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• Resolving social dilemmas

• Regulation (Government)
• Safeguard the common good
social • Small is beautiful -visibility/ accountability
dilemmas: • Communication
• Change the payoffs

• Resolving social dilemmas often requires a combination of different approaches, including

regulations, to encourage cooperation and minimize negative outcomes
Regulation plays a crucial role in resolving social dilemmas by establishing rules, guidelines,
and enforcement mechanisms to mitigate the negative impacts of these dilemmas and promote
cooperative behavior.
Example Governments can create a level playing field, ensure accountability, and encourage
collective action to combat climate change. The regulations incentivize actors to consider the
long-term consequences of their actions, leading to more sustainable practices and a resolution
to the social dilemma of climate change
The "small is beautiful" refers to the idea that
reducing the size or scale of a group can lead to more
effective cooperation and the resolution of collective
action problems. It suggests that smaller groups are
more likely to overcome social dilemmas and achieve
mutually beneficial outcomes
For example, if the village decides to limit the number

Small is of animals each person can graze, the smaller group

size makes it easier to monitor and enforce these
restrictions. The individuals can communicate and
beautiful collaborate effectively, discussing the needs of the
community and making collective decisions that
benefit everyone. As a result, they can overcome the
social dilemma, maintain the health of the pasture,
and ensure the long-term sustainability of their shared
• Effective communication requires active listening,
empathy, and a willingness to find common ground.
It's important to approach conflicts with the
intention of understanding, rather than winning
• Share your viewpoints and listen to the other
person's perspective.
Communicatio • Clearly express your concerns or grievances,
n focusing on the specific behaviors or actions causing
the conflict.
• Allow the other person to share their side of the
story and actively listen to understand their
• In change the payoffs involves altering the payoffs or incentives associated with
different choices or actions.
• Change payoffs play a crucial role in resolving conflicts by providing incentives and
benefits for individuals or groups to engage in a process of change or negotiation.
They offer a tangible and desirable outcome that motivates parties to move away

Change the
from their initial positions and towards a mutually agreeable resolution. To better
understand this concept, let's explore a daily life example:Imagine a scenario where
two roommates, Alex and Sarah, are constantly arguing about household chores.

Alex feels that Sarah doesn't contribute enough and wants her to do an equal share
of the work. Sarah, on the other hand, believes she already does her fair share and
doesn't see a need for change. This ongoing conflict creates tension and negatively
impacts their living situation.To resolve the issue, they decide to introduce change
payoffs. They agree that if Sarah increases her contribution to household chores,
Alex will take care of the grocery shopping every week. Additionally, they decide
that if both roommates consistently maintain a clean living space for a month, they
will reward themselves with a weekend get away.In this example, the change
payoffs serve as incentives for both parties to reconsider their positions and make
adjustments. Alex's promise to handle grocery shopping acts as a reward for Sarah's
increased effort, while the prospect of a weekend getaway motivates both
roommates to work together towards maintaining cleanliness.

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