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 Answer the following the questions in your reader’s notebook:

1) I consider myself a leader at _________________ because
2) I don’t consider myself a leader at _____________________________________
3) People at _____________________________ consider me a leader
4) People at ______________________________don’t consider me a leader
What is leadership?

Leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. It is the state or position of being a
leader. Leadership determines whether or not you can lead a group of people effectively or not.
5 Types of Leaders

 Type 1: Managerial Leader

 A managerial leader is the least effective of the five types of leaders. They have the least influence. People
only follow them because they have to. They are not in the position to serve others. Their desire is to be
served by others because they are in the position. They see others as tools to use to complete the objective
for the day. They prefer to make decisions. Their weakness is character development.
5 Types of Leaders

 Type 2: Relational Leader

 A relational leader builds relationships in order to influence others. People want to follow them because of
who they are, not what they know. They develop mutual respect with others and work well with them.
Although people want to follow them, they have not developed specialized knowledge. Their weakness is
not making the necessary sacrifices to develop their competency
5 Types of Leaders

 Type 3: Motivational Leader

 A motivational leader seeks mutual benefit for themselves, others, and the organization. People want to
follow them because of who they are and what they know. They influence others from the outside. They are
process focused. They are trusted and deliver results for themselves, their families, their team, their
organization, their customers, their suppliers, and their community. Their weakness is not making the
necessary sacrifices to reproduce other motivational leaders.
5 Types of Leaders

 Type 4: Inspirational Leader

 An inspirational leader inspires managerial and relational leaders to become motivational leaders. Their
focus is on growing themselves in order to inspire others to grow. They influence others on the inside. They
are people-focused not process-focused. They focus heavily on character development. True inspirational
leaders are followed because of how much they care and who they are on the inside. They are inspired by the
growth of those following them.
5 Types of Leaders

 Type 5: Transformational Leader

 A transformational leader’s passion and purpose is to transform others. They are the most influential of the
five types of leaders and are highly respected. Their reputation precedes them. They are well known for
developing leaders. Their influence touches people in all industries and across multiple generations. They
have influenced many leaders for many years. Their influence is continuously being transferred through
many other leaders at many different times in multiple locations.

 Get into groups of three or four and make a list of many people in today’s society that you know are great
 Discuss why you feel they are great leaders. What qualities do they have that makes them leaders?
Videos on Leadership


 While viewing these videos, take note of the things that are said and displayed. Your exit ticket is to share
what you learn from viewing these videos. In addition to that, think of yourself as a leader, what qualities do
you have? What qualities do you want to have? What makes a good leader?
Imagine 

 It is years from now and you are looking at a magazine on the newsstand. The cover shows a successful
leader in the world. The person on the cover is you.
 Create your cover of this magazine using fictional headlines that inspire people. You must include your name
and include the profession that you are working in. Make this look like a real magazine.
Mini-Leadership Project
 Choose 1 leader (past or present)
 Do a short bio on this person (where they were born, challenges they face, what they are known
for, how they contributed to society, death (if applicable) and 2 or 3 additional facts you want to
add about them.
 Compare this leader to you and your leadership style-do (or did) they share your ambition? What
differences do you have? What similarities do you share? Do you think you could have followed
this leader? Add 1 or 2 things you want to share about how this leader compares to you.
 Explain which of the 5 leadership styles that the leader has/had.
 Conclusion-what did you learn about this person? What are some things you want to implement
in your leadership style that you saw that this person has or had?
 Bibliography

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