2101CV301 Module 5 Part 1 Special Treatment

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Building Construction & Materials


Module 5:
Special Treatment

Prof. Dhaval A. Jalalpara

Department of Civil Engineering
Darshan University, Rajkot
Building Materials
1 Introduction, Properties and Classification of Materials: bricks, blocks, building stones, lime, cement, timber, sand,
aggregate, mortar, concrete, tar, bitumen and asphalt, glass, flooring materials, ferrous metals, non-ferrous metals.
Subsurface Investigation
Shallow Foundation:
Necessity, Types, setting out, excavation, construction, failures of foundation, and remedial measures.
Deep Foundation:
Pile Foundation: Introduction, uses, selection of pile, types of piles.
Building Construction
Stone masonry: Technical terms, joints, Classification of Stone masonry
Brick masonry: Technical terms, bonds in brick work, constituents of brick-clay
Other Masonry: Composite masonry, Hollow blocks masonry, Partition Wall, Cavity walls
3 Lintels & arches: Lintels - types, construction. Arches - technical terms, types, construction
Wall Finishes: Plastering, pointing and painting
Plain and Reinforced Concrete Construction Pre-cast and cast-in-situ Construction, Form work for R.C.C. Wall, slab, Beam
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Other Building Components
Doors: Location, technical terms, size, types, construction, suitability.
Windows: Factors affecting selection of size, shape, location and no. of windows, types, construction, suitability, fixtures
and fastenings, Ventilators.
Stairs and Staircases: Definition, technical terms, types of steps, classification, stair design/planning, elevators, escalators.
Roofs and Roof Coverings: Introduction, requirements of good roof technical terms, classification, types of roof coverings
pitched roof. A.C. sheet roofs - fixing of A.C. sheets, G.I. Sheets roofs, slates, flat roof - advantages, dis-advantages, types
of flat
terraced roofing.
Special Treatments
5 Fire resistant, water resistant, thermal insulation, acoustical construction and anti-termite treatment, HVAC & MEP System,
Timbering in Trenches, Shoring, Underpinning.

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Reference Books:
1. Building Construction by B. C. Punamia
2. Building Construction by S. C. Rangwala
3. Building Construction by Gurucharan Singh
4. Heavy Construction by Vazirani & Chandola
5. Building Construction by Sushil Kumar
6. Building Construction by P.C Varghese,Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi
7. Hand book of Heavy construction: O’Brien, Havers & Stubb
8. Bureau of Indian Standard

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Lecture outline
1. Timbering in trenches
2. Shoring
3. Underpinning
4. Fire resistant,
5. Water resistant,
6. Thermal insulation,
7. Acoustical construction and
8. Anti-termite treatment,
9. HVAC & MEP System

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1. Timbering in trenches
 Required when either depth is large or sub soil is loose.
 In both above cases, soil may cave in to trenches.
 Also known as Shoring.
 Here timber planks or boards supported by struts are provided to give temporary support to
sides of trench.
 Timbering of deep trenches can be done with the help of the following methods:
1. Stay Bracing
2. Box Sheeting
3. Vertical Sheeting
4. Runner System
5. Sheet Piling

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1. Timbering of Trenches
1. Stay Bracing
 Simplest of all, supporting the sides or a bench excavated
in fairly firm soil.
 Useful when depth not exceed 2m.
 Trench is supported by vertical sheets of wooden log or
polling boards against opposite wall and kept in position
by one or two row of struts.
 Sheets are placed at an interval of 2 to 4 m and generally,
they extend to the full height of the trench.
 The polling boards may have width of about 200mm and
thickness of 40 to 50 mm.
 The struts may have size 100x100 mm for trench up to 2m
width and 200x200 mm for trench up 4 m width.
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1. Timbering of Trenches
2. Box Sheeting
 Adopted for loose soils, up to depth of 4-5m.

 Here, vertical sheets are placed very near sometimes with touching each other to support soils
and keeping them in position by longitudinal rows (usually two) of wales. Struts are then
provided across the wales.

 If soil is very loose, then, sheeting is done horizontally supported by whale or vertical board
with help of struts.

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1. Timbering of Trenches…….Box Sheeting

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1. Timbering of Trenches…….Runner System
 Other methods

Vertical Sheeting Runner System

 Adopted for deep trenches  Used in case of extremely
(up to 10m depth) in soft loose and soft ground
ground. which needs immediate
support after excavation.
 Method is similar to box
sheeting except excavation  Here runners made of long
is carried out in stages and thick wooden sheets or
at end of each stage, an plank with iron shoe are
offset is provided which vary driven in advance (about
generally from 25-50cm and 30 cm) of excavation to
each stage is generally 3m in provide prior support.
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1. Timbering of Trenches
Vertical sheeting Runner system

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1. Timbering of Trenches……Sheet Piling
 This method is adopted when
a) Soil to be excavated is soft or loose
b) Depth of excavation is large
c) Width of trench is also large
d) There is subsoil water

 It is design to resist lateral earth pressure.

 These are driven in the ground by mechanical means (pile driving equipment).
 They can be used for excavating to a very large depth

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2. Shoring
 Shoring is the construction of a temporary structure to support temporarily an unsafe structure.

 These render lateral support to walls and are used under the following circumstances:

a) When a wall shows signs of building out due to bad workmanship.

b) When a wall cracks due to unequal settlement of foundation, and the cracked wall needs

c) When an adjacent structure is to be dismantled.

d) When openings are to be made or enlarged in the wall.

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Types of Shoring

• Raking Shores

• Flying or Horizontal Shores


• Dead or Vertical Shores


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1. Raking Shores
 In this method, inclined members, called rakers are used to
give lateral support to the wall
 A raking shores consist of the following components:
1) Rakers or inclined members
2) Wall plate [ 20 to 25 cm wide and 5 to 7.5 cm thick ]
3) Needles [ 10 cm x 7.5 cm section ]
4) Cleats
5) Bracing
6) Sole plate

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 The wall plate is placed vertically along the face of the wall and is
secured by means of needles.
 This needles penetrate the wall by about 10 cm.
 In order that the needles do not get sheared off due the thrust of the
raker, the needles are further strengthened by means of cleats which
are nailed directly to the wall plate.
 Rakers about against the needles in such a way that the center line
of the raker and the wall meet at the floor level.
 Thus, there will be one raker corresponding to each floor.
 These rakers are inter-connected by struts, to prevent their buckling.
 The feet of rakers are connected to an inclined sole plate, embedded
into the ground by means of iron dogs.
 The feet of rakers are further stiffened near the sole plate by means
of hoop iron.
 The wall plate distribute the pressure to the wall uniformly.

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 The following points are note worthy:
1. Rakers should be inclined to the ground by 45º, to make them more effective. However, in
practice, the angle may vary from 45º to 75º. The top raker should not be inclined steeper
than 75º.
2. For tall building, the length of raker can be reduced by introducing rider raker.
3. Rakers should be properly braced at intervals.
4. The size of the rakers should be decided on the basis of anticipated thrust from the wall.
5. The center line of a raker and the wall should meet at floor level.
6. If longer length of the wall needs support, shoring may be spaced at 3 to 4.5 m spacing,
depending upon the requirements.
7. The sole plate should be properly embedded into the ground, at an inclination, and should be
of proper section. The size of sole plate should be such that it accommodates all the rakers,
and cleat provided along the outer edge.
8. Wedges should not be used on sole plates since they
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2. Flying shores or Horizontal shores
 Here horizontal support are provided for supporting temporarily the parallel walls of the two
adjacent building, which may tend to collapse or damage when one of the intermediate building
has be pulled down and rebuilt.
 Such condition occasionally arise when one of the intermediate building form a series of
buildings standing side by side is either required to be reconstructed or has collapsed due to
some reason.

 Flying shores may be of two types:

1) Single flying shore

2) Double flying shore

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 If the walls are quite near to each other
(distance up to 9 m), single flying shore
can be constructed.
 It consists of wall plates, needles, cleats,
struts, horizontal shore, straining pieces
and folding wedges.
 When the distance between two parallel
walls is more than 9 m, a double flying
shore having a trussed formwork as
shown in fig.
 Flying shores have the advantage that
building operations of the ground are not

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 Double
Flying shore

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3. Dead shores or vertical shores
 This type of shoring consists of vertical members known as dead shores supporting horizontal
members known as needle.
 The needle transfer the load of the wall etc. to the dead shores.
 Such type of shoring are provided for the following purposes
a) To rebuild the defective lower part of the wall.
b) To rebuild or deepen the existing foundation.
c) To make large opening in the existing wall at lower level.

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 Holes are made in the walls at suitable
 Needles, which are made of thick wooden
sections or of steel, are inserted in the
 Each needle is supported at its two ends
by vertical posts or dead shores.
 The dead shores are away from the walls
so that repair work is not obstructed.
 The dead shores are supported on the
sole plates and folding wedges.

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3. Underpinning
 It is applied to the construction of a new foundation underneath the existing one for
strengthening purposes, without endangering the stability of the existing structure.
 During underpinning, the existing structure is required to be temporarily supported by means
of raking shores.
 Purpose
1. To strengthen the shallow foundation of existing building when a building with deep
foundation is to be constructed adjoining it.
2. To strengthen existing foundation which has settled and caused cracks in the wall.
3. To deepen the existing foundation resting on poor strata, so as to rest it on deeper soil
strata of higher bearing capacity.
4. To construct a basement in the existing building.

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 There are two methods of underpinning
1. Pit method
2. Pile method

1. Pit method
 In this method existing wall over the foundation is divided into various sections, generally 1.2 to
1.5 m in length.
 Holes are then made at adequate height in the existing wall.
 In this holes steel needle beams with bearing plates are inserted and supported on either side
of the wall by means of crib support (wooden blocks) and screw jacks.
 The pit is now excavated up to the desired level of the proposed new foundation in sections.
(Fig.). The old foundation may be extended up to level of new foundation directly or by cutting
the lower part of old foundation as desired.
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 In practice, alternate sections are taken up for underpinning in the first stage and finally the
intermediate ones are taken up for excavation and filling.

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2. Pile method
 Sometimes, pit method may be impracticable or uneconomical under certain circumstances.
 For examples, pit method cannot be used for underpinning in water-logged areas, or when the
heavy loads of existing structure are to be transferred to the ground at a great depth, the cost
of underpinning by pit method may be excessive and hence uneconomical.
 Under such situations, the use of precast piles or steel piles is made for underpinning of
 In this method, piles are driven at regular interval along both the sides of the wall.
 Generally, bore hole piles or under-reamed piles may be used.
 The piles are connected by concrete or steel needles, penetrating through the wall.
 These needles (beams) act as pile caps also.
 This method is very much useful in clayey soils, and water logged areas.
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4. Fire Protection
 Causes of Fire
1. Smocking in unauthorized places and careless discarding of lighted ends of cigarettes, cigars,
matches and tobacco.
2. Faulty electrical wiring or short-circuiting
3. Heating and cooking equipment's
4. Children playing with matches
5. Open flames and sparks
6. Flammable liquids
7. Chimneys and flues
8. Suspected arson
9. Lighting
10. Spontaneous combustion, etc.

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4. Fire Protection
 Precautionary measures
1) The cigarettes and matches should be thoroughly extinguished before throwing them in
2) The work of electrical wiring and electrical installation should be entrusted to an expert.
3) Evacuate your home as soon as possible. Do not allow toxic fumes to take control of your
4) Train your family members or staff members for fighting a fire and acquaint them with fire

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4. Fire Protection
 Effects of fire
 Various types of construction materials produce different gases when ignited by fire.
 The effects of these gases are as follows
a) Carbon Monoxide (CO)
 Poisonous gas. It hampers oxygen from reaching the brain. It is invisible and odorless. It is most abundant
of fire gases.
b) Carbon dioxide ()
 It increases the rate of breathing and it is thus responsible for increasing the intake of other toxic gases.
c) Hydrogen sulphide ()
 This gas affects the nervous system and it causes dizziness and pain in the respiratory system.
d) Nitrogen sulphide (NS)
 This gas is extremely poisonous and it numbs the throat.

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4. Fire Protection
 In relation of fire, building materials can be divided into two types:
1. Non-combustible material
 This material do not contribute to the growth of spread of fire, but are damaged and
decomposed when high temperatures are reached.
 E.g. stones and bricks, concrete, clay products, metal, glass, etc.
2. Combustible material
 Combustible materials are those which, during fire, combine exothermically with oxygen
resulting in evolution of lot of heat and giving rise to flame or glow.
 Such materials burn and also contribute to the growth of fire.
 E.g. Wood, wood products, fiber board, straw board etc.

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4. Fire Protection
 Fire detection System

Manual alarm system

Automatic alarm system

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4. Fire Protection
 Fire Extinguishing Systems

Automatic Sprinkler system

Fire Hydrants
Manual extinguishing system

Wet Riser system

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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)
 Causes of DAMPNESS
 Following are the various causes of dampness in building
1. Rising of moisture from the ground
2. Action of rain
3. Rain penetration from top of walls
4. Condensation
5. Miscellaneous causes
 Poor drainage
 Imperfect orientation
 Imperfect roof slope
 Imperfect wall joints, roof joints etc.
 Absorption of water from defective rail water pipes.

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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)
 Effects of DAMPNESS
1. A damp building creates unhealthy living conditions for the occupants
2. It gives rise to breeding of mosquitoes
3. It may result in corrosion of metals used in the construction of buildings
4. The electrical fitting are deteriorated.
5. Unsightly patches are formed on the wall surfaces and ceiling
6. Timber get deteriorated due to the effects of warping, buckling, dry-rot, etc.
7. It promotes the growth of termites
8. It may result in softening and crumbling of plaster

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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)
 Material Used for DAMP Proofing
1. Hot bitumen
2. Mastic Asphalt
3. Bituminous felts
4. Metal sheets
5. Stones
6. Bricks
7. Mortar
8. Cement concrete
9. Plastic sheets
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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)
 Methods of DAMP Proofing

1. Damp poof course (D.P.C)

2. Integral Damp proof

3. Damp proof surface treatment

4. Cavity wall construction

5. Guniting or shotcrete

6. Pressure grouting

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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)
 While providing Damp Proof Course (D.P.C.) in building, the following general principle should
be observed

1. It should cover the full thickness of the walls.

2. The mortar bed upon which D.P.C. is laid should be level, even and free from any projections.

3. At junctions and corners of a wall, the horizontal D.P.C. should be laid continuous.

4. Where a vertical D.P.C. is to be laid continuous with horizontal D.P.C., a fillet 75 mm radius
should be provided.

5. It should not be exposed on the wall surface, otherwise it is likely to be damaged by

carpenters, tile layers etc.

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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)
 D.P.C. for foundation

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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)
 D.P.C. of basement

 When the sub soil water table is not very

high, ‘asphalt tanking’ method is adopted

 The treatment consist of horizontal D.P.C.

in the form of asphaltic layer of 30 mm
thickness in three coats over the entire
area of basement floor and then extending
it in the form of vertical D.P.C. on the
external faces of the basement walls.

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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)

D.P.C. Basement on Dampy soil

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5. Water Resistant Construction (Damp Proofing)

D.P.C. for Parapet wall

D.P.C. on Roof

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6. Thermal Insulation
 It is established by the laws of heat transfer that when there is difference in temp. between the
inside and outside or different parts of the building exists, heat transfer takes place from areas
of higher temp. to those of lower temp.
 This heat transfer may take place by any or more of the three methods, Namely, conduction,
convection and radiation.
 The term thermal insulation is used to indicate the construction or provisions by way of which
transmission of heat from or in the room is retarded.
 The objective of thermal insulation is to minimize the transfer of heat between outside and
inside of the building.

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6. Thermal Insulation
 Advantages of Thermal Insulation

1. Comfort

2. Fuel saving

3. Prevention of Condensation

4. Water system

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6. Thermal Insulation

Conduction Convection Radiation

• It is a direct transmission of • Heat is transmitted by • Heat is transferred by
heat through a material convection in fluids and radiation through space in
• The amount of heat transfer gases, as a result of the form of radiant energy.
by conduction depends convection. • When the radiation strikes an
upon: • Air movement causes the object, some of the energy is
1. Temperature difference heat insulator. absorbed and transformed
2. Thickness of solid medium • It preferable to ensure that into heat.
3. Area of exposed surface excessive air change is • One if the ways of reducing
4. Time for which heat flow avoided. heat absorption from
takes place radiation is to introduce a
5. Conductivity of the medium suitable reflecting surface.
6. Density of the medium
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6. Thermal Insulation
 Thermal Conductivity (K)
 The thermal conductivity of a material is the amount of heat that will flow through an unit area
of material, of unit thickness in one hour, when the difference of two temperatures is
maintained at 1 °C.

It is expressed as

• Thermal resistivity (1/K)

 This is the reciprocal of thermal conductivity and is denoted by 1/K

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6. Thermal Insulation
 Thermal Conductance (c)
 It is the thermal transmission of a single layer structure per unit area divided by temperature
difference between the hot and cold faces

It is expressed as

 Thermal Resistance (R)

 It is the reciprocal of thermal conductance.
 For a structure having plane parallel faces, thermal resistance is equal to thickness (L) divided
by thermal conductivity.

R= It is expressed as

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6. Thermal Insulation
 Thermal Insulating Materials

1. Slabs or block insulation

2. Blanket insulation

3. Loose fill insulation

4. Bat insulating materials

5. Insulating boards

6. Reflective sheet material

7. Light weight material

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6. Thermal Insulation

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6. Thermal Insulation

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6. Thermal Insulation

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6. Thermal Insulation

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6. Thermal Insulation

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6. Thermal Insulation

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6. Thermal Insulation

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6. Thermal Insulation

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6. Thermal Insulation
 Thermal Insulation of Roofs

Air space for Roof

Suspended False Ceiling

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6. Thermal Insulation

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7. Acoustical Construction
 Acoustics
 The word acoustics is originally derived from a Greek word meaning ‘To hear’
 ‘Acoustic’ is the science of sound, which deals with origin, propagation and auditory sensation
of sound. It also deals with design and construction of different building units to set optimum
conditions for producing and listening speech, music etc.
 The knowledge of acoustics is necessary for the proper functional design of
 Theatres
 Cinema halls
 Auditoriums
 Conference halls
 Hospitals, etc.
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7. Acoustical Construction
 Sound  Noise
 Sound is generated in the air when a  When the sound wave is non-periodic,
surface is vibrated. irregular and of very short duration, it
 The vibrating surface setup waves of produce displeasing effect. Such a
compression and rarefaction in the air sound is known as musical noise.
and these set the ear drum vibrating.  A noise is an abrupt sound of complex
The movements of the ear drum are character with an irregular period and
translated by the brain into sound amplitude originating from a source of
sensation. non-periodic motion.
 When the sound wave are periodic,  Thus, noise is an unpleasant sound.
regular and long continued, they
produce a pleasing effect. Such a
sound is known as musical sound.

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7. Acoustical Construction
 Following are the effects of the noise
1. It creates discomfort.
2. It has adverse effect on blood pressure, muscular strain and on sleep
3. It leads to fatigue and decreases the efficiency of persons.
4. It takes away essence of music and speech.
5. It disturbs concentration.
6. Prolonged exposure to noise may result in temporary deafness.
7. Reduction in noise increases output of labour.

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7. Acoustical Construction
 Characteristics of AUDIBLE SOUND

 The average sound travels in air at ordinary temp. and pressure with a speed of 340 m/s.

 The velocities of sound through water, brick and steel are 1310 m/s, 3600 m/s and 4900 m/s.

 It should not travel in vacuum.

 There are three char. of sound
1. Intensity and Loudness
2. Frequency and pitch
3. Quality or tone

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7. Acoustical Construction
1. Intensity and Loudness
 Intensity of sound is defined as the amount or flow of wave energy crossing per unit time
through a unit area taken perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
Here, I 𝞪
Where, I = intensity of sound
A = amplitude of vibration

 Loudness of sound is the degree of sensation depending on the intensity of sound and the
sensitivity of ear drums.
So, L 𝞪 log I
Where, L = Loudness of sound
I = Intensity of sound

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7. Acoustical Construction
2. Frequency or Pitch
 It is defined as the number of cycles which a sounding body makes in each unit time.
 The greater the number of cycles, the higher will be the pitch.

3. Quality or Tone
 It is the characteristics by which various sounds can be distinguished from one another.

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7. Acoustical Construction
 Requirements of a good acoustic material
1. It should have high coefficient of absorption
2. It should be relatively cheap and easily available.
3. It should give pleasing appearance after fixing.
4. It should be efficient over a wide range of frequencies.
5. It should be fire resistant.
6. It should be self supporting and should afford easy fixing.
7. It should be have sufficient structural strength.
8. It should be heat insulating and non-hygroscopic.
9. It should not be liable to attack by insects, vermins, termites, etc.
10. It should be durable.
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7. Acoustical Construction
 Common acoustical defects

1. Reverberation

2. Echoes

3. Sound foci

4. Dead spots

5. Insufficient loudness

6. Exterior noise

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7. Acoustical Construction

Reverberation time is the period of time in seconds, which is required for sound energy to
decay or diminish by 60 dB, after sound source has stopped.

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7. Acoustical Construction
 Sound Insulation
 It is the measure by which the transmission of sound/noise from inside to outside or vice-versa or from
one room to the other is prevented.
Sound insulating material
Non-rigid (Flexible) porous
Non-porous rigid material Porous rigid materials
• The sound insulation of non- • Porous rigid materials like porous • These consists of felt, mineral
porous, homogeneous, rigid concrete masonry, cinder wool and quilt etc.
construction, such as plastered concrete, etc. because of their • They by themselves provide low
solid brick masonry walls varies as sound absorptive properties sound insulation as compared to
the logarithms of the weight per which provide about 10 % higher rigid materials and therefore they
unit are. insulation than the non-porous are not generally used for the
• The relation between the weight of materials of the same weight. purpose of noise reduction and
a rigid partition and its sound isolation.
insulation is approx. such that
every time the weight is double
there is an increase in sound
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7. Acoustical Construction

Porous concrete masonry Mineral wool


Super Quilt material

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7. Acoustical Construction
 Wall Insulation : Vertical Barriers
 Wall and partition wall are the vertical barriers to the noise.

 Wall construction used for sound insulation are

1. Rigid homogeneous walls

2. Partition walls for porous materials

3. Double wall partition

4. Cavity wall construction

Walls fill with porous materials

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7. Acoustical Construction

Cavity wall construction

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7. Acoustical Construction
 Floor and Ceiling Insulation : Horizontal Barriers

Concrete Floor Floating construction Existing timber Floor, Floating construction

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7. Acoustical Construction

New timber Floor Floating construction

Prof. Dhaval A. Jalalpara Timber floors with suspended ceiling 77

# 2101CV301  Unit 5 – Building Construction & Materials
7. Acoustical Construction

Ceiling Insulation

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8. Anti Termite Treatment
 The termite are popularly known as white ants and they are found in abundance in tropical and
sub-tropical countries.
 These insects live in a colony and they are very fast in eating wood and other cellulosic
materials as food.
 They also damage non-cellulosic materials like plastic, leather, etc.

 The term termite-proofing is used to indicate the treatment which is given to a building so as to
prevent the growth of termite in a building.
 It is divided into two categories

1. Pre-construction treatment

2. Post-construction teatment

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8. Anti Termite Treatment
1. Pre-construction treatment
 This treatment is started right at the initial stage of construction of building.
 This treatment can be divided into three operations.
a) Site preparation
b) Soil treatment
c) Structural barriers

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8. Anti Termite Treatment
a) Site preparation
 This operation consists of removal of stumps, roots, logs, waste etc. from the soil at the
construction site. This is essential since the termites thrives on these materials.
 If termite mounds are detected, these should be destructed by use of insecticide solution,
consisting of any one of the following chemicals
Chemical Concentration by weight
(i) DDT 5%
(ii) BHC 0.5%
(iii) Aldrin 0.25%
(iv) Heptachlor 0.25%
(v) Chlordane 0.5%
 Four liter of the above emulsion in water is required per cubic meter of volume of mound. Holes
are made in the mound at several places by use of crow bar and the insecticide emulsion is
poured in these holes.
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8. Anti Termite Treatment
b) Soil treatment
 Chemical treatment to the soil at the time of construction of the building is the best and only
reliable method to protect the building against termites.

 An insecticide solution consists of any one of the following chemicals in water emulsion.

Chemical Concentration by weight

(i) Aldrin 0.5%
(ii) Heptachlor 0.5%
(iii) Chlordane 1%

 Another chemical, Aldrex 30 E.C. has also proved to be the most effective.

 The emulsion should be applied evenly either with a water cane or sprayer at the following
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8. Anti Termite Treatment
 Stage 1
 In foundation pits, to treat the bottom and sides up to 30 cm height. The emulsion required
is at the rate of 5 liters per square meter.
 Stage 2
 The refill earth on both the sides of all built up walls, for width 30 cm and depth 45 cm. The
emulsion required is at the rate of 5 liters per square meter.
 Stage 3
 Before laying the floor the entire levelled surface is to be treated at the rate of 5 liters of
emulsion per square meter.

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8. Anti Termite Treatment
(iii) Structural barrier
 To prevent the entry of termites through walls, impenetrable physical structural barriers may be
provided continuously at plinth level.

 Such structural barrier may be in the form of a cement concrete layer or metal layer at plinth

 Cement concrete layer may be 5 to 7.5 cm thick.

 Metal barrier may consists of no-corrodible sheets of copper or G.I. of 0.8 mm thick.

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8. Anti Termite Treatment
2. Post –construction treatment
 It is a maintenance treatment for those buildings which are already under attack of termites.
 It is essential to carry out inspection to estimate the magnitude of spread of termites in the
building and to delete the points of entry of termite in the building.
 These points may be in near vicinity of columns, basements, bathrooms, lavatories, leaking
pipes, drains etc.
 Whenever these shelter tubes are detected, these should be destroyed after injecting anti-
termite emulsion through these.
 To prevent the entry of termites through voids in masonry, 12 mm dia. Holes are drilled at 30
cm c/c at downward angle of 45° from both the sides of walls at plinth level and chemical
emulsion is pumped into these holes under pressure.
 These holes are then sealed.

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9. What is the Difference Between MEP and HVAC?
 MEP stands for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing. Therefore, it refers to such aspects of
building design and construction. And MEP engineer, as opposed to a tradesperson simply
installing equipment, will design and select these systems in a way that is crucial for planning,
decision-making, accurate documentation, performance and cost estimation, construction, and
operating or maintaining the resulting facilities.

 On the other hand, the focus of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) is to ensure
thermal comfort and acceptable air quality for enclosed environments. HVAC engineers will
ensure that air temperature and quality are provided under conditions that are comfortable for
people within the environment as well as suitable for operation of the equipment within that

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Prof. Dhaval A Jalalpara #3130006 (PS)  Unit 1 – Basic Probability 87

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