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Sammy: Hey, did you see the fallen tree on the road nearby?
Ika: Yes. Why did it fall?
Lana: That old tree fell and got in the way because it rained
heavily last night.
Ika: Oh, it rained heavily? I didn’t know that. I just got back
from my grandparents’ house this morning. Sammy: Yes. There
was also strong wind.
Lana: That’s right. The electricity also went out due to the heavy
rain and strong wind.
Ika: I would have been scared if I had stayed at home.
Kinan: Where is Tony? He said he would come with us.
Gina: He has to stay at home for a week since her parents are mad at him.
Lia: So he cannot come with us today?
Gina: Yes.
Rian: Why are his parents mad at him?
Gina: I think it is because of his laziness.
Rian: Poor him. I had told him that he should have study and go to school on time, but
he didn’t care about it.
Kinan: It is okay, guys. Maybe he needs to learn from his mistake.
Lia: Yeah, that’s right.



• I ate tons of junk food, so now I feel sick.
• I feel sick because I ate tons of junk food.
• He lied to me, so I ended our relationship.
• Since I was up all night with my sick child, I’m exhausted this
• She never gave up on her writing, and now she’s published a
• They could finish the race because they had trained for it so
• They gave the restaurant a critical review because their food was
burnt to a crisp.
Signal Words in Cause and Effect
• As a result of COVID, many high school students couldn’t experience
graduation ceremonies.
• There was a multi-car accident on the highway, so traffic was at a standstill.
• I’ve started eating a much healthier diet. Consequently, I’ve lost weight and
have more energy.
• Thanks to my caring friends, I recovered from a difficult situation.
• Since the weather was perfect, we spent the entire day outdoors.
• My partner got his dream job 200 miles away from where we currently live.
As a result, we have to sell the home and move.
• His financial hardships are due to his careless spending.
Thank you
See you next time!

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