

commercial centres in the country. Its
Victorian architecture leads to the interest of
many tourists

The third most populous city in Australia and the capital of

Queensland. It stands out for having preserved its history
very well and for combining it with modernity. Its
subtropical climate will allow you to enjoy its parks and the
area attached to the river. In its skyline you will find
skyscrapers combined with Victorian churches, creating a
more than curious contrast.
Made by - Rishabhdev 7B

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