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Boolean Algebra

Rule in Boolean Algebra

• Following are the important rules used in Boolean algebra.

• Variable used can have only two values. Binary 1 for HIGH and Binary 0
for LOW.
• Complement of a variable is represented by an overbar (-). Thus,
complement of variable B is represented as B Bar. Thus if B = 0 then B Bar
= 1 and B = 1 then B Bar = 0.
• OR of the variables is represented by a plus (+) sign between them. For
example OR of A, B, C is represented as A + B + C.
• Logical AND of the two or more variable is represented by writing a dot
between them such as A.B.C. Sometime the dot may be omitted like ABC.
Boolean Laws
• Commutative law
• Associative law
• Distributive law
• De Morgan law
• Double negation law
• Complement law
• Absorption law
Commutative law

• Commutative Law allowing a change in position for addition

and multiplication


x.y = y.x
• 0+1 = 1+0 = 1
• 1.0 = 0.1 = 0
Associative law

• If a logical operation of any two Boolean variables is performed

first and then the same operation is performed with the
remaining variable gives the same result, then that logical
operation is said to be Associative.

A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C
0+(1+0) = (0+1)+0 => 0+1=>1 =>1+0=>1
A.(B.C) = (A.B).C
Distributive law

• If any logical operation can be distributed to all the terms

present in the Boolean function, then that logical operation is
said to be Distributive

A.(B+C) = (A.B)+(A.C)
1.(0+1) = (1.0)+(1.1)
A+(B.C) = (A+B).(A+C)
De Morgan law

• the operation of an AND or OR logic circuit is unchanged if all inputs

are inverted, the operator is changed from AND to OR, the output is

(A.B)’ = A’ + B’

(A+B)’ = A’.B’
Double negation law
• a variable with two negation its symbol gets cancelled out and original
variable is obtained


Complement law
• if a complement is added to a variable it gives one, if a variable is
multiplied with its complement it results in ‘0’

A + A’ = 1

A.A’ = 0
Absorption law
• This law involved absorbing the similar variables

A.(A+B) = A

A + AB = A

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