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Once upon a time,

there were 3 bears

who lived in a house
on the forest.
One morning mama bear prepared porridge for breakfast.
As it was hot papa bear decided to take mama
bear and baby bear for a walk in the forest
Next to the forest, there
lived a beautiful girl named
One morning she
was walking in the
forest and she saw
a house. She
knocked on the
door. But nobody
was there, so she
It was the three bears’ house. Goldilocks was very hungry. She saw three-
bowls of porridge ON the dining table in the living room.
First, she tried a spoonful from Papa Bear’s big bowl and said:
“This is too hot”. Next, she tried Mama Bears’ medium bowl, and
said: “This porridge is also too cold.
”. Finally, she tried from baby bears a small bowl,
and said: “This porridge is just right”. And she ate
the whole bowl.
Goldilocks felt very tired, so she went upstairs to the bedroom. She saw three
beds in the bedroom. She lay on the first bed and felt that the bed was too hard.
The second bed was too soft. But the third bed felt just right and slept in it.
Soon the three bears came home.
“What’s this? Someone has been having my porridge” said the
papa bear. “Someone has been my porridge too”, said the mama
bear. “Someone has finished all my porridge: cried baby bear.
They rushed to the bedroom. Both Papa and mama bear said that
there was someone who slept in their bed too.
“Oh! Mama papa someone is sleeping in
my bed” said the baby bear.
Goldilocks woke up and ran into the forest. She never returned.

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