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Course Instructor:
Morshed Alam
Institute of Education and Research, Jagannath University
Research Help Bangladesh
What is Research?

Research is an ORGANIZED and

Defining Research

• A collection of methods and methodologies that researchers apply

systematically to produce scientifically based knowledge about the
social world-Neuman
• Research is a scientific approach of answering a research question
• Research is a logical and systematic search for new and useful
information on a particular topic
Here are some examples that demonstrate
what research is
 A farmer planting two varieties of jute side by side to compare yields.
 A biochemist sequencing the proteins of a new virus.
 A sociologist examining the social consequence of divorce.
 An economist looking at the interdependence of inflation and foreign direct
 A physician studying the effect of multiple use of disposable insulin syringes in
 A business enterprise trying to measure the quality of a full service stock brokerage.
People might do research for personal
interest too. These include among others:
• People might do research for personal interest too. These include among
• Better livelihood
• Better career opportunity
• Higher position, prestige and dignity
• Academic achievement
• Self-gratification

1) Fundamental vs Applied
2) Quantitative vs. Qualitative:
3) Empirical/Primary vs Conceptual/Secondary
Basic / Pure / Fundamental Research..
• Basic research aims to develop knowledge, theories and predictions,
while applied research aims to develop techniques, products and
• • Concerned with generalizations and with the formulations of a theory
• Natural phenomenon and mathematics are examples of basic research
• • Finding information that has a broad base of application
Applied / Action Research
• • Finding a solution to an immediate problem
• • Research aimed to find social or political trends that may affect a
partcular institution is an example of applied research
• Tries to say how things can be changed
• Tries to correct the facts which are problemati
Quantitative research

• It is numerical, non-descriptive, applies statistics or mathematics and uses

• It is an iterative process whereby evidence is evaluated.
• The results are often presented in tables and graphs.
• It is conclusive.
• It investigates the what, where and when of decision making.
Qualitative research

• It is non-numerical, descriptive, applies reasoning and uses words.

• Its aim is to get the meaning, feeling and describe the situation.
• Qualitative data cannot be graphed.
• It is exploratory.
• It investigates the why and how of decision making
Why Do Research?
1.Personal experience and common sense
 Overgeneralization
 Selective observation
 Premature closure
 Halo effect
 False consensus
2.Experts and authorities
3.Popular and media messages
4.Ideological beliefs and values
Types of Articles

1. Original Research Article

2. Review Article
3. Case study
4. Author letter
5. Editorial
Research Proposal
1.Research Proposal
1. Academic
2. Grant Proposal
2.When to make research Proposal?
3. Research Budget by the Government of Bangladesh
4. Research Budget by Private Organization
5.General Requirements
6.SSRC Policy
7.Proposal Sample
Research Proposal vs Research Article
Research Proposal Research Paper
Title Title
Introduction Abstract
Methodology Introduction
Budget Literature Review
Limitations Methodology
Conclusion Results & Discussion
Reference Conclusion
Thank You

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