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Basis Of DA
 With effect from Oct-20 DA is granted to
compensate the price increase above [261.42
point (base year 2016)=100] to which the revised
pay scale relate.

 This wil be sanctioned twice a year.

 Current rate of DA is 42%.

Regulation of DA
 During Leave.— DA is paid on the element of Basic Pay plus NPA
forming part of leave salary. During "Leave Preparatory to
Retirement", DA is admissible for the first 300 days of leave spent
in India, DA is not admissible during extraordinary leave or for any
period of leave preparatory to retirement
 spent outside India. — Para. (ii).
 During Joining Time.— Based on joining time pay. — Para.
 During Suspension.—Based on the Subsistence Allowance.—
Para. (iv).
Regulation of DA
 During deputation abroad.—
a) For deputation in any one country, DA may be paid for the first six
months at the rate at which it would have been drawn, had the official
not gone on deputation.
b) For stay in more than one country, DA will be drawn at the above
rate in respect of stay in each country.
c) On deputation for training under officially sponsored training schemes,
DA will be drawn for the period of stay in one or more countries at the
rate admissible, had the official not proceeded on deputation.
d) DA will not be admissible to officers posted ex-India to special posts,
e.g., Consular posts abroad, if allowed to draw foreign allowance instead
of daily allowance at split or all-inclusive rates. — Para. (v).
Regulation of DA
 To re-employed pensioners.-- Re-employed pensioners allowed to
draw pension in addition to pay will be eligible for DA as under—
a) For officers whose pay in civil post is fixed without taking into account
his entire pension, the DA will be based on the pay actually drawn.
b) For officers whose pay in civil post is fixed after taking into account
portion / full pension, the DA will be based on pay plus such pension
taken into account for pay fixation. If pay plus pension exceeds the
maximum pay of the post, the DA will be based on that maximum.
c) For officers on leave, the DA will be based on the leave salary Plus non-
ignorable part of pension.
 "Pension" will be the uncommuted value of pension. — Para.
House Rent Allowance
 HRA shall not be less than 5,400, 3,600, 1,800 for X, Y and
Z class
 cities respectively.
 * The rates of HRA will be revised to 27%, 18% and 9%
when DA crosses 25 per cent, and further revised to 30 %,
20 % and 10 % when DA crosses 50 points.
 The term 'Basic Pay' in the revised pay structure means the
pay drawn in the prescribed Pay Levels in the Pay Matrix
and does not include NPA, MSP, etc. or any other type of
pay like special pay, etc.( Resoln. No. 11-1/2016-IC, dated 6-
7-2017 and 0M, dated 7-7-2017)
House Rent Allowance
2. Orders applicable for HRA.--
 General Principles.-- House Rent Allowance is payable with reference to

Basic Pay. (Special Pay / Personal Pay, etc., not to be included).

 In the case of re-employed pensioners, the non-ignorable portion of ension to

be added with actual pay, subject to the total limit of maximum of pay scale.
3. HRA with reference to place of duty.-- Admissible with reference to the
place of duty irrespective of the place of residence. — Para. 3.
4. During leave / vacation.— Admissible during leave of all kinds including
study leave, child care leave and also during vacation, at the rate admissible
before proceeding on leave, for the first 180 days of combined period of
leave / vacation / holidays. Beyond this period, allowances can be claimed
by furnishing prescribed certificates.— Para. 6 (a) and 0M, dated 27-8-2012.
House Rent Allowance
5. Leave with medical certificate.— Allowances admissible up to 8
this months. period Controlling subject to furnishing Officers to
requisite decide payment certificate.of the allowances — Para.
beyond6 (a).
6. When the official does not join after leave--HRA When paid the
official for the does leave not period join after not leave.— to be If
recovered. it is due to invalidation/In case of resignation, recovery
to be effected before accepting resignation. Para. 6 (a) (i).
7. Leave Preparatory to Retirement.— Admissible on furnishing
prescribed certificates. n.— Admissible for the first 180 days.
Beyond this period, payment will be subject to furnishing the
required certificates.— Para. 6 (f).
House Rent Allowance
8. During suspension— Admissible for the first 180 days. Beyond
this period, payment will be subject to furnishing the required
certificates.— Para. 6 (f).
9. During Joining Time— Admissible at the same rates as at the
old station. Para. 6 (b).
10. During Temporary Transfer.— Admissible up to 90 days at
the rates applicable at the old station and beyond this period at the
rates applicable for the new station.
11. During deputation abroad up to one year.— Admissible at
the rates applicable to headquarters. If deputation period exceeds
one year, allowances can be drawn on furnishing certificate if
family resides at headquarters.— Para. 6 (c).
House Rent Allowance
12. During training in India.—
i. When DA not drawn.— Admissible at the rates applicable to the
headquarters station or training station, whichever is more favourable.
ii. When DA drawn.— Admissible at the rates applicable to head.
quarters only, even when no DA is drawn for the period beyond 180
days. — Para. 6 (e).
13. During training abroad.— Admissible at the rates applicable at
headquarters subject to furnishing certificates. Not admissible during
leave taken while on training or immediately thereafter. — Para. 6 (d).
14. Drawal of HRA.— Without reference to quantum of rent paid. No
rent receipt necessary.
House Rent Allowance
15. No HRA if occupying Government accommodation.— HRA not
admissible to those provided with Government accommodation, female
employees staying in Government-run hostels, employees allotted
hostel accommodation run by Autonomous and Semi-Autonomous
Organizations at subsidized rent and officers staying in Inspection
quarters. Para. 4.
16. Dispensation of "No Accommodation Certificate" for drawal of
HRA.— With effect from 5-3-2019, furnishing of u No
Accommodation Certificate" is dispensed with for drawal of HRA for
all places in respect Of GPRA controlled by Directorate of Estates.
This provision may be adopted by Ministries / Departments having
separate pool of Residential Accommodation for their employees other
than GPRA, wherever feasible.— OMs, dated 5-3-2019 and 8-4-2019.
House Rent Allowance
17. Refusal of accommodation.— HRA not admissible for the period employees are
debarred from further allotment on their refusal of allotted accommodation.— Para.
4 (b)
18. Surrender of accommodation.— HRA, if otherwise admissible, will be payable
from the date of such surrender. Para. 4 (b)
19. Date of discontinuance of HRA.— From the date of occupation or
 from 8th day of allotment, whichever is earlier. In the case of refusal, from the date

of allotment. — Para. 4 (b) (ii).

20. On transfer.—
(a) HRA admissible for 8 months only at new station,if Government accommodation

at old station retained at normal / penal / rent. — Para. 4 (b) (ix).

(b) HRA for employee not in occupation of Government accommodation old station,
if he leaves family at old station and not allotted Government accommodation at
new station:
House Rent Allowance

 For the first two months --At the rate drawn at old
of date of joining at new station.

--At the rate drawn at old

 For the next four station or at the new station
months or the end had he taken a residence on
ofacademic year, rent, whicheveris less. —
whicheVeri9 later. Para. 4 (b) (x).
House Rent Allowance
21. Persons owning houses.— HRA admissible to employee living in
ouse owned by him/his wife / children / father/ mother. Also
admissible if he owns a house but lives in a rented house. — Para.
22. Sharing rent-free accommodation.-- HRA not admissible if an
mployee shares rent-free accomrpodation allotted to another
Government servant. — Para. 5 (c) (i).
23. Residing in accommodation allotted to a relative.—HRA not
admissible if the employee resides in accommodation allotted to
his/her parents, son/daughter by the Central/ State Government,
Autonomous Bodies, Public Sector Undertaking or semi-
Government Organization, e.g., Municipality, Port Trust,
Nationalized Bank, LIC, etc. — Para. 5 (c) (ii).
House Rent Allowance
24. HRA is not admissible if his wife / her husband has been
allotted accommodation at the same station by the Central
Government, State Government, an Autonomous Public
Undertaking or semi-GovernmentOrganization such as
Municipality, Port Trust, etc., whether he / she resides in hat
accommodation or he / she resides separately in
accommodation rented him / her. — Para. 5 (c) (iii).
25. Double HRA for employees posted in N-E. Region,
Andaman, icobar and Lakshadweep Island, etc.— See the
relevant subject under ion 5.
26. HRA in lieu of Rent-free accommodation.— See Section
11 Government Quarters).
House Rent Allowance
27. Drawal of HRA when both husband and wife are
Government servants and are living in hired / owned
accommodation.— Normal amou of HRA is admissible as per
their entitlement subject to fulfilment of otheconditions for
drawal of HRA. 0M, dated 8-11-1988 below Para. 5 (e)
28. Reimbursement of rent to Government servants during
their temporary stay (up to a maximum period of six
months) in State Bhavans/ Guest Houses / Departmental
Guest Houses run by Central Government/State
Governments / Autonomous Organizations, etc.— With
effect from 1-2-2019 rent paid by them is reimbursable up to a
maximum period of six months subject to fulfillment of
conditions and no HRA is admissible during this period. 0M,
dated 1-2-2019.
House Rent Allowance
NOTE.— Only for the purpose of extending HRA on the basis of
dependency. Special dispensation allowed at par with Chandigarh.@
With effect from 1-6-2011.
NOTE.— The remaining cities / towns in various States / UTS which are
ot covered by classification as "X" or uY" are classified as "Z" for the
purpose f HRA.— OMs, dated 29-8-2008, 21-7-2015, 3-2-2017, 15-7-
2019 and 25-2-2020
Any special dispensation allowed in the past to cities / towns for grant of
HRA at higher rates and not specifically mentioned in OMs, dated 21-
7-2015 and 7-7-2017, shall continue to apply, if the same has not been
superseded / dispensed with or the existing classification of such city
has not been revised to a higher classification on account of the
population criteria vide OMs ibid.— 0M, dated 15-7-2019.

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