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Musical instruments:

Kulintang: it is a modern term for an ancient

instrumental form of music composed on a
row of horizontally laid gongs that function
melodically accompanied by larger
suspended gongs and drums. It is played by
striking the gongs and drums with two
wooden beaters.
Gamelan: a traditional instrumental
orchestra mostly made up of percussive
instruments. The most common instruments
in these enensembles are metallophones
which are played using mallets and kendhang
which are a type of hand played drums it is
traditionally used for celebrations, ritual
ceremonies, puppet shows, for royalty,
temples, village rituals and dances. It is
native to the Javanese, Sudanese and
Balinese in Indonesia.
Angklung: this is a traditional musical
instrument made of bamboo. It is native to
the Sudanese people of West Java. It is made
out of bamboo tubes that are attached to a
bamboo frame. They are very similar to
western handbells.
 Indonesia has various versions of
transport. The most common of these
being taxies, private cars, bemos(public
minibuses), motorbikes(ojeks) and
peticabs (becaks).
 They also have an efficient train and
railway system.
 Indonesia has some other most authentic
and traditional ways of transport. Such as
the cidomo which is which is a small
horse drawn carriage used mostly in the
Gili islands of Indonesia
 There is also a very similar version of
transport to the cidomo. It is called a
becak. It is known as a cycle rickshaw in
english due to it’s carriage type rickshaw
being pulled by a person cycling. It
operates on a small scale in Indonesia
thus it is not very common.

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