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Course Name: English Professional

Effective date: 01 Sept 2022

Week – 8
Delivering Business Presentation
On successful completion of this course, students will be able
LO 1: demonstrate the upper intermediate English listening
skills both academically and professionally
LO 3: demonstrate the upper intermediate English speaking
skills both academically and professionally.

Listening Skill: Taking notes from some business presentation

Speaking Skill: Delivering a business presentation

Taking notes from some business presentation

Two Parts
Taking notes

Note taking will significantly help to

get the important points quickly and
accurately. Commonly, people take
either no notes and have trouble
remembering important information
or they take too many notes and
sacrifice understanding and
comprehension. Then, how to take a
note well.
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How to take a note
Here are some tips for taking notes for the business presentation listening.

1. Take notes on the new ideas when introduced and the following clarifications

2. Take notes on the main ideas and overall structure of the presentation

3. Take notes on verbal and non-verbal communication, and special methods

4. Find a balance between listening and note-taking.

5. Keep moving if there is a missing point

6. Use symbols
Delivering a business presentation
Five Parts
Business presentation definition
Business presentation is a
purposive communication of key
information about the company’s
plans, products, or practices,
designed for either internal or
external audiences.
General types of business
1. Informative business presentation: to share
the knowledge you have or explain what you

2. Persuasive business presentation: to

persuade your audience of your point of
view and convince them of what you believe
is right.
3. Supportive business presentation: to
facilitate decision making or explain how can
get something done. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY
Components of business presentation
Overall, the content of your business presentation will differ depending on its
purpose and type. However, at the very minimum, all business presentations
should include:
• Introductory slide 

• Agenda/purpose slide

• Main information or Content slides

• Key Takeaways slides

• Call-to-action/ next steps slides

• This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY

Effective business presentation tips
• Use a general informative opening: a summative
slide, sharing the agenda and main points of the

• Hook your audiences: go for a story opening: a

more creative, personal opening, aimed at pulling
the audience into your story. 

• In the main, use images or diagram, instead of

bullet points.

• Use the same typography, colour scheme, and

visual styles across the deck.

• Use the rule of three, narrative technique, or

questioning technique in closing parts.
Hook the audiences
• Tell a personal story This Photo by Unknown Author is
licensed under CC BY

Example, “when I was on holiday a few years ago in Greece, I remember talking to the owner of a taverna.
He said to me that in 20 years’ time, the little island where he lived would be a popular tourist resort.”
• Offer an amazing fact
Example, “Let me start by giving you a statistic: 92% of all Americans do not possess a passport. Think
about that & consider the opportunity it presents to the travel industry.”
• Use a quotation
Example, “Someone once said that ‘travel broadens the mind’. What I hope to do in this presentation is
demonstrate how to convince the next generation of travelers that this is still true.”
• Ask a question
Example, “I wonder if any of you here know the answer to this question: What’s the most popular holiday
destination in Europe for people under the age of 25?”
• State a problem
Example, “We’re facing a crisis with our market share.”
Verbal communication 1
• Introducing yourself
Ex: Good morning, everyone.
• Structuring the presentation This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Ex: I’m going to divide my talk into 4 parts. First, I’ll give you… After that, … Finally,

• Inviting questions
Ex: If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be glad to answer any
questions (at the end of my talk).
• Giving background information
Ex: I’ll give you some background
Verbal communication 2
• Changing the topic
Ex: Right, let’s move on to …
• Referring to visuals
Ex: If you look at the graph …
• Concluding
Ex: To sum up, …
• Ending
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Ex: Thank you for listening.

A business presentation example
A Short Business Presentation Example
Welcome to my presentation. I know you’re all very busy, so I’ll be as brief as possible. OK then, I’m going to talk about the new noodle
product we’re putting on the market, the SuperMie. I’ll tell you about the test launch we carried out in several malls in Jakarta a few
weeks ago.
My presentation is divided into 3 parts. First, I’ll give you some background about the launch. After that, I’ll tell you how we got on &
assess its effectiveness. Finally, I’ll outline our future plans for the product. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.
Right, let’s start with the background to the launch. As you know, SuperMie is a low-calorie but high nutritious rice noodle with a
distinctive taste. It’s been thoroughly tested in focus groups & special attention was paid to the packaging. It’s wrapped in a recycle
paper. The colors are dominantly green, soft, to give an environment-friendly impression. OK everyone?
So, that’s the background. Right, let’s now move on to the test launch. How successful was it? Well, in 2 words, very successful. If you
look at the graph, you’ll see the noodle’s actual sales compared with forecast sales. Quite a difference isn’t there? The sales were over
20% higher than we predicted. In other words, a really good result. Well above our expectations. The sales show that the pricing of the
product was correct and they show that, as a premium line, the SuperMie should be successful nationwide.
To sum up, a very promising test launch. I believe the noodle has great potential in the market. Right, where do we go from here?
Obviously, we’ll move on to stage 2 & have a national advertising & marketing campaign. In a few months, you’ll be visiting our sales
outlets & taking orders, I hope, for the new product. Thanks very much. Any questions?
•Deborah Phillips. (2014). Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL Test: IBT. 3rd Edition.
Pearson Longman. New Jersey. ISBN-10: 0133248127/ ISBN-13: 978-0133248128
•Emma Ledden. (2017). The Presentation Book: How to Create it, Shape it and Deliver it!.
Pearson Business. Harlow, United Kingdom. ISBN: 9781292171982
•Lin Lougheed. (2007). Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC Test: Advanced Course,
Fourtg Edition. Pearson Longman. New York. ISBN 0-13-199311-9







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