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Creating a Cool Presentation:

Slow or Fast?
The Slow Way

You work for hours on each slide in turn:

Idea, text, design, idea, text, design, and
so on. You get to the 10th slide, but you
can't remember what was on the 3 slide.

Each time you get distracted from the

main idea and think about the design,
and each slide takes a lot of time. And
then you have to go back and check
everything, align the lists and change the
Each slide: 1 hour
10 slides = 10 hours! OMG!!!

Hours for the presentation






5 slides 10 slides 15 slides 20 slides 30 slides
Fast track to making a presentation
Hours of presentation time
● In the draft presentation, write text Slow way

on each slide 25

● Do not make up, just follow the idea 20

● Upload your draft to 15 10

● Download and make final edits 5

7 slides 10 slides 20 slides 30 slides
3 hours to write and 5 minutes to design or…?

9,5 hours
3,5 hours
● 30 minutes - Search for a
● 2 hours - think about the idea
template or visual theme
● 1 hour - write text on slides
● 7 hour - think about the idea,
● 30 minutes - creating a
text, and design of each slide
design in Wonderslide and
● 2 hour - edit texts, align
editing in PP if necessary
Let's make presentations faster and cooler!

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