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Consult with Stakeholders

External Factors
Customers base
Most property owners are above 50 years old which would impact the policy development process
by including communication skills in the procedure section on how to communicate with elderly
target audience. Since the majority of the customers are going to be above 50 it is reasonable that
this factor should be included in the development of policy.

There are less number of females in the business within the same industry which gives this
organization a better chance of bringing something new to the table and to the market. Since
there are very few women trade representatives this requires the policy to emphasize on more
women than men to be the face of the organization.
External Factors
Considering the fact that the government is willing to support women in a man
dominant industry is an encouragement which would be very beneficial for the
organization. There are possibilities of obtaining grant and financial support from
the government if the policy is strong enough to grab the attention of the
government representative, therefore the policy should be made strong and
convincing to external parties.
Internal Factors
There are the limitations of Women Traides Australia that are the limited number of
policies that include harassment, bullying, performance management, and
discrimination. This is an indication that further policies could be added to ensure
a variety of areas are covered that may include work health and safety policies
and procedure. Another issue that could be seen is that there is not a lot of depth
in these policies which would require policymakers to be more thorough and
detailed in order for the policy to be effective in the long-term. And finally, diversity
policy is needed to make the workplace diverse in genders, ages and nationalities.
Internal Factors
The culture of the organization promotes ethics, morale, and continuous
Improvement. Continuous Improvement is one of the aspects that need to be
emphasized in the development of policy. This would ensure that all the members
of the organization are well aware of improving their work practices and their skills
overtime to support the culture of the organization. The organization also
promotes a multicultural environment which would require the policy to have
modification to the hiring procedure where different types of workers are hired
within the female category that may include disabilities, different nationalities,
skills, and races to have a multicultural environment that supports the workplace.
Internal Factors
Management direction
Diversification is needed in terms of services which require males tradies along
with the female tradies for customers who would like to have male or a balanced
tradies. The policy should include how balance would be maintained for customers
who would like males and females for services at their homes or apartments. The
worker’s age at the moment is 19-35, however in order to make the workplace
more refined older workers are needed that would be 50 plus, workers that have
the right skills and knowledge that is required for the workplace. The policy
development process will be needed to ensure there is an age balance in the
workplace that supports diversity.
Issues with current policies
Issue 1:

The policies and procedures don’t have enough detail on them which could be a cause of
confusion and misunderstanding that may confuse the workers at WTA. For example, at
the end of every policy it is mentioned that the document is authorised by the manager, but
it doesn’t include the name of the manager who has authorized the document. In case a
worker wants to get more information about the policy and procedures document then that
worker will not know who to contact for further clarification, there could be many
managers. Therefore, the name of the manager needs to be explicitly written down at the
end of the document to make it look more professional and allow clear contact for further
Issues with current policies
Issue 2:

Other issues can be seen in the dates of the policies which seem old and not up to
date with the current time period and year of 2021, which may lack many new
aspects and changes that have been seen in the workplace. Due to the older
information, it is possible that some of the information might not be relevant this
year. Therefore, it is recommended that the policies and procedures documents
should be updated and modifications should be made to keep the information up to
date. This will make the informant more effective and more relevant to the current
changes in the industry that are taking place.
Issues with current policies
Issue 3:

The Performance Management Policy doesn't have the roles and responsibilities of
workers that would allow them to understand how they could fulfil the requirements in
the workplace. Roles and responsibilities could make it more simple and clear for the
workers to understand their positions and actions that they need to take as an
employee. It is recommended that a new section should be added in the Performance
Management Policy that will enhance the work performance of the workers with more
detail added. Workers responsibilities should not be general, but be specific on what
they can do and how they can do to achieve their obligations as a worker in WTA.
Implication of not having a policy and procedure
Not having a policy and procedure can be chaotic for the business environment.
To a certain level, their scope and detail are characteristic of the operational
sophistication of these systems, strategies and processes. They have a
conceptual vision that identifies the nature of a challenge and controlling climate.
This contributes towards shaping direction so that a company can transition from a
compliance-first approach to a "check-the-box," which considers risk management
as a crucial business area. Well-defined policies, procedures and processes get
an organisation with the framework to assess how from the current state to the
grand strategy.
Policy Availability Issues Impact Rating

Age No policy and The age aspect is one of targets of Recruitment process will need to be changed 3
procedure WTA which makes this policy with the introduction of the new age related
currently valuable to the organization, however policy and it would notify the HR manager the
available the issue is that there is no age requirements of hiring and recruiting new
related policy in the workplace. An workers for WTA. The balance among the age
age related policy would need to be would be more appropriate and the target of
prepared and implemented in the having 50% of 50 plus workers will be achieved.
workplace inorder to achieve the
target of 50% workers above the age
of 50.

Gender No policy and One of the targets of WTA is to have The policy would clarify and emphasize the 20% 1
procedure 20% of new trades males, however male workers in the organization that would
currently the issue stands the absence of influence the hiring committee and HR manager
available gender policy and how genders to take actions that would lead to the
would need to be managed and accomplishment of the target. The organization
allocated roles and responsibilities. would have more clarity on how to manage the
Before a large percentage of male is workers and keep reasonable balance between
added to WTA, the gender equality males and females.
policy would be required to manage
gender related issues.
Policy Availability Issues Impact Rating

Disability No policy and The organization is looking forward With a high quality policy for disability workers, 4
procedure to diversifying their staff members the organization will have reasonable control
currently which will include members with over the disable members that are hired and
available disabilities, as long as they have the allocate job responsibilities that can be
required skills for the job. This can be accomplished by them. Along with that,
a major issue to find workers that discrimination related idea needs to be
have the limitation of disability, but discussed to avoid any disable discrimination in
are still able to perform well enough the workplace.
to meet the performance criteria. This
requires a sound disability policy with
careful consideration.

Health and Safety No policy and Considering the nature of the job Workers will feel more confident in their job 2
procedure that required repairing and when there is a health and safety policy and
currently maintenance, absence of health and procedures implemented in the workplace that
available safety policy can be a major issue looks after their health and safety. Legally, the
where worker’s safety is not business will be protected from any litigation or
prioritised. Safety of the workers is legal actions for not having a proper health and
very essential to have, which is their safety policy in the workplace where workers are
legal right to have under an employer using hardware tools, which can be sometimes
who has hired them and is using their dangerous.

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