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In the actualization phase, we bring our date ball business idea to complete launch. We establish a :
production facility:
Here we will provide a building or area, where our goods or products will
manufacture, pack and ship towards the store. We can also made products on the store seeing the
space if free.
develop recipes:
There will be a recipe for the preparation of date balls. It is not the same all the
time because it depends upon different flavors or variations. Here our brand will give the monthly
subscription also.
streamline the manufacturing process:
We also create a brand identity, design the packaging ,
and set up distribution channels. Additionally, we focus on quality control, ensuring consistency in
taste and texture.
Quality control(QC):
Quality control (QC) is a procedure or set of procedures intended to
ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality
criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer.
How many calories does one date ball have?
Calories in one date ball = 48 cal
Out of which carbohydrates = 22 cal
Proteins account for = 3 cal
And remaining are Fat = 23 cal
One date ball provides about 2% of the total daily calorie requirement of a standard adult diet
of 2 kg calories.
In one pack there is 4 date and important thing to
mention on the packing is expiry date that will be almost 24
This table will be mention on the packing to introduce the
customers or clients to ingredients.
Percent daily values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily
values may be higher or lower depending upon your calorie
Taste & Texture:
Date paste benefits are owed to its features such as a sweetness,
sticky and soft texture and color. Its soft texture will make baked goods softer. It
adds structure, fiber and taste to foods. Specifically, date paste is an excellent
binding agent in foods such as protein and snack bars, breads.
Brand identity:
Our brand identity is :


The harvesting phase involves scaling up the business and generating revenue.
We expand our distribution network to reach a wider audience, both through
traditional retail channels and online platforms. We also explore opportunities
for product diversification, such as introducing new flavors or variations of date
balls. Ultimately, our goal is to build a strong customer base and achieve
After succeed in our first store then we will look upon to another store to
expand our business and vice versa….

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