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Film Animation in
Assisting Students’
Writing Improvement on
By Fitra Pratiwi Novitasari
Narrative Text in SMP
216 110 013 NEGERI 6 Parepare
This data is collected through questions in the
form of questionnaires that are distributed to
English is one of the international students. From the results of the questionnaire,
languages ​that is most often used to researchers found about 60% of students who
communicate stated that they were not satisfied with the
presentation of teaching media in class.

Writing is one of the important aspects

in English for everyone to master.

The solution to problems in writing, is to use

of film animation in assisting students' writing
55% students still in below the score improvement on narrative text
What problems do students face in Research How significant is film animation
writing narrative text at eight Question in assisting students writing
grade of SMPN 6 Parepare? improvement on narrative text?

The problems students face in Objective The significant value of using

writing narrative text at eight of the film animation in assisting
grade of SMPN 6 Parepare. Research students writing improvement
. on narrative text.
Some Related reserach findings
Siswanjaya, Ali Saukah, Francisca Maria
Ivone (2017)
Implementing Guiding Questions Combined with
Animation Film to Improve Ninth Graders’ Narrative
Writing Skill

Khoirul Rizki Abdia (2016)

The Implementation of Animated Short Movie in
Teaching Writing Narrative Text to the Tenth Graders of
Man Sidoarjo

ZennetJacenda, Eliwarti, Masyhur (2016)

03 The Effectiveness of Animation Film to Improve

Students’ Ability in Writing Narrative Text at first grade
Senior High School 12 Pekanbaru
Some partient idea

Teaching English Media in Teaching Film Animation in

Teaching Writing
Writing Writing Teaching English
of a Narrative Text

1. Instructions for 1. Definition of me-
teachers in imple- dia in teaching writ- 1. Definition of film
menting teaching 1. Definition of narra-
ing tive text 2. Types of films
2. Types of learning
media Animation
2. Professional rules 1. Definition of animation
for success in the 2. Characteristics of
writing process 2. Steps for Animation
3. The function of in-
structional media in constructing a 3. Advantages of using
the teaching and narrative film in teaching and
3. Main element in
the writing process learning process learning process
Students with poor writing ability


Conceptual Experimental class

The material: Control class
The teaching process
a. Ande-ande lumut
The process of
Framework teaching narrative
b. Bawang merah dan through conventional
bawang putih means is the media used
texts using film
c. Malin kundang in the learning process
d. sangkuriang using power point media


Students’ writing achievements

Research Hypothesis
Null Hypothesis Ho

The writing ability in narrative text of the students who

are taught by using film animation is not better that the
writing ability of the students who are taught without
using film animation.
te nts
te n
ts H
e re
te nts
Alternative Hypothesis H1
te nts

The writing ability in narrative text of the students who
te nts
e are taught by using film animation is better that the
writing ability of the students who are taught without
using film animation.

Quasi-experimental will be applied on this research

where there are two strategies will be used as the
standard of comparison

Experimental class by using animated films.

Control class by using conventional media such as

power points

Each class will give pre-test, 4 times for treatment,

and post test.
E : O1X O1

C : O2 X O2
There are two variables of this research :

1. Independent variable is the use film animation

2. Dependent variable is the writing ability in

narrative text to the eight year student of SMP Negeri
6 Parepare.
Population Sample

The population of this Class VIII.1 as the

research is the eight yers experimental class and VIII.3
juniors high school students as the control class; with the
at SMP Negeri 6 Parepare total number of sample are 55
in academic year students.

Population and sample

Procedure of collecting data

Writing english text in the form of narrative

Pre-test about unforgettable moments

Writing english text in the form of

Post-test narrative about unforgettable moments

Narrative text as material, some animation

film and picture from power point in
Treatment english as writing material

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