Illegal Galaxy

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Main character

An Astronaut sent by
NASA to study the
planet Meredium.
Main Character

Tweek is an Alien
smuggler in the City of

Bestfriend and
crewmate of Craig

Friend and crewmate of

Craig Tucker.

Kenny is a friend and

crewmate of Craig
"Warning! Warning! Left wing is
severely damaged, repair needed" The
AI voice said.
What a bunch of idiots…
You must be
wondering who I
am. Hi! my name
is Craig Tucker…
You must be
wondering who I
am. Hi! my name
is Craig Tucker…
…That fat guy
over there is
Eric Cartman.
…That fat
guy over
there is Eric
'The guy
screaming at
him is Kyle
'The guy
screaming at
him is Kyle
And the guy
passed out
over there is
And they are
my teamma-
*Fire crackling* "What?/C" "What happened?/C" As Craig begins to look up, he sees his ship on fire and destroyed. "Oh…/C" "Wait!
guys?! Guys!!/C" "Cartman! Kyle! Kenny!/C" 'Where are they?/C' 'Did we get separated?/C' *Sigh* 'Ok, lets just find something/C
Day after day after day he kept walking, until he stumbles upon a great city. "Whoa/C" "This planet has aliens!?/C" *Excited noises*
From this page to the 'End' page will have no pictures
Because we cant find any picture that matches

"H-hey how much is this?/T" "11 nhimos" "Hmm" The alien suddenly takes one and proceeds to run. "Hey! Come back here!" As
the alien ran trying to get away from the shopkeeper, he accidently runs into Craig. "Ack!/T" "Ow! Hey!/C" They both look to each other
with an annoyed and angry expression, but when they saw eachother they were shocked. "What the-/C" "Hey!" "There you are you little
thief!" "Ahh!/T" The alien starts running, leaving Craig behind. "Hey! Wait!/C"
The alien runs into an alleyway and so does Craig, they both turn to a corner and hide behind crates nearby. *Sign* "That was close -
whoa/C" Craig looks at the alien and was faced with a gun. "W-who are y-you, what are you!?/T" "Whoa whoa calm down/C" "My name
is Craig Tucker and I am a human/C" "A what!?/T" "Shhh, I'm a human, I come from a planet called Earth/C" As Craig explains who he is,
the alien just stares at him blankly, but then his expression turned angry. "If you think that can t-trick me then your wrong!/T" "Whoa I'm
not trying to trick you/C" Craig tried to convince the alien but he wouldn’t budge, instead the alien just stared at him intensely.
"L-look I can give you proof/C" "Fine but if you do any funny business I.Will.Shoot/T" 'Crap I don’t have any proof on
me/C' 'What do I d-, oh wait!\C' Craig reaches into his pocket to retrieve the proof and shows it to the alien. "Whoa are
those also hamuns?/T" "Human/C" Craig corrected the alien. "And yes, yes they are/C" "Hmm/T" "Can that prove I'm not
tricking you?/C" " I guess/T" *Sigh*… "Well since I already told you who and what I am, I think its fair to also introduce
yourself/C" "I guess/C" The alien answered reluctantly. "M-my name is Tweek Tweak and I am a Kriom/T"

"So where is this?/C" "We are on planet Meridium, and this is the city Cerumi/T" "… Hey I have a question/T" "Go ahead,
shoot/C" "What?/T" "Not literally/C" "Ok.. How did you get here when your from different planet?/T" "Well me and my
crew were sent here but then our ship got hit and crashed, when I woke up my ship was destroyed, and my crew was
gone/C" "The ones in the picture?/T" Craig nods… "I could possibly help you/T" "Really?/C" "Yeah, but only cause you
look pathetic/T" "Ok/C" Tweek helps Craig up and they both shake hands.
And that was the start of our partnership or whatever. At first we were distant but as time passed by we formed a
friendship, we started to get to know eachother. 4 weeks have passed by, it was a miracle that I can breathe their air, but
we still couldn’t find my crew, and Tweek has been acting strange, not that he was already strange, just stranger than
usual. Always paranoid, hiding stuff from me and whenever he goes out to get some stuff, he comes sweating and
panting, I didn’t really think to much about it, until…/C
As Craig walks down the the street of Cerumi, he gets stopped by a cop. "Hello sir, we have few questions to
ask" "Um, ok/C" "Great, sir have you seen this boy
The officer pulls out a wanted poster with
the subtitle as WANTED TWEEK TWEAK
'What? How the-/C' "From your facial expression sir, it looks like you’ve seen him before" "Tweek Tweak
the shapeshifting thief?"
"He's a thief?/C" "Oh… You didn’t know?, well looks like ya got deceived by him" "I mean I cant blame you, he looks so cowardly"
'Theres no way, Tweek he wouldn’t do that, but then again he has been acting strange/C' 'Is this what the cause of it?/C' 'Why didn’t he tell
me?/C' Craig was lost in thought but then was disrupted by the officer. ''Ahem, swell sir do you know where he is now?-'' ''Yes…/C''
I didn’t know what I was doing at that, it was as if I was on autopilot and spilled everything I know of him. Oh how I would
regret my decision…/C
1 minute ago I was just in my cozy little house, the next I was being arrested. 'W-what? How?... How did they find me?/T' Then I
caught a glimpse of Craig looking… Guilt. 'Was he the one that told the police…No/T' 'But how did he know?/T' But then I felt something
wet dripping down my face. 'Is it rain? But it's not even raining/T' …. 'Am I crying?/T' As Tweek gets arrested Craig can feel the guilt and
regret creeping up to his core.
"Tweek? Its me Craig/C" Craig says while slowly walking towards the cell. "What are you doing here?/T" Tweek says, his
voice all raspy and quite. "I'm here to visi-/C" …. "Tweek your crying?/C" "H-how could you?/T" *Sniff* "I-I trusted
you/T" "Why, why did you do?/T" "Tweek look I'm sorry/C" "I don’t know what happened/C" "They were asking me
questions and… I don’t know my, my mouth started to move by itself/C" "Tweek you have to believe me, I didn’t mean
to say anything, I didn’t want this to happen!/C" 'Crap I'm tearing up/C' Craig tried to convince Tweek but Tweek didn’t
believe him. "After what you did do you really expect me to believe you?/T"
"Why did you even steal!?/C" "I had no choice!/T" "I had no other options!!/T" *Hic* "I tried/T" *Hic* "I tried so hard but it wasn’t
enough/T" *Hic* "T-tweek I'm so-/C" "No!/T" "Go away I don’t want to see, hear, or speak to you ever again!!!/T" "T-tweek/C" "No! I
said go away!!/T" *Hic* *Hic* *Sob* *Hic* And from his spot Craig's heart breaks into a million pieces as he cant do anything but watch
the sight of his Tweek having a breakdown…
And on that day I lost someone dear to me, someone who helped me, even though he could've just left me to die, but no he didn’t
do that, that day I lost a friend, I lost someone I loved.
Moral lesson/Theme: Never betray your friends or family or
else you might lose them


Severely: to an undesirably great or intense degree.

Intensely: to an extreme degree.

Reluctantly: in an unwilling and hesitant way.

Paranoid: unreasonably or obsessively anxious.

Shapeshifting: in mythology, folklore, and speculative fiction shape-shifting is the

ability to physically transform oneself.

Disrupted: interrupt (an event, activity, or process) by causing a disturbance or


Breakdown: a sudden collapse in someone's mental health.

PS: these words have many definitions, it just depends how you use the word.

Mikhailla Gayle Princess Mae Joem Zane

The one who came The one who
up with the concept, drew everything
except the The assistant
wrote the entire
background and or "sidekick"
story and made this
the real people of Mae

Miya Je Jamela Lorraine

The one who typed
two or three (idk)
slides in the school
computer and search Nothing…
up pictures (with

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