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International law

By : Bader AL Fahad
International law
Public International law Private International law
What is the definition of public international law ?

Public international law ( law of nations) , is the set of

rules, norms, and standards generally recognized as binding
between nations. It establishes normative guidelines and
a common conceptual framework for states across a broad
range of domains, including war, diplomacy, trade, and
human rights.
What is the definition of private international law ?

Private international law (also called Conflict of laws ) is the set of

rules or laws a jurisdiction applies to a case, transaction, or other
occurrence that has connections to more than one jurisdiction.
This body of law deals with three broad topics: jurisdiction, rules
regarding when it is appropriate for a court to hear such a case;
foreign judgments, dealing with the rules by which a court in one
jurisdiction mandates compliance with a ruling of a court in
Another jurisdiction; and choice of law, which addresses the
question of which substantive laws will be applied in such a case.
? What are The sources of public and private international law

Public international law :- treaties, international customs, general

principles of law, judicial decisions and the teaching of the highly qualified.

Private international law :- a branch of international law, national and

customary law.
What does public international law aim for ?
What are the sources of public international law
Private international law is also called ?
What is the difference between public and private international law ?

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