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•A habitat is a place or an area where an organisms

lives naturally and gets what it needs to survive.
•5 major habitat-
• polar
• Large area cover with plant
• One third of plant present in forest
• Different types of plants and animals are
Types of forest
• 3 major type
• Tropical forest(rain forest)
• Found between the equator and 2
tropics(tropic of cancer and tropic of
• Amazon basin in SA and Congo basin in Central
• 20 degree C to 34 degree C
• Receive heavy rain fall
• Day-12 hours
• Annual rainfall more than 2500mm
• Flora and fauna
• Plants:orchid, vine, ebony rubber
• Animals:bat, gorilla, monkey, jaguar, sloth,
macaw, toucan and variety of insects.
• No winter
Temperate forest
• Tropic of Cancer and Arctic Circle
• Eastern north america, north eastern asia and
western and central europe
• -30 degree C to 30 degree C
• Annual rainfall 1500mm
Deciduous forest

• Well defined winter and summer seasons

• Plants: maple, oak and elm
• Animals:Fox, bald eagle, mountain lion, bobcat
and black bear
Evergreen forest
• Broad leaves
• Not shed all their leaves
Boreal forest
• Taiga
• North of temperate forest and extend upto
Arctic Circle
• Canada, russia, scandinavia, china, monglia
and northern japan
• Low temp
• -50 degree C to 30 degree C
• Annual snowfall 400mm to 1000mm
• Plants:pine, fir and spruce
• Animals:wolf, lynx,fox, deer, woodpecker and
• Long winter and short summers
• Below the Arctic circle to slightly below the
tropic of Capricorn
• North America, Africa, Australia, Argentina,
Russia and India
• Not too many trees and shrub
• -20 degree C and 30 degree C
• Rainfall 50cm and 90cm
• Shelter for giraffe, zebra, lion , elephant and
gazelle, red-tailed hawks and prairie dogs
• Flora-buffalo grass, blue grass, blue grama
grass, coneflowers and wild indigo
• Thick grass
• Parallel to equator between 25 degree to 30
degree N and S latitude
• One fifth of total land
• Central Asia, Arabian peninsula, India, South
West Africa, North and South America
• Sahara, kalahari and thar
• Dry and Very little rainfall
• Day time temp 45degree C to 50 C(summer)
• Annual rainfall 25cm
• Gobi desert(china)-hot and very cold
• Cactus, camel, rattlesnake, gilamonster and
kangaroo rat
• All continents
• Very cold and wind
• Flora-broad leaf plants, coniferous trees(pine
and alpine)
• Fauna-Polar bear, penguin, seal and walrus
• Mountains are rocky ,form of snow and ice
Polar regions
• Artic region in north and Antarctic region
• Cold climate
• Artic-30 degree C
• Antartic -89 degree C
• Flora- arctic poppy, reindeer moss
• Fauna-polar bears arctic foxes
• Antarctica is covered with 2km thick sheet of
ice and snow.
Aquatic habitat
• Water bodies
• Freshwater, marine and coastal
• Fresh water habitat: river, lakes, ponds and
streams .
• Fish, frog, duck, lotus and water lily
• Flora-lotus and water lily
• Fauna-frogs and fish
• Freshwater wetlands
• Flora-grasses, reeds(tall plant), water hyacinth
• Marine habitat
• Ocean and seas form largest habitat
• Salty water
• Large variety of animals
• Tiny plankton
• Blue whale(largest animal)
• Fish, whale, shark, jellyfish, crab, starfish, sea
turtle, octopus and seaweed
• Coastal habitat: Region- land meet sea
• Estuaries: Salt water mixes with fresh
water(brackish water)
• Shelter-marine birds and animals
• Animals:crab, oyster, waterfowl and worm
• Mangroves, seaweed and marsh grasses
• Sundarban delta(west bengal and bangladesh)
Mangrove forest
Coral reefs
• Rock like structure made by calcium carbonate
• Rainforest of the sea
• Shelter:marine organisms
• Sea anemones, starfish octopus, sea urchins
• Great barrier reef of Australia and Andaman
and Nicobar Islands in India
• Changes in the structure or behavior of an
organism which allow it to survive in a
particular habitat are called adaptation
• Changes in body:special body
• Changes in behaviour: deep sleep in extremely
cold condition-hibernation
• Changes in location:migration
Adaptation for tropical forest
• Plants
• Drip tips-flow water fast, waxy surface
• Leaves: climbing up and broader leaf
• Animals:
• know to eat particular food(which doest act as
food for other)
• Sloth and insects-camouflage
• Birds-strong beak to crack hard nut
• High competition for food
Adaptation for temperate forest
• Plants: Deciduous-thin and broad leaf carry
• Leaves will fall down during winter
• Woody vines climb up on trees to access the
• Animals: hibernate and migrate(hedgehogs
and bears)
• Chipmunk- gather food during summer
Adaptation for boreal forest
• Plants: conical shape leaf-fall snow
• Evergreen trees
• Needle like leaves(protect leaf)
• Close stomata to restrict water loss
• Animals: migrate and thick layer of fur will
protect them.
• Siberian tiger- furry coat , long legs, large paws
Adaptation of grassland
• Plants: flexible stem, strong root protect from
• Narrow and tiny leaf(reduce water lost)
• Baobab tree(store water in trunk)
• Roots goes inside(protect from overgrazing)
• Animals: run very fast-escape from fire and
• Animals nocturnal life
Adaptation for desert
• Plants: long roots
• Cacti-store water in fleshy stem succulents
Cactus:leaves-spines-minimize water loss
Stem-swollen and fleshy to store water
Thick waxy coat prevent water loss
• Animals: Camel:long eyelash,eyehair and
nostrils(prevent form wind blowen)
• Thick eyebrow provide shade from the bright sun
• Wide feet helps to walk in sand
• Hump –reservoir of fatty tissue.
• Camel can go without water a week and can last
for several month without food.
• Thick lips-eat prickly desert plants
• Camel withstand 34o to 41.7o
• Kangaroo rats:In burrows, recycle moisure
from own breathing
• Active in morning
• Evening scorching heat.
• Not drink water
Adaptation for mountain region
• Plant-cone shaped
• Diapensia-grow few cm
Adaptations of polar regions
• Plants
• Avoid uproot,
• Lichen and mosses
• Animals
• White fur
• Water repellent and camouflage
• Blubber-thick fat
• Large paws
• Animals
• Hibernate-squirrel
• Goat-long hair protect from cold
• Yak long hair-more RBC
Adaptations for aquatic habitat
• Long and narrow stems
• Air chamber in stem
• Leaf with waxy cover
Aquatic animals
• Ducks-webbed feet
• Hallow bones
• Oil produced under their tail-feather
• Fish
• Gills
• Streamlined body
• Octopus and squid
Dolphin and whale
• Lungs
• Blowholes at upper part of head
• Come to water surface breathe
1. Which parts of India have tropical forests?

• Western Ghats in Kerala and Karnataka hills of

Jaintia and Khasi
2.Why are rainforests full of life?
• They have most suitable climate for flora and
fauna. It is receive enough rainfall and
• Many medicinal plants, foods and resources
are found here.
• They have more potential for sustaining life.
• Changes for short time with surroundings
• Sheep with wool
• Altitude sickness

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