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कु टुंब प्रबोधन्
Kutumba Prabodhan

अनुव्रतः पितुः पुत्रो मात्रा भवतु संमनाः।

जाया पत्ये मधुवतीं वाचं वदतु शंतिवाम्॥ (अथर्ववेद 3.30.2)

In an ideal home, children are obedient to their parents. The parents are
well-wishers of their children. The husband and wife’s mutual relationship
is sweet and happy. Only such families always thrive and are happy.

Family - Society
 Four broad entities / existences of universe Vyashti – An Individual, Samashti – Society , Srishti – Nature and
Parameshti – Universal Soul.
 Samashti is classified into Aashramas, For the sustenance and development of the Vyashti or the individual.
They are Brahmacharya, Grihasta, Vaanaprastha, Sanyaasa
 That which holds together these 4 is the Dharma. Dharma infuses a feeling of mutual understanding and
cooperation in a family and society –
न राज्यं नैव राजासीत्, न दन्डो न च दान्डिकः |
धर्मेणैव प्रजाः सर्वाः, रक्षन्तिस्म परस्परम् ॥

 Love, sense of belonging, Mutual acceptance,

willingness to work for others, tolerance or willingness
to sacrifice are binding factors of a family.
 Grihastasharama / Family system is the core of all
ashramas as it

 Being a grihasta a Man learns his first lesson of

progress from I to we here in family.
 Grihastashrama is full of Rasa representing one
where the most intense physical, sexual,
emotional, occupational, social and material
attachments exist in a human being's life.
 Grihastas not only pursue a virtuous life, they
produce food and wealth that sustains people of
धन्यॊ गृहस्थाश्रम: other Ashramas and generations to come via off-

Joyful home, wise children, a wife who is soft spoken,

सानन्दं सदनं सुताश्च सुधियः कान्ता प्रियभाषिणी
reliable friends, faithful to wife and having obedient
सन्मित्रं सधनं स्वयोषिति रतिः चाज्ञापराः सेवकाः ।
servants, hospitable to guests and shivapooja
आतिथ्यं शिवपूजनं प्रतिदिनं मिष्टान्नपानं गृहे
everyday, enjoys tasty food , with company of noble
साधोः सङ्गमुपासते हि सततं धन्यो गृहस्थाश्रमः ॥
people grihastshrama is blessed.

।धन्यॊ गृहस्थाश्रम:।
 Grihastasharama is the core of the society as it supports all the
other three.
 Grihasta follows dharma to gain artha and satisfying his
natural urges ( kama) eventually to attain moksha
 These are 4 Purusharthas




Artha Duties of a Grihasta: PANCH MAHAYAJNAS

Dharma Brahma / Rishi yajna
Daiva yajna
Pitru yajna
Bhuta yajna
Moksha Manushya yajna
।धन्यॊ गृहस्थाश्रम:। ॐ
हविर्धानमग्निशालं पत्नीनां सदनं सदः। सदो देवानामसि देवि शाले ॥७॥
“Its main four parts are store-house, kitchen, bed room and drawing
Rigveda says:
ता वं वास्तून्युश्मसि गमध्यै यत्र गावो भूरिश्र्ङगायासः | अत्राह तदुरुगायस्य वर्ष्णः परमं पदमव भाति भूरि ||
“O husband and wife, we design for your habitation a house wherein sun-rays
come plentifully. Here in such a well-ventilated house can dawn upon you the
divine light whereby you may realize the super most stage of God.”

न गृहं गृहमित्याहुः गृहिणी गृहमुच्यते ।

a house/ building is not a home until it has a GrihiNi.
Grihini herself is home.
यत्र नार्यस्तु पूज्यन्ते रमन्ते तत्र देवता:।
Wherever women are given their due respect, even
the deities like to reside there

Current Scenario
 Due to proliferation of delusional
properties about self-centered living
imported from west, Indian family system
is passing through worst time ever
 Lack of कु ल-धर्मं/Family system promotes अधर्म
 Increase in break-ups, divorces
 Old-age homes on the rise
 Orphanages
 Misuse of laws
 Over usage / misusing of nature resources
Current Scenario ॐ
कु लक्षये प्रणश्यन्ति कु लधर्मा: सनातना:।
धर्मे नष्टे कु लं कृ त्स्नमधर्मोऽभिभवत्युत ।।B.G.1.40।।

 With destruction of Kula, the eternal family tradition is

 Virtues are lost leading to adharma
 Predominance of adharma , Leading to degradation of
 This results in undesirable progeny, and makes lives of
those destroyed family & family members a living hell
 A fatherless society is a chariot driven without a charioteer
 Adharma also percolates into the eduational, healthcare,
economical and political system due to the destruction of
the family.
 Remember family is the core of any society. Its very easy to
control society if families are destroyed.
Current Scenario ॐ

 Too much exposure to television programmes & reality shows
 Lack of TV programmes which propounds dharma.
 Depiction of relationships as a burden rather than a responsibility.
 Unnecessary usage of mobiles and other electronic gadgets
 Very minimal interaction / healthy informal conversations
 Saha bhojana is done rarely in contrast to A family that dines together, thrives
 Easy access to Porn and nudity related materials to young generation
 Disrespect to elders and our own customs
Current Scenario ॐ
 इष्टान्भोगान्हि वो देवा दास्यन्ते यज्ञभाविताः।
तैर्दत्तानप्रदायैभ्यो यो भुङक्ते स्तेन एव सः।।BG 3.12।।
The devas, gratified with necessary action will grant you the
things sacrificed. Hence whosoever enjoys their gifts without
offering them to these devas, is surely a thief. 
 Getting up late not performing daily prayers and offer oblations
to Savitr
 Not doing exercise to keep body healthy
 Over Indulgence in passive entertainment, watching TV for
long hours
 Accumalating wealth and not donating when capable

Rastriya Swayamsewak Sangh (R.S.S) has started a movement, a new project to face this grave challenge
and to revive the indigenous family system
Kutumba Prabodhana
Awakening of the Family System
आहार निद्रा भय मैथुनं च सामान्यमेतत् पशुभिर्नराणाम्| धर्मो हि तेषामधिको विशेष: धर्मेण हीनाः पशुभिः समानाः ॥

Dont’s Do’s

 To be mere participant in mundane aspects of  To perform yajnas, vratas and other essential daily
animality e.g.. food, fear and procreation duties / yajnas
 To discard everything old as obsolete like  To practice tradition and find out for ourseleves
dharmic rituals related to karma kanda the timeless truth.
 to be under the illusion that everything  Bowing to parents, elders & dharmic people.
modern as correct & scientific Sharing love with youngsters.
 To disregard the time-tested family traditions  To Embrace with an open mind, the present day
healthy, essential needs.

Kutumba Prabodhana has been organizing various programmes, workshops and other activities to review
this family system of our Sanatana Dharma

Saptahik Satsang (Weekly get together of family


 Weekly Informal gathering

 Discuss about family and its good deeds
 Talk only positive & healthy aspects of the life.
 Contemplate on inspiring thoughts and actions.
 The get together should provide inspiration and strength of mind

Kutumba Milana ( Families, Neighbors get together)

These are some of the subjects that can be discussed

 Fortnightly / Monthly gathering
 Converse about each others families and their
good deeds
 how they benefited the family when preserved
and what harm caused when they were lost;
 a comparative overview of this gain and loss;
 whether the children are assets or a burden;
 whether to create assets for the children or make
them the very assets for the society

Counselling for the newly wed

 Lack of undivided joint families

 Both husband & wife work for amassing unlimited wealth
 Go after all kinds of luxury goods and gadgets
 No time to understand & accept each other
 Mutual dependence is irrelevant & issues not needed.

 efforts are made to convince this abiding truth to them.

 Support them to muster courage to face problems rather than
get disheartened.
 try to probe problem’s origin together. With mutual jointly try
to find out ways & means to resolve them.
 The newly wed are too guided to lead a joyful & colourful life.

Shri Mata Kutumb Chintan Yatra - A Study tour

 People in many villages, even now, live in mutual cooperation, one admiring the other for the
latter's fortune, each identifying and respecting likes and dislikes of others.
 Study tours for city based couples, to such orthodox families, as honoured guests are arranged
once in a year by Kutumba Prabodhana.
 The tour will be of 2 days without any formal sittings.
 Entire village participates in this 2 days of अतिथि सत्कार.
 discussions with regard to subjects like healthy food habits, simple customs like daily pooja etc.
 major part of the tour is exclusively reserved for freely mixing with members of the hosting
family .
 observe their regular house-hold chores.
 Participants are encouraged thus to arrive at their own conclusion out of the insight they
form in 2 days of their Chintana Yatra.



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