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Teacher I
___MT 1/Mentor ______________________
Principal II
TIP COURSE 6 –Teachers’ Professional and
Personal Development


Module 1 : Salaries, Wages and Benefits of Teachers

Module 2 : Continuing Professional Development

Module 3 : Policies on Promotion and Opportunities for


Module 4 : Personal Development and Well-being

Module 5 : Developing a Personal Professional Improvement


Estimated time required : 5 hours

Portfolio Output: Professional Development Plan

TIP COURSE 6 –Teachers’ Professional
and Personal Development

Module 1:
Salaries, Wages and Benefits of

Module Outline
Session 1: Salaries and Allowances of Teachers
Session 2: Incentives and Benefits of Teachers
Session 3: Leave of Absence of Teachers
Session 4: Other Benefits

Estimated Time Required: 1 hour

Required Tasks
• Developmental Activities: Learning assessments and testing
prior knowledge
• Scenario and case analysis
• Document reading

Session 1 – Salaries and Allowances of

Optional Task : Survey

Please complete this short survey. This is an optional task but it

will help you reflect on your current understanding of the different
remunerations you will receive relative to the performance of your
duties and responsibilities as a teacher.
How familiar are you with the following? Check the appropriate
box that corresponds to your answer.

Session 1 – Salaries and Allowances of

Required Task 1: Learning Assessment

Respond to the situation-based questions below. Write down your

answer/s on the space provided and discuss it with your mentor.

Scenario 1: Teacher Belgira is a newly hired teacher at St. Francis

National High School. According to the principal, he will receive
his first monthly salary soon. Aside from his monthly salary, what
other monetary compensation is he entitled to as a teacher in a
public school?

Since Teacher Belgira is a newly hired teacher and one month is

service, aside from thebasic salary she is also entitled for the
PERA or Personnel Economic Relief Allowance.

Session 1 – Salaries and Allowances of

Scenario 2: Teacher Annie, a newly hired teacher, was assigned as a

multi-grade Teacher at Sitio Pag-asa Elementary School. What
monetary compensation is she entitled to as a teacher in a public

The monetary compensation Teacher Annie is entitled for is the

monthly basic salary, PERA or the Personnel Economic Relief
Allowance and Hardship Allowance because she is handling a
multi-grade class

Session 2 – Incentives and Benefits of

Session 2 – Incentives and Benefits of

Session 2 – Incentives and Benefits of

Session 2 – Incentives and Benefits of

Required Task 1: Check your understanding

Respond to the scenarios below. Write down your answer/s on the
space provided and discuss it with your mentor.

Teacher Valdez is the most qualified

among the three teachers to receive the
2020 Year-End Bonus because he
already served 4 months in the service.

Based on the performance of the school of

Teacher Elegado she will receive a PBB of

The principal should explain to Teacher

Corpuz that the Loyalty Award is
only granted to all officials and
employees, in the national and local
government who rendered ten (10)
continuous and satisfactory service in the

Yes, Teacher Tagayon is entitled

toreceive cash allowance because she
isalready in service on the first day of
theschool year of 2020, this is based on
theDepEd order No. 010s. 2020 or
theGuidelines on the grant of
cashAllowance to Teachers

Session 3 – Leave of Absence of

Required Task 1: Check your understanding

Respond to the scenario below. Write down your answers on the

space provided below and discuss them with your mentor. Limit
your responses to 100 words per scenario.
Scenario 1: Teacher Lani, a Senior High School Teacher, gave
birth to her fifth child. Can she avail of maternity leave? If yes,
how long? Will she still receive a salary even if she is on leave for a
reason already mentioned? Explain your answer.

Yes, Teacher Lani can still avail the maternity leave even it is
her fifth birth to her child.She can have the maternity leave for
one hundred five days (105 days) with an option ifshe will be
going to extend for an additional thirty (30) days
without pay, and an additional fifteen days (15) if she is a
solo parent. Aside from that, Teacher Lani will also receive
maternity benefits and the proportional vacation pay.

Session 3 – Leave of Absence of
Scenario 2: One of the teachers in Dela Paz Elementary School was
suffering from domestic violence. Allegedly, her husband was
having an affair with other women, resulting in the withdrawal of
financial support for their three (3) children. The teacher wants to
take some time off to file a case against her husband, but she is
worried that she has already incurred too many absences, leaving
her with no more service credits. What will you advise the teacher?

The teacher doesn’t have to worry because she can avail the
10-day Leave under the Violence Against Women and their
Children also known as RA No. 9262 since she is a victim of
violence and abandonment of support to her children. Using this
the teacher can file a case against her husband without worrying
her absences

Session 3 – Leave of Absence of
Scenario 3: Teacher Anthony is a Technical-Vocational-Livelihood
(TVL) teacher in Sto. Tomas Senior High School. During his
demonstration teaching, an accident happened due to a short circuit.
He was rushed to the hospital. The doctor advised him to leave work
for 2 weeks. What benefits is he entitled to? .

Teacher Anthony is entitled for the Rehabilitation Leave

because the accident happened while he is performing his duties
in school. Based on the CSC DBM Joint Circular No.01, s.
2006, the absence from work during the period of rehabilitation
privilege shall not be deducted from the accumulated sick or
vacation leave credits of the employee and this benefit will be
granted to teacher Anthony. He is also entitled to reimbursement
of the first aid expenses use for his medical treatment,
preferably if it is government facilities

Session 3 – Leave of Absence of

Required Task 2
Match the leave benefits of teachers to their approved days of
leave of absence. Write the letter that corresponds to your answer
on the line provided for before each item. Some answers can be
used twice.

Session 4 – Other Benefits

The focus of this module is on the salaries, incentives, leaves of
absence, and benefits of teachers in public schools. Among the
privileges are as follow:

Session 4 – Other Benefits

Required Task : Reflection Question

The Department of Education values the vital role of teachers in nurturing
the holistic being of the learners to become productive citizens of the
nation. It ensures teachers just compensation, incentives, benefits, and
rewards for them to live a decent life. As a new member of the DepEd
family, how can you show appreciation to this effort of the government?

As a new DepEd teacher, I am grateful for all the government

benefits that all teachers receive. Thankful because, despite the
pandemic that we are all experiencing today, the government
has never abandoned us. They continue to provide us with the
benefits we deserve. I hope that one day all of the benefits of
teachers will be increased to the point that no more teachers
will leave the nation.

Session 1 – The Philippine Public Education

3. What are the implications of the trifocalization of education in the

administration and management of education in the Philippines?

The level of the cognitive, affective and psychomotor skills

presented and performed by the learners are within their
capacity. Thus, they will surely acquire the necessary skills and
trainings. The trifocalization the Philippine Educational
System made the allocation of resources easier.

TIP COURSE 6 –Teachers’ Professional
and Personal Development

Module 2:
Continuing Professional
Module Outline
Session 1: Republic Act 10912 : Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) Act of 2016
Session 2: Resolution No.11, s.2017 : Operational Guidelines in
the Implementation of RA 10912 for Professional Teachers

Estimated Time Required: 1 hour

Required Tasks
• Reflection
• Enumeration Activity
• Reading
• Preparing a Professional Development Plan

Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Act of 2016

Preliminary Activity
1. As a teacher, what good qualities and assets do you have?
How is it helpful in your professional practice? Input your
answer here.

A good teacher is someone who a pupil will remember and

treasure for the rest of their lives, so being a good teacher is
really vital. My best professional quality is my communication
skills because I believe that having strong communication skills
as a teacher is a necessary quality for developing teacher-
student rapport and fostering a trustworthy environment for
my students. My good qualities as a teacher are that I am very
approachable, and I know how to treat everyone with respect.

Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Act of 2016

2. Reflecting on your current practices, what domains of teaching

practice do you want to further improve? You may refer to specific
domains or strands from the PPST.Input your answer here.

I want to further develop my teaching practice in the areas of

content knowledge, pedagogy, and curriculum planning based
on the PPST domains because I want to understand how to plan
and design successful instruction and know what to teach and
how to teach it to my students.

Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Act of 2016

Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Act of 2016

Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Act of 2016

Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Act of 2016

Preliminary Activity
1. As a teacher, what good qualities and assets do you have?
How is it helpful in your professional practice? Input your
answer here.

Being a good teacher is extremely important, and a good

teacher is someone who a student will remember and cherish for
the rest of their lives. For me the good qualities that I have as a
teacher is that I am very friendly, and I know how to treat
everyone with respect and my best professional asset is my
communication skills because I believe that having strong
communication skills as a teacher is an essential quality for
building teacher-student rapport and creating a trusting
environment for my students.

Session 1 – Republic Act No. 10912 on
Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
Act of 2016

Required Task 1 : Enumeration Activity

Read RA 10912 and give examples for each type of activity that can
be considered as a CPD program.

Going on courses accredited by a

professional body

Coaching, mentoring, peer review,

work shadowing/ secondments,
meetings, or project work

Professional research undertaken

in the course of work

Reviewing and summarizing books

and articles

Undertaking distance learning or

e-learning activities

Involvement in the management

of a professional body – officer,
organizer, committee member,
working group member.

Session 2 – Resolution No.11, s.2017 on
Operational Guidelines in the Implementation of
RA 10912 for Professional Teachers.

Required Task 1 : Reading

Read the CPD Operational Guidelines. Use the provided template in noting
down your issues, concerns, and new learning. Share your notes with your
mentor and co-newly hired teachers during your learning discussion.

Not all teachers are selected CPD ensures that we stay

to attend seminars with CPD relevant and up to date to
Accredited the recent trends through
providing seminars and
teachers are forced to attend
accredited CPD seminars with It helps us to provide
fee just to get CPD units meaningful contribution and
professional service

45 CPD units is very difficult CPD provide teachers with

to attain adequate time to learn,
practice, implement and
reflect upon new strategies

Session 2 – Resolution No.11, s.2017 on
Operational Guidelines in the Implementation of
RA 10912 for Professional Teachers.

Analyze each given scenario. Apply your learning on CPD

Operational Guidelines and identify whether the statements are True
or False.

1.Teacher Gilda has served in her school for six years. Her
Professional Identification Card (PIC) expired two months
ago. She actually thought of skipping the errand for
renewal because of her workloads. She changed her mind
after knowing the new system of the Professional
Regulation Commission (PRC) on renewal. Whenever
there is an available professional program offered by a
certified provider online, Teacher Gilda prioritizes
participation in it. This helps her a lot in writing articles to
a monthly teacher magazine. Her contribution in teaching
innovations has been recognized not just in her school but
in the Schools Division as well.

Session 2 – Resolution No.11, s.2017 on
Operational Guidelines in the Implementation of
RA 10912 for Professional Teachers.

TRUE If your answer id true

no need to justify



Session 2 – Resolution No.11, s.2017 on
Operational Guidelines in the Implementation of
RA 10912 for Professional Teachers.

Optional Task: Reading

Read the Implementing Rules and Regulations of RA No. 10968 on Philippine
Qualifications Framework (PQF) Act. Share your new learning with your mentor and
co-newly-hired teachers during your discussion meeting. The template below can
help you in organizing your insights. Provisions of the law that are related with the
duties and responsibilities of DepEd may also be discussed in your Learning Action
Cell (LAC).

High drop-out The chairman of

Basic Education
rates PQF-NCC is the
DepEd Secretary

TESDA Lack of Facilities Provide employees

specific training
standards and
aligned with
industry standards
There is a large This act ensures
HIGHER the alignment of the
educational qualification
frameworks of other
training and countries or regions
actual jobs

Session 2 – Resolution No.11, s.2017 on
Operational Guidelines in the Implementation of
RA 10912 for Professional Teachers.

Optional Task: Reflection

Cite your personal experience in applying for renewal of your Professional
Identification Card (PIC). Identify the hindering and facilitating factors in
the process that you encountered. Be open with your mentor and co-newly-
hired teachers in sharing your experience for reflective learning.

First Renewal of PIC long lanes of people who will Complete requirements
also renew their licenses.

Online Renewal of PIC Forgetting Username Retrieval of information.

and Password

Session 2 – Resolution No.11, s.2017 on
Operational Guidelines in the Implementation of
RA 10912 for Professional Teachers.

Required Task 2: Preparing a Professional

Development Plan
Identify and prioritize your professional development needs with the help
of your mentor. Fill in the necessary details in the template below. This will
guide you on the activities to be undertaken in order to meet the
requirements prescribed in CPD policies.
for (School Year 2022-2023)

Taking 2022 5 Narrative Assists

Curriculum training teacher
Innovation courses or professional
formal Outputs growth
or study

TIP COURSE 6 –Teachers’ Professional
and Personal Development

Module 3:
Policies on Promotion and
Opportunities for
Module Outline
Session 1: Appointment and Promotion of other Teaching,
Related Teaching and Non-teachings Positions
Session 2: Scholarships
Session 3 : Professional Associations for Teachers

Estimated Time Required: 1 hour

Required Tasks
• Viewing
• Formative Quizzes
• Reflection Activity

Session 1– Appointment and Promotion of other
Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-teaching Positions

Key Topic 1: The Need for Professional Growth..

PAUSE AND REFLECT: Why should you start now to consider

ways for improving your skills as a teacher?
Input your answer here.

Teaching is a noble profession that allows us to shape

the future of our learners through consistent
engagement with bright, young minds. Since teacher is
a demanding job, we must use a wide range of skills to perform
our job well that’s why we must improve our skills as a teacher.
And also, now that we are in the 21st century, teachers
should also be updated about the latest trends in education to
deliver a quality education to our learners

Session 1– Appointment and Promotion of other
Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-teaching Positions

Required Task: Policy Reading

The most important thing for teachers to know about promotions are the
criteria and the requirements or means to verify achievement of those
criteria. These are goals tied up with your everyday teaching practice.
Read the latest policy on teacher promotions and see how you could
align your teaching practices and professional development aims with the
criteria and requirements.

Session 1– Appointment and Promotion of other
Teaching, Related Teaching and Non-teaching Positions

Required Task: Policy Reading

The most important thing for teachers to know about promotions are the
criteria and the requirements or means to verify achievement of those
criteria. These are goals tied up with your everyday teaching practice.
Read the latest policy on teacher promotions and see how you could
align your teaching practices and professional development aims with the
criteria and requirements.

I will Participate in Specialized

Specialized Training Training like Scholarship Program,
Short Courses, Study Grants to
further improve and widen my
professional skills.

CI projects/Research Participate in research innovations

Innovations in school.

at least 3 years in service Apply in DepEd ranking once I

Length of Service
reach 3 years and above of service
with additional credentials for

Session 2– Scholarships Programs

Required Task 1: Lifelong Learning Plan

Map your lifelong learning plan. Fill in the box with the
necessary information.

Master’s in Tarlac State Finances and Budget and

Business University overlapping time
Administration activities management,
or scholarship

Session 2– Scholarships Programs

Required Task 1: Formative Test

Write the correct order for the procedure in applying for a

scholarship for master’s degree from CSC. Number the steps
from 1 to 5.

The Agency Personnel

Development Committee(PDC)
2 will pre-screen the applicant and
determine whether he or she
meets the requirements sets by the

The nominee shall undergo a

5 medical test to determine his or
her physical fitness for the
graduate or diploma studies

Submit the requirement form to the

1 CSC.

Nominee shall submit are search

4 proposal to the Head of Agency
for evaluation and approval

Nominee will undergo First

3 Screening: Written Examination and
Second Screening: Technical

Session 3– Professional Associations for

Preliminary Activity

How did you deal with challenges on the first days of reporting
in your workstation? Write your answer in the field below and
answer the questions that follow.

Like other firsts in my life, I was equally nervous and excited on

my first day as a teacher. I tried not to stress out too much,
telling myself that even the most seasoned teachers become
nervous when they first meet a new class of children. My first
teaching experience gave me a wealth of knowledge about both
myself and what it meant to be a teacher. For instance, I've
always known that creating lesson plans was difficult, so I've
learnt to do it in advance. I also discovered that while I am
teaching, I do not have a strong sense of time, therefore I now
know to make sure to set a timetable of what will be done
when. I also discovered that the

Session 3– Professional Associations for

Processing Questions

1. What challenges did you encounter in your first days? Input

your answer here.

The first difficulty I ran across on my first day of school was

transportation. Because of the great distance between my home
and the school, I had to get up  early. The second is my initial
thoughts about my fellow teachers. I'm hesitant to speak with
them because I'm so bashful. I was given a Filipino subject that I
am not excellent in, which makes me more anxious about my
assignment to Grade 9 students, but I embraced it
wholeheartedly anyhow.

Session 3– Professional Associations for

2. How did you overcome these challenges? Input your answer


I discovered how to adapt my everyday travel to work on the

following days. I got out of bed each day and went to school
early. I also gain the confidence to speak with my coworkers,
and I prepare my filipino lessons every day so that I can
successfully instruct my students.

Session 3– Professional Associations for

3. Did you rely on a specific person or people? How did you

seek help? Input your answer here.

I used the internet as a source and sought assistance from my

fellow teachers. They have greatly aided me in adjusting to and
coping with my everyday schedule.

Session 3– Professional Associations for

Required Task 1: Research on Professional Associations for Teachers

Do research on professional associations for teachers. You may ask your mentor and
co-teachers about associations that they are part of or familiar with. You may also do
further research online. Choose three professional associations that appeal to your
interest. Take note of their activities and goals, and write the things that you like in
each professional association in the boxes below.

An organization for One of its goals is to It provides seminars for

Philippine teacher educators promote and maintain the holistic professional
Association which aims to promote unity, professionalism growth of teacher.
for Teacher the professional and excellence among
Education development of Teacher Educators,
(PAFTE) teachers Teacher Education
Institutions and
Professional Teachers.

• Providing career and professional

It is a five-decade advancement opportunities through Provides life insurance
strong association of
scholarship and other competency- plan to all members of
Public-School building program.
teachers and teacher • Providing optimum insurance, their organization
Teacher retirement, loans, and other

Association educators which has financial services benefits to uplift

members standard of living; and
(PPST) been in the forefront of• Providing excellent customer service
through competent, well-motivated
teacher education since service personnel and properly
its birth on January 30, equipped and empowered

the national affiliate of

Reading the International AP holds two major conferences It helps students and

Association of Reading Association per year namely: the Midyear teachers hone their
Demo-fest in October and the communication skills
the (IRA) which aims to Annual Convention held every
Philippines improve and promote summer. The association also and language strategies
reading in the distributes free RAP Journal to
all members, featuring
Philippines by helping conference papers and an
students and teachers outreach program called RAP-
hone their on-Wheels which plays a large
role in the educational
communication skills community.
and language strategies
Session 3– Professional Associations for

Required Task 2: Reflection

Go back to your list of professional associations that interest you.

Given the tips, which association are you most likely to join and
why? Input your answer here.

Philippine Public School Teachers' Association (PPST), because

as I can tell from looking at their association's goals, it is well
organized. They offer mutually beneficial initiatives to their
members, such as Educational Assistance initiatives that
support instructors in advancing their careers. Additionally,
they have the PPST Annual Search for the Outstanding
Educators, which honors educators who devote their entire
careers to the advancement of young people and the provision
of high-quality education. Their main objective is to assist the
teachers in achieving their objective.

Session 3– Professional Associations for

Required Task 2: Reflection

How do you expect this association to help you achieve your

professional development goals? (List down some benefits and
opportunities that are aligned with your goals)
Input your answer here.
This organization offers this following opportunity to their
members that’s why I consider them to help me in achieving
my professional development goals.

1. Educational Assistance Program

2. Search for Outstanding Educators
3. PPST members participated in different ACT conventions
hosted by different countries
4. Equity Application Program

TIP COURSE 6 –Teachers’ Professional
and Personal Development

Module 4:
Personal Development
and Well-being
Module Outline
Session 1: Health and Wellness
Session 2: Financial Literacy

Estimated Time Required: 2 hours

Required Tasks
• Scenario-based Activities
• Short Quiz
• Reflection
• Financial Literacy Self-assessment
• Making a Personal Development Plan

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Preliminary Activity

What activities outside work do you enjoy doing? (Example:

Watching tv series and movies, hiking, Zumba, etc.) Input your
answer here.

When I'm not at work, I like to watch movies, listen to music,

and, most importantly, spend time with my children.

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Preliminary Activity

How often are you able to do these activities?

Input your answer here.

When I'm not too busy on weekends, I can typically fit in these

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Preliminary Activity

How do you balance your work with social life or family/me

time?Input your answer here.

Despite having too much work, I always make time for my

family and myself. To relieve stress, I set aside an hour to
spend with my family; we usually go to the mall so that my
children can play outside.

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Key Topic 1:
Maintaining Work-Life Balance

Teachers’ commitment with their profession sometimes lead to

stereotyping teachers as always busy, spending time at school to
teach and spending the rest of their time to plan what to teach. As
someone new to the profession, you may not be new to these
assumptions about the life of teachers. Although teaching requires a
lot of dedication and hard work, it is possible for teachers to have
work-life balance.
First, you need to know more about something which may hinder
having this balance. Most of the time, you may lose time to do
activities outside work because your work may overwhelm you.
This feeling is often described as ‘stress’. According to the Mental
Health Foundation, stress is defined as the degree to which you feel
overwhelmed or unable to cope as a result of pressures that are
The nature and severity of stress could be attributed to various
factors. Some reasons include daily pressures, workloads, new
assignments, learner behavior, or professional conflicts in the
workplace. It is important to identify which of these factors you
could control so that you could help yourself relieve some of the
work pressures.

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Required Task : Activity

Read the given situations which might be experienced by a teacher like you. Identify
the possible stress triggers, its effects, and your coping strategies for each situation.
Discuss your initial reactions and insights from the activity with your mentor and co-
newly-hired teachers.

Worrying You spend time

Always prepare
about the enhancing your
your lesson
scheduled visit Daily Lesson
plan and
of the Public Plan and
Schools District preparing
materials even
Supervisor instructional
though no one
(PSDS). materials.
will observe

Set you alarm

You are You did not
clock so that
assigned to take your
you are aware
lead the breakfast
of the time to
Monday Flag because you
avoid being
Ceremony by know that you
late in school
your principal. will be going
late in school.
Seek the help
of other grade
Your co- You and some level teachers
workers have of your co- who are good
prior workers are all in Event
commitments pressured to Management
to do, and accomplish the and encourage
he/she cannot tasks knowing everyone to
help in the event will help because
preparing for be tomorrow this is for the
the event. welfare of their

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Optional Task : Activity

Answer the questions based on the scenario provided.

Teacher James is an Araling Panlipunan Teacher. He had done

well in teaching. In the past year, he was designated as Supreme
Student Government (SSG) Adviser, and he volunteered as
Brigada Eskwela and Learning Action Cell (LAC) Coordinator.
Due to his busy schedule, he seldom ate dinner with his family.
His meals often consisted of fast food. He even started drinking
soda to boost his energy. This led to decreased immunity which
makes him sick almost all the time.

1. What are some indicators that Teacher James is under stress?

• Stress can be manifested both in physical and behavioral symptoms.

• Physical symptoms of stress include increased sickness, cold and sweaty palm,
headache, jaw pain, heartburn, and Diarrhea.
• It also contributes to illnesses such as Cardiovascular and Immune System disease,
Asthma, Diabetes, memory loss, Ulcers, Psoriasis, eating disorders, and Depression
Behavioral symptoms are increased use of alcohol and drugs, difficult relationships,
reduced social contract, poor judgment/indecision, loss of appetite, irritability, and

Due to the overlapping activities that Teacher James was handling, he didn't recognize
that he was stressed, that he couldn't obtain enough food and energy, and that he
became ill.

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

2.What could be the root cause of his stress and how could
he address this? Input your answer here.
The overlapping activities he handled were the
fundamental cause of his stress. To address his issue, he can
speak with the principal about finding the suitable person
to handle some of his coordinator ship in order to reduce
his stress from carrying too much weight.

3. What help could Teacher James seek from the school?

Input your answer here.
Request that the post of coordinator be distributed to other
teachers who are willing and competent of doing it.

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Required Task 2: Reflection

Assess whether you are practicing the following health and wellness habits
that can be helpful in coping with stress. Tell the reasons why you are
doing or not doing it. Share your realization to your mentor and co-newly-
hired teachers in your learning discussion.

Fish, meat Based on what we can afford.


I usually don’t have time

for exercise. I rather I hope to have less paper works.
spend it sleeping.

Very Seldom I hope to have less paper works.

Usually, 5 hours Hope to have enough sleep.

Yes, always Breathing is important to lessen stress.

I always cheer myself that And make time to watch a movie or listen to
I can do it. music.

No, I prefer to cry it Just pray always.

silently rather just to
disturb other people

Sometimes I try to be confident as much as I can.

Yes, I seek advice from I talk to my husband.

my co- teacher that I trust
Yes, to attain inner peace,
I listen to songs I like.
Songs and movies help me a lot.
When I need to especially
when stressed.
Prayer helps to unburden my stress.

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Required Task 3 : Activity


Practice the ABCs in managing stress from the given Activating Events. Be
able to provide your Beliefs and the possible Consequences. Identify other
stress-triggering experiences where you could apply the principles of
ABCs Formula.

I will teach them how Communication Skills

to use this technology is important in
based instructional building harmonious
strategies and explain relationship at work.
to them that it is very
useful in delivering
the lessons.

I will seek the help of Always ask for help if

the other teachers to necessary when the time
help me organize the
overlook workload.

I will be the first one to

approach them and offer Always take the courage
to help collaboratively to make conversation to
because maybe they are your workmates so that
also waiting for me to everyone will feel
make the first move comfortable to you

Session 1 – Health and Wellness

Optional Task : Reading

Read the Implementing Rules and Regulations of Republic Act No. 11036 on The
Mental Health ActI. Share your new learning with your mentor and co-newly-hired
teachers during your discussion meeting. The template below can help you in
organizing your insights. Provisions of the law that are related with the Duties and
Responsibilities of DepEd can also be discussed in your Learning Action Cell

• Importance of • Will the • PhilHealth covers mental

health patients’
mental health government help hospitalization if the
event was caused by
teachers who extreme episodes of
• Rights of suffered from mental or behavioral
Service Users mental health? disorders

• Access to • There will be an

• Integration of psychosocial care evidence-based
treatment of the same
Mental Health and clinical standard and quality,
into the treatment regardless of age, sex,
socioeconomic status,
Educational • Schools should race, ethnicity or sexual
System also conduct orientation

health • Mental Health is also

implemented to DepEd
awareness to and CHED institutions

Session 1– Health and Wellness

Required Task 5 : Activity

Complete the given Health and Wellness Plan. Put your personal goal in ensuring positive health and
wellness. Be able also to identify your distress triggers, its effects, and the strategies or practices that you
commit to start doing to manage distress.

1. Get adequate rest daily

2. Get regular physical activity
3. Eat more plant-based foods
4. Achieve/Maintain a healthy weight
5. Maintain a cheerful, hopeful outlook on life
6. Spend quality time with family or friends daily
7. Take time daily for spiritual renewal

Overloaded activities Inadequate Sleep Time management

Anger Depression/violent Step back and think

action of my actions

Helplessness towards Seek help from family
problems members or friends

Session 2 – Financial Literacy

Preliminary Activity

Find out your current financial status by accomplishing the self-assessment tool
adapted from Money Management International (2015). Tick the appropriate column
in each item that describes your financial practices and habits. Interpreted results of
this assessment will provide you information on how you manage your finances at
this point. Make this activity as an area of conversation with your mentor and co-
newly-hired teachers.

Session 2 – Financial Literacy

Required Task 1 : Activity

Read and analyze the given scenarios. Identify the main problem in each financial
situation and the possible effects that it may bring.

1. Teacher Marie has a big family. She has four sons and two daughters.
Her husband has no regular work. Every month, there is an expectation
from their children that they will be going to the mall to spend time dining
together. They also buy the things that their children are requesting, even
unnecessary ones. Teacher Marie does not want to disappoint them. So,
upon receiving her salary, she always gives favor to them.

Their money will no longer enough to meet

their needs and expenses.

Session 2 – Financial Literacy

2. Principal Santos has observed the spending pattern of the newly-hired

teachers in their school. Their lifestyle includes passion for international
travels, fashionable clothes, and latest gadgets. They even invest part of
their salaries to an online business that is not authorized and does not
provide sure income. No wonder that they are always hopeful for paydays.

Teachers are very luxurious to

things that are not important and
even invest without knowing first if
it is a legit investment.

Teachers will end up in loans.

Session 2 – Financial Literacy

Optional Task

Provide your honest responses to the following questions that center on

spending and debt. Read the feedback section for learning inputs on
financial literacy.

Government Not enough


FOOD, No budget for

TRANSPORTATION, other needs like
vitamins, fruits,
and wants

YES, LOAN FROM 3 years to pay


Session 2 – Financial Literacy

Optional Task

Suppose you are saving P12,000.00 in a bank for your first year of
teaching (equivalent to P1,000.00 per month). The interest rate is 4% per
annum. Compute the value that you may get after five years of saving.


499.2 12,979.2

12,979.2 519.2 13,498.4

13,498.4 539.9 14,038.3

14,038.3 561.5 14,599.5

Session 2 – Financial Literacy

Required Task 2: Financial Development Plan

Craft a Personal Financial Development Plan using the provided template. Apply the
principles of financial literacy that you learned from this session. You are encouraged
to follow this plan and monitor your progress to attain financially sound living. You
may use a separate Word document for this.


Name: Escalera 5/29/2023Date: ______________

June 2023


Utilities & Gas Need 5,000 5,500

Transpo Need 3,000 3,500
Food Need 10,000 11,000
Tithe and Fast Need 4,000 4,000
Allowance Need 5,000 6,000

27,000 30,000

Apply for a health Monthly

insurance Contribution
Health Insurance High Year 2025 10 years 5,000
Apply to private Monthly
Educational Plan High Year 2025 2 years 50,000
banks that offer Contribution
educational plan

TIP COURSE 6 –Teachers’ Professional
and Personal Development

Module 5:
Developing a Personal
Professional Improvement

Module Outline
Session 1: Developing a Personal Professional Improvement

Estimated Time Required: 1 hour

Required Tasks
• Enumerate the tasks

Session 1 – Developing an Individual
Development Plan

Preliminary Activity
Pick one object in your bag that you can connect to the word “planning.”
Draw the image of that object below, and explain how it relates with
planning. Answer the questions that follow.

A calender notebook is where one can get to plan his/her

activities, writing down all important dates and deadlines as
soon as you find out about them.

Processing Questions:
1.What is planning?

It is the process of making plans for something.

2.Is planning important in the teaching profession?

Planning helps to make your lessons clear and well-timed, meaning that
students can be active and interested. Effective planning also includes some
built-in flexibility so that teachers can respond to what they find out about
their students' learning as they teach.

3. Is planning important in professional growth? How?

So it may help keep your skills and knowledge up to date; prepare you for
greater responsibilities; boost your confidence; help you become more
creative in tackling new challenges; enable you to make better decisions, or
help you take your career further.

Session 1 – Developing an Individual
Development Plan

Optional Task
Pause & Reflect: Are there habits or activities that you do now as a
teacher that do not contribute to your work effectively? Why do you
think so? Input your answer here.

Yes, paperwork lessen my time to prepare and focus on my


Session 1 – Developing an Individual
Development Plan

Required Task
Make Your Own Development Plan
If you haven’t created your own development plan, now is the time that you make one.
Table 1 shows the format for the Developmental Plan (RPMS Manual for Teachers and
School Heads, 2018). You may do this on a separate Word document.

Select, develops, Applies knowledge of Attend Trainings and S.Y. 2023-2024 Information’s
organizes, and uses content within and across seminars about trainings
appropriate teaching and curriculum teaching areas. and seminars
learning resources,
including ICT, to address Registration fee
learning goal.
Monitored and Use differentiated, Attend Trainings and
evaluated learner developmentally seminars S.Y. 2023-2024 Information’s
progress and appropriate learning about trainings
achievement using experiences to address and seminars
learner attainment data learner’s gender needs,
strengths, interests, and Registration fee

Self-Management Teamwork
Participate in collegial S.Y. 2023-2024 LAC sessions and Team
discussion and strengthen Building
teamwork through team

Session 1 – Developing an Individual
Development Plan

Reflective Journals
To monitor your progress, try to have a reflective journal. Snowman and Biehler (2000)
gave two purposes of developing a reflective journal: “(1) to serve as a repository of
instructional ideas and techniques that you have either created from your own
experiences or gleaned from other sources, and (2) to give yourself a format for
recording your observations and reflections on teaching.”

You’ve come to the end of Teacher Induction
Program Course 6: The DepEd Teacher. Please
go to this link for the summative assessment:

Don’t forget to take a screenshot of your

score. It will be submitted to your mentor for
verification and recording purposes.
Once you’re done, kindly input your score
here: [Input your score here.]

Additional reminder: Compile your portfolio

output/s and make sure that your mentor has
checked your coursebook.


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