Introduction. M.6 (L&S)

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ภาษาอ ังกฤษ

& Speaking
เทอม 1 – ภาษาอังกฤษฟั ง-พูด 5
– อ33201
เทอม 2 - ภาษาอังกฤษฟั ง-พูด 6
- อ 33202

ื Fifty Fifty Book 1

1. หน ังสอ
2. สมุด
คะแนนเก็บก่อน Midterm- 30

สอบ Midterm - 15
คะแนนเก็บหล ัง Midterm - 30

จิตพิสย - 10
สอบ Final - 15
รวม - 100
คะแนนเก็บก่ อนสอบ Midterm
- ประเมินผลในชัน้ เรี ยน : ใบงาน / แบบฝึ กหัด -10
- ประเมินผลนอกชัน้ เรียน : ชิน้ งาน - 10
- ประเมินผลภาพรวม : Test - 5
- การเข้ าชัน้ เรี ยน : ข / ล - 5
- Midterm - 15
- คะแนนเก็บหลังสอบ Midterm - 30
คะแนนเก็บก่ อนสอบ Midterm
- ประเมินผลในชัน้ เรี ยน : ใบงาน / แบบฝึ กหัด -10
- ประเมินผลนอกชัน้ เรียน : ชิน้ งาน - 10
- ประเมินผลภาพรวม : Test - 5
- การเข้ าชัน้ เรี ยน : ข / ล - 5
รวม - 30
- สอบ Midterm - 15
คะแนนรวมทัง้ หมด -45
(ส่ งวิชาการก่ อน)
คะแนนเก็บหลังสอบ Midterm
- ประเมินผลในชัน้ เรี ยน : ใบงาน / แบบฝึ กหัด -10
- ประเมินผลนอกชัน้ เรียน : ชิน้ งาน - 10
- ประเมินผลภาพรวม : Test - 5
- การเข้ าชัน้ เรี ยน : ข / ล - 5
จิตพิสัย - 10
- สอบ Final - 15
รวม - 55

คะแนนรวมทัง้ หมด - 45 + 55 = 100

แนวข้ อสอบ Midterm
1. Conversation - 10
2. Vocabulary - 10
3. Grammar - 10
- การใช้ Present Simple Tense /
Present Continuous Tense
แนวข้อสอบ Midterm
(ภาษาอังกฤษ 3 – อ32101)
1. Conversation - 10
2. Vocabulary - 10
3. Grammar - 10
- การใช้ Present Simple Tense /
Present Continuous Tense
May 17, 2022 Unit 1
1. press :
2. repeat : กด
3. fastest : ้ำ ว
4. route : ทีเสส
่ น้ด

5. reservation : ทาง
6. GPS : Global Positioning System
7. traffic lights : สญญาณั
8. customer : ลูกค้ า
9. service : บริการ
10. current : ปัจจุบัน
11. inquire : สอบถาม
12. representative : ตัวแทน/ผู้แทน
13. busy : ยุง
่ ไม่
14. important : ว่าสำคั
15. ATM : Automatic Teller Machine
16. insert : สอดใส่
17. PIN : Personal Identification Number
18. frequently : บ่ อยๆ
19. time to time : บางครงั้
20. enter : เข้าไปใน ใส ่
21. appear : ปรากฎให้ เห็น
22. correct : ถูกต้อง
23. report : รายงาน
24. stolen : ถูกขโมย
25. purchase : ซือ้
26. remember : จำได้
27. exactly : ทีจ่ ริงแล้ว
28. use : ใช้
Unit 1

1. press :
2. repeat : กด
3. fastest : ้ำว
4. route : ทีเสส
่ น

5. reservation : ทาง
6. GPS : Global Positioning System
7. traffic lights : ั
8. customer : ลูกค้ า
9. service : บริการ
10. current : ปัจจุบัน
11. inquire : สอบถาม
12. representative : ตัวแทน/ผู้แทน
13. busy : ยุง
่ ไม่
14. important : ว่าสำคั
15. ATM : Automatic Teller Machine
16. insert : สอดใส่
17. PIN : Personal Identification Number
18. frequently : บ่ อยๆ
19. time to time : บางครงั้
20. enter : เข้าไปใน ใส ่
21. appear : ปรากฎให้ เห็น
22. correct : ถูกต้อง
23. report : รายงาน
24. stolen : ถูกขโมย
25. purchase : ซือ้
26. remember : จำได้
27. exactly : ทีจ่ ริงแล้ว
28. use : ใช้

1. press : กด
2. repeat : ทำซ้ำ
3. fastest : เร็วทีส่ ุ ด
4. route : เส้ นทาง
5. reservation : การจอง
6. GPS : Global Positioning System
7. traffic lights : สั ญญาณไฟจราจร

8. customer : ลูกค้ า
9. service : บริการ
10. current : ปัจจุบัน
11. inquire : สอบถาม
12. representative : ตัวแทน/ผู้แทน
13. busy : ยุ่ง ไม่ ว่าง
14. important : สำคัญ

15. ATM : Automatic Teller Machine

16. insert : สอดใส่
17. PIN : Personal Identification Number
18. frequently : บ่ อยๆ
19. time to time : บางครัง้
20. enter : เข้ าไปใน ใส่
21. appear : ปรากฎให้ เห็น

22. correct : ถูกต้ อง

23. report : รายงาน
24. stolen : ถูกขโมย
25. purchase : ซือ้
26. remember : จำได้
27. exactly : ที่จริงแล้ ว
28. use : ใช้

1. satisfaction : ความ
2. guaranteed : พอใจ
ร ับประก ัน
3. level : ระด ับ
4. approval : การยอมร ับ
5. customer : ลูกค้า
6. product : ิ ค้า
ผลิตผล, สน
7. service : การ

8. a couple : คู,่ จำนวน 2 -

9. complain : 3
บ่ น, ร้ องเรียน
10. complaint : การบ่ น, การร้ องเรียน
11. manager : ผู้จัดการ
12. receive : ได้ รับ
13. frozen : แชแ ่ ข็ง
14. department : แผนก

15. heat : ความร้อน

16. insist : ยืนยัน
17. inform : แจ้งให้ทราบ
18. procedure : กระบวนการ, ขัน้ ตอน
19. demand : ต้องการ
20. because : เพราะว่า
21. wasting : สู ญเปล่ า

22. problem : ปัญหา

23. training : การอบรม
24. employee : ลูกจ้ าง
25. handle : จัดการ
26. resolution : การแก้ปญ
ั หา
27. deserve : สมควรได้ร ับ
28. failure : ความล้ม

29. acknowledge: ยอมร ับ

30. expert : ผู้เชี่ยวชาญ
31. assistance : ผู้ช่วย
32. confusing : สับสน
33. instruction: คำแนะนำ
34. result : ผลทีไ่ ด้ร ับ
35. appointment: การน ัด
New World 5
Unit 6
1. tips : คำแนะนำ เคล็ดลับ
2. travel : ท่ องเที่ยว
3. traveller : นักท่ องเทีย่ ว
4. necessary : จำเป็น
5. precaution: การระว ังไว้กอ
่ น
6. ensure : ทำให้มน ่ ั ใจ
7. safety : ความปลอดภัย
8. security : ความปลอดภัย

9. belonging : สมบ ัติสว่ น

10. trip : ตการเดิ
ัว นทาง
11. stage : ขั้นตอน
12. vacation : วันหยุดระยะยาว
13. contact : ติดต่ อ
14. consulate : สถานกงสุล
15. search : ค้นหา

16. information : ข้ อมูลข่ าวสาร

17. destination : : จุดหมายปลายทาง
18. surprise : ความประหลาดใจ
19. legal : ถูกกฎหมาย
20. country : ประเทศ
21. visa : วีซ่า
22. requirement : ความต้ องการ

23. recommendation: การยืนย ัน

24. vaccination : :ร การฉี
ับรอง ดวัคซีน
25. condition : สภาวะ เงือ่ นไข
26. crime : อาชญากรรม
27. arrange : จัดการ จัดแจง
28. itinerary : แผนการเดินทาง
29. beforehand : ล่ วงหน้ า

30. light : เบา

31. valuables : : ของมีค่า
32. avoid : หลีกเลีย่ ง
33. jewelry : เครื่องเพชร
34. document : เอกสาร
35. baggage : สัมภาระ
36. identify : ชีบ้ ่ ง
คือ รูปของคำกริยาทีบ ่ อกเวลาของการกระทำ ทีเ่ กิดขึน ้ ในเวลาทีแ
่ ตกต่าง
ก ันจะใชร้ ป
ู ของคำกริยาทีแ่ ตกต่างก ัน
1. I am playing football now.
2. I played football yesterday.
1. Present Tense 2. Past Tense
1. Present Simple 1. Past Simple
2. Present Continuous 2. Past Continuous
3. Present Perfect 3. Past Perfect
4. Present Perfect Continuous 4. Past Perfect Continuous

3. Future Tense
1. Future Simple 2. Future Continuous
3. Future Perfect 4. Future Perfect Continuous
Form & Example

Tense Form Example

1. Present Tense    

1.1 Present Simple S + V1 I eat pizza every week.

1.2 Present Continuous S + be + Ving My sister is studying English
is/am/are now.
1. 3 Present Perfect S + V. to have + V3 I have studied here since
1.4 Present Perfect S + have/has + been I have been studying here
Continuous +Ving since M.1.
2. Past Tense    

2.1 Past Simple S + V2 I ate pizza yesterday.

2.2 Past Continuous S + was/were + Ving It was raining when
we went out.
2.3 Past Perfect S + had + V3 I had eaten a pizza before
I went home.
2.4 Past Perfect S+ had + been + Ving I had been eating a pizza
Continuous   before I went home.
3. Future Tense    

3.1 Future Simple S + will/shall + V1 I will go to school tomorrow.

(to be going to + v1)

3.2 Future Continuous S + will+ be+Ving We will be working on farm at nine o’clock tomorrow.
2.1 Past Simple S + V2 I ate pizza yesterday.

2.2 Past Continuous Form

S + was/were + Ving& Example It was raining when we went out.

2.3 Past Perfect S + had + V3 I had eaten a pizza before I went home.

2.4 Past Perfect S+ had + been + Ving I had been eating a pizza before I went home.

3. Future Tense    

3.1 Future Simple S + will/shall + V1 I will go to school tomorrow.

(to be going to + v1)
3.2 Future Continuous S + will+ be+Ving We will be working on farm
at nine o’clock tomorrow.
3.3 Future Perfect S + will+ have + V3 I will have eaten pizza for
2 hours when you arrive.
3.4 Future Perfect S + will+ have been + I will have been eating pizza
Continuous Ving for 2 hours when you arrive.
1. Present Simple Tenses
: S + V.1
Usage : 1. ใชบ ้ อกข้อเท็จจริง
Ex. : The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west.
2. เหตุการณ์ทเี่ กิดขึน ้ เป็นประจำทุกว ัน
Ex. : I eat pizza every week.
Adv. of Time : every day (week/month/year),
on Mondays, on Thursdays, etc.
Adv. of Frequency : always / usually / often / sometimes
/ rarely / scarcely / hardly / seldom / never / etc.
3. ตารางเวลา
Ex.: The Mall opens at 10 a.m. and closes at 10 p.m.
Adverb of Frequency

always - 100 %
usually - 80 %
often - 60 – 70 %
sometimes - 50 %
seldom, rarely, scarcely, hardly - 20 %
never - 0 %
้ อกข้อเท็จจริง
3. ใชบ

Ex. :
- The Mall opens at 10 a.m. and closes
at 10 p.m.
a.m. - ชว ่ งเชา้ (ตงแต่
ั้ หล ังเทีย
่ งคืน –
่ งว ัน)
p.m. - ชว ่ งบ่าย (ตงแต่ั้ หล ังเทีย่ งว ัน –
เทีย่ งคืน)
1. Bangkok (be) ……………….. in Thailand.
2. Mary (wash) ……………….. her clothes every weekend.
3. Nida (watch) …….…………… “I Can See Your Voice”
on Wednesdays.
4. The earth (go) ………….. around the sun.
5. Water (freeze) ……………….. at 0 degrees celcius.
6. John usually (drive) ………………..
drives to work, but
sometimes he (walk)……………
Exercise 2
1. Steve ………………. four cups of coffee a day. (drink)
2. We usually ……………. dinner at 7 in the morning. (have)
like go
3. I ……… movies. I often …… to the movies with my friends.(like, go)
4. Water ……………. at 100 degrees Celcius. (boil)
5. The City Museum …………………. closes at 5 o’clock on Saturdays. (close)
6. Shoes are expensive. They …………….. cost a lot of money. (close)
7. Her job is very interesting. She .……….. a lot of people every day . (meet)
8. Peter works starts at 7 am., and ………...
……… very hard. He ………… finishes at 8 pm.
9. Time and Tide …………….. for no man. (wait)
Exercise 3 : Change these sentences to Questions.
1. I like to play tennis. Do you like to play tennis?
2. She likes to play tennis. Does she like to play tennis?
3. My brother likes cool weather.Does your brother like cool weather?
4. Jenny and I exercise every morning.
Do Jenny and you exercise every morning?
5. Your father drinks coffee every morning.
Does your father drink coffee every morning?
2. Present Continuous Tense
= Present Progressive Tense
Form : S + is/am/are + Ving

Usage : 1. ใช้บอกถึงสิ่งที่กำลังทำอยู่ ณ ขณะที่พูด

Ex. It is raining now /right now.
My dog and my cat are sleeping in my bedroom at the moment.
Adv. of Time : now / right now / at this moment
2. ใช้บอกการกระทำที่ทำอย่างต่อเนื่อง ในช่วงเวลานี
้ (ปี นี,้ เดือนนี)้
I am studying hard this term.
3. บอกสงิ่ ทีก ้ เร็ว ๆ นีก
่ ำล ังจะเกิดขึน ้ ็ได้
- What is Susan doing next weekend?
She is flying to Japan next weekend.
2. Present Continuous Tense
= Present Progressive Tense
Form : S + is/am/are + Ving
is cooking
1. My mother (cook) ……………….. dinner for us in the kitchen
= Is your mother cooking dinner for us in the kitchen now?
is flying
2. David (fly) ……………….. to London next Saturday.
= Is David flying to London next Saturday?
are using
3. Most students (use) …………………… Mobile Phone these days.
= Are most students using Mobile Phone these days?
3. Present Perfect Tense
โครงสร้าง : S + have / has + V.3
Usage : 1. ใชบ ้ อกเหตุการณ์ทเี่ กิดขึน
้ ใน
แล้วดำเนินมาจนถึงปัจจุบ ัน
Example :
I have studied at Tharnpanya School since M.1.
for 5 years.
Adv. of Time : since + จุดเริม
่ ต้นของ
2. ใช้ บอกการกระทำที่จบลงไปแล้ ว แต่ มีผลถึงปั จจุบัน
โครงสร้าง : S + have / has + V.3
Example : David has already washed his shirt.
I have just painted my room.
Have you finished your homework yet?
I haven’t finished my homework yet.
Adv. Of Time :
just = เพิง่ จะเสร็จ (ใชใ้ นประโยคบอกเล่า)
already = เสร็จเรียบร้อยแล้ว (ใชใ้ นประโยคบอก
yet = ย ัง (ใชใ้ นประโยคคำถาม และ ปฏิเสธ)
3. ใช้ ถามว่ า เคย (ever) หรื อไม่
และ ใช้ บอกการกระทำที่ซ้ำๆ
A : Have you ever been to Japan?
B : Yes, I have been there once.
three times.
many times.
B : I have never been to Japan.
She has never eaten durian.
4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
โครงสร้าง : S + have / has + been +
Usage : 1. ใชบ้ อกการกระทำทีเ่ กิดขึน

่ งจาก
อดีต จนถึงปัจจุบ ัน โดยไม่ได้
Example :
- I have been studying at Tharnpanya School since M.1.
for 5 years.
- I have been swimming in the pool for 2 hours.
1. He (work) has been working in the garden since 6 o’clock.
Now he is very tired.
has rained / has been running
2. It (rain) …………………….…………….. for 3 hours.
have broken
3. The boys (break) …………………… the window.

has bought
4. My teacher (buy) …………………… a new car .
have watched / have been watching
5. They (watch) ………………………………………… the television
since I got home.
Put the verbs in brackets into Present Perfect or Present
Perfect Continuous Tense.

have been remembering

1. I (remember) …………………………… him quite clearly.
has been living
2. He (live) ……………………… in London for 4 years.
He is working for Ph.D.
have gone
3. This is the first time I (go) ………………………….. to USA.
has bought a new house .
4. My teacher (just buy) ……………………
have been waiting
5. They (wait) ………………………….. For Tom at the airport
more than 2 hours.
4. Past Simple Tense
: S + V2 / V.ed

้ อกเหตุการณ์ทเี่ กิดขึน
Usage : ใชบ ้ และจบลงไปแล้ว
Ex. It rained a few days ago.
I ate Pizza yesterday.
Adv. of Time : yesterday, last night (week/month/year) / etc.
: this morning, ……………… ago
1. We (be) ……………….. at home last weekend.
2. Pim (come) ……………….. to my house yesterday.
3. The plane (arrive) …………………… twenty minutes ago.
4. My teacher (buy) …………………… a new car two weeks ago.
5. They (watch) …………………… the television last night.
Exercise 1
were so tired, so we …………..
2. Last night we ………… went to bed as soon as
got home.
we ……..
watched The Mask Singer Last Thursday.
3.Nida (watch) …………….
4. Nick (come) …………….
came took his coat, and
into the room, (take)….……
(sit) …………….
sat down on the sofa this morning.
5. John usually (drive)……………. to work, but sometimes he (walk)
walked when he worked with IBM last year.
Exercise 2
didn’t go
2. ________, but we …………………………….. to school last week.
didn’t have
3. _________, but she …………………………… a paper yesterday.
didn’t do
4. ___________, but he ………………………… his homework last night.
Exercise 3
1. Did you enjoy the party last night?
2. Did you get up early this morning ?
3. Did you have a good time last vacation ?
5. Past Continuous Tense
: S + be (was/were) +

Usage : 1. ใช้บอกถึงสิ่งที่กำลังทำอยู่ ณ เวลาที่เจาะจงในอดีต

2. ใช้เปรียบเทียบเหตุการณ์ในอดีต
- เหตุการณ์หนึ่งเกิดก่อนและกำลังดำเนินอยู่ ก็มีอีกเหตุการณ์หนึ่งเกิดแทรกขึน
้ มา
was / were + / V.2
- เหตุการณ์ 2 เหตุการณ์กำลังดำเนินอยู่ในอดีตพร้อมๆกัน
was / were + / was / were +
Ex. Mary was watching TV at 6 yesterday.
She was playing tennis at 4 last Tuesday.
Jack was reading a book when the phone rang.
Past Continuous Past Simple
Jack was taking a bath while Peter was telephoning.
Past Continuous Past Continuous
Exercise 1
were watching a movie
were at the theater , they ………………………………
2. Sue and Jack …………………………
was in his car
3. Tom ……………………….. was driving
. He ………………………………………. .
was at the
4. Linda ………………….......... was waiting for the train .
. She ….……………………………..
were in the park
5. Sam and Liz …………..……………. were walking
. They ……………………………….. .
Exercise 2
she was swimming
2. At 11.45, …………………………………………….. .
she was reading a newspaper
3. At 9, ………………………………………………….. .
she was cooking
4. At 12.50, ……………………………………………………… .
Exercise 3
1. Tom was walking down the street when he saw and he said hello.
2. Bob and Liz were sitting in the garden when it started to rain and
they went into the house .
3. Mary was painting the room when she fell off the ladder and she broke her arm.
6. Past Perfect Tense
: S + had+ V.3 / S + V.2
Usage : ใชเ้ ปรียบเทียบเหตุการณ์ในอดีต
เหตุการณ์เกิดก่อน when เหตุการณ์ทเี่ กิดหล ัง
had + V.3 before V.2
Ex. : David had washed his shirt before he went to bed .
David went to bed after he had washed his shirt.
I had eaten Pizza before I saw the movie.

had had dinner before they (do) ……………
1. They (have) ………………. homework.
had called
2. John (call) ……………………… left
me by the time I (leave) ……………… .
had reached Home when it (rain) ………………..
3. He (reach) ………………………. rained .
rang , I (just open) ………………………….
4. When the phone (ring) …………… had just opened the door.
had finished his work by the time he (return) returned
5. Henry (finish) ……………………. ………….. home.
7. Future Simple Tense
: S + will + V1 / S + be going to + V1

Usage : ใชบ ้ อกความตงใจ ั้ หรือเหตุการณ์ทจ ้ ในอนาคต

ี่ ะเกิดขีน
Ex. I will go to school tomorrow.
I will eat Pizza next week.
I am going to eat Pizza next week.

Adv. of Time : tomorrow, next time (week/month/year) / etc.

will have / are going to have
1. We (have) …………………………………… dinner at Hot Pot restaurant tonight.
will clean
2. Alice (clean) ………………………… her room tomorrow.
will not rain next week.
3. It (not rain) ……………………
Exercise 1
is going to rain .
1. Look at the sky! It (rain) ……………………….
will pass the exam, but I’m not sure.
2. I think I (pass) …………….
will be
3. Maybe the weather (be) ………….. nice tomorrow .
4. My hair is dirty. I (wash)am going to wash it this evening.
are we going to wear to the party this Friday?
5. What (we/wear) …….………………………
will buy
6. If I win the lottery, I (buy) ……………………..… a car.
will not buy
7. If I don’t win the lottery, I (not buy) …………………… a car.
am going to leave
8. I have a ticket for the concert at 7, so I (leave) ……….................
the office at 6 this evening.
will visit
9. I (visit) ………………… my grandparents this Sunday, but
I’m not sure.
Shall I carry this box for you?
10. (I /carry) ………………………
Will you lend
11. (you/ lend) …………………… your laptop?
8. Future Continuous Tense
: S + will be + Ving
Usage : ใช้บอกถึงสิ่งที่กำลังทำอยู่ ณ เวลาใดเวลาหนึ่งในอนาคต (เจาะจง
Ex. Mary will be watching TV at 6 tomorrow.
She will be playing tennis at 4 next Tuesday.
Adv. of Time : เวลาที่เจาะจงในอนาคต
will be reading books for the exam at 8 o’clock tomorrow.
1. I (read) ………………………..
will be working on farm.
2. At nine o’clock tomorrow, we (work) ..………………………..
will be studying
3. At this time next year, Thicha (study) ……………………….. at university.
will be waiting
4. She (wait) …………………………………... when you arrive.
will be sleeping
5. I (sleep) ………………………… when my mother gets home.
9. Future Perfect Tense
: S + had+ V.3 / S + V.2
Usage : ใชก ้ ับเหตุการณ์ทค ี่ าดว่าจะเสร็จสนิ้ ภายในเวลาทีก
่ ำหนดใน
เหตุการณ์ทค ี่ าดว่าจะเสร็จ by the time เหตุการณ์ทก ี่ ำหนด
will have + V.3 when V.1

Ex. : I will have already eaten pizza by the time you arrive to bed .
Jane will have cleaned the floor when her mother gets home.
had had Dinner before they (do) ……………
1. They (have) ……………….
had had homework.
had called
2. John (call) ……………………… left
me by the time I (leave) ……………… .
had reached
3. He (reach) ………………………. rained
Home when it (rain) ……………….. .
rang had just opened
4. When the phone (ring) …………… , I (just open) …………………………. the door.
had finished his work by the time he (return)returned
5. Henry (finish) ……………………. ………….. home.
The main idea of the passage is the thought that is
in the passage from the beginning to the end.
In a well-written paragraph, most of the sentences support, describe, or
explain the main idea. They are called details.
The main idea is sometimes stated in the first or middle or last
sentence of the paragraph. However, sometimes the main idea must
be inferred; it is not stated in the paragraph.
To scan is to look for specific information quickly without reading word by
You have to know what you’re looking for before you begin.
When you scan, look for key words, names, dates, or other specifics that mean
you have found the information you are looking for.
Don’t stop to read everything on a page slowly and carefully.
Instead, scan until you come to the information you need; then read carefully.

Which sentence best states the main idea of the paragraph?

...... a. Scanning is reading quickly to find specific information.
….. b. Before you read a passage, you should scan it.
….. c. It is not a good idea to read word by word.
….. d. Scanning is a useful reading skill.
have been learning
1.I (learn) ………………………………….. English for seven years now.

was not working

2.But last year I (not / work) …………………………. hard enough for English,
were not really
that's why my marks (not / be) ……………………………. that good then.

3. As I (pass / want) want to pass my English exam successfully next year,

I (study) I am going to study harder this term.

4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) sent me on a

language course to London.

5. It (be) was great and I (think) think I (learn) have learned a lot.
6. Before I (go) went to London, I (not / enjoy) had not enjoyed
learning English.

was doing met

7. But while I (do) the language course, I (meet) lots of
young people from all over the world.

noticed is
8. There I (notice) how important it (be) to speak foreign
languages nowadays.
am revising
9. At the moment I (revise) English grammar.
pass will start
10. If I (pass) my exams successfully, I (start)
an apprenticeship in September.
Tense Active voice Passive Voice

Present Simple S + V1 S + is, am, are + V3

Present Continuous S + is, am, are + V ing S + is, am,are + being + V3

Present Perfect S + have, has + V3 S + have, has + been + V3

Present Perfect S + have, has + been + V S + have, has + been +

Continuous ing being + V3
Past Simple S + V2 S + was, were + V3

Past Continuous S + was, were + Ving S + was, were + being + V3

Past Perfect S + had + V3 S + had+ been + V

Past Perfect Continuous S+ had + been + Ving S+had+been+being+V3

Future Simple S + will, shall + V1 S + will, shall+ be + V3

(to be going to + v1) ( to be going to +be + V3 )
Future Continuous S + will, shall + be+Ving S + will be + being + V3

Future Perfect S + will, shall + have + V3 S + will have + been + V3

Future Perfect Continuous S + will, shall + have been S + will have + been +
+ Ving being + V3
1. Present Simple is , am, are + V3
- The teacher punishes the boy. - The boy is punished by the teacher.
- Do you always laugh at him? - Is he always laughed at by you?

2. Present Continuous is, am, are + being + V3

- The painters are painting our house. - Our house is being painted by the painters.
- Are the students doing the exercises? - Are the exercises being done by the students?

3. Present Perfect has, have + been + V3

- They have built a new hotel. - A new hotel has been built by them.

* Present Perfect Cintinuous has,have + been + being +V3

- Trenton Company has been making bikes since - Bikes have been being made by Trenton Company
1960. since 1960.

4. Past Simple was , were + V3

- My sister wrote a letter. - A letter was written by my sister.
- Did the servant polish Tom's shoes? - Were Tom's shoes polished by the servant?

5. Past Continuous was , were + being + V3

- While John was introducing me, the telephone -While I was being introducing by John, the
rang. telephone rang.
- Weren't they digging this hole when you went - Wasn't this hole being dug by them when you
past yesterday? went past yesterday?

6. Past Perfect had + been + V3

- The guests had eaten all the food. - All the food had been eaten by the guests.
- Had he seen you before? - Had you been seen by him before?
* Past Perfect Continuous had + been + being + V3
- Mr. Trevor had been teaching English in - English had been being taught by Mr.Trevor
Jamiaca for many years before he moved to in jamaica for many years before he moved to
Thailand. thailand.
7. Future Simple will + be + V3
- His mother will beat him if he does that - He will be beaten by his mother if he does
again. that again.
- Will Mary invite Jack to her party? - Will Jack be invited by Mary to her party?
8. "going to" future is,am, are +going to + be + V3
- They are going to widen the bridge. - The bridge is going to be widened by them.
- Is she going to open the shop? - Is the shop going to be opened ?
9. Future Continuous will be + being + V3
- They will be mowing the grass at two o'clock - The grass will be ebing mown at two o'clock
tomorrow. tomorrow by them.
10. Future Perfect will have + been + V3
- By next March the pupils will have taken the - By next March the examination will have
examination. been taken by the pupils.
**Future perfect Continuous will have been being + V3
- By next year they'll have been building that - By next year that raod will have been being
road for a year. built by them for a year.
Active voice and Passive voice
Form & Example
Active voice and Passive voice
4. Past Simple Tense
: S + V2 / V.ed

้ อกเหตุการณ์ทเี่ กิดขึน
Usage : ใชบ ้ และจบลงไปแล้ว
Ex. It rained a few days ago.
I ate Pizza yesterday.
Adv. of Time : yesterday, last night (week/month/year) / etc.
: this morning, ……………… ago
1. We (be) ……………….. at home last weekend.
2. Pim (come) ……………….. to my house yesterday.
3. The plane (arrive) …………………… twenty minutes ago.
4. My teacher (buy) …………………… a new car two weeks ago.
5. They (watch) …………………… the television last night.
6. Past Perfect Tense
: S + had+ V.3 / S + V.2
Usage : ใชเ้ ปรียบเทียบเหตุการณ์ในอดีต
เหตุการณ์เกิดก่อน when เหตุการณ์ทเี่ กิดหล ัง
had + V.3 before V.2
Ex. : David had washed his shirt before he went to bed .
David went to bed after he had washed his shirt.
I had eaten Pizza before I saw the movie.

1. They (have) ………………. dinner before they (do) …………… homework.
2. John (call) ……………………… me by the time I (leave) ……………… .
3. He (reach) ………………………. Home when it (rain) ……………….. .
4. When the phone (ring) …………… , I (just open) …………………………. the door.

5. Henry (finish) ……………………. his work by the time he (return) ………….. home.
Exercise 1
is going to rain .
1. Look at the sky! It (rain) ……………………….
will pass the exam, but I’m not sure.
2. I think I (pass) …………….
will be
3. Maybe the weather (be) ………….. nice tomorrow .
4. My hair is dirty. I (wash)am going to wash it this evening.
are we going to wear to the party this Friday?
5. What (we/wear) …….………………………
will buy
6. If I win the lottery, I (buy) ……………………..… a car.
will not buy
7. If I don’t win the lottery, I (not buy) …………………… a car.
am going to leave
8. I have a ticket for the concert at 7, so I (leave) ……….................
the office at 6 this evening.
will visit
9. I (visit) ………………… my grandparents this Sunday, but
I’m not sure.
Shall I carry this box for you?
10. (I /carry) ………………………
Will you lend
11. (you/ lend) …………………… your laptop?
8. Future Continuous Tense
: S + will be + Ving
Usage : ใช้บอกถึงสิ่งที่กำลังทำอยู่ ณ เวลาใดเวลาหนึ่งในอนาคต (เจาะจง
Ex. Mary will be watching TV at 6 tomorrow.
She will be playing tennis at 4 next Tuesday.
Adv. of Time : เวลาที่เจาะจงในอนาคต
will be reading books for the exam at 8 o’clock tomorrow.
1. I (read) ………………………..
will be working on farm.
2. At nine o’clock tomorrow, we (work) ..………………………..
will be studying
3. At this time next year, Thicha (study) ……………………….. at university.
will be waiting
4. She (wait) …………………………………... when you arrive.
will be sleeping
5. I (sleep) ………………………… when my mother gets home.
9. Future Perfect Tense
: S + had+ V.3 / S + V.2
Usage : ใชก ้ ับเหตุการณ์ทค ี่ าดว่าจะเสร็จสนิ้ ภายในเวลาทีก
่ ำหนดใน
เหตุการณ์ทค ี่ าดว่าจะเสร็จ by the time เหตุการณ์ทก ี่ ำหนด
will have + V.3 when V.1

Ex. : I will have already eaten pizza by the time you arrive to bed .
Jane will have cleaned the floor when her mother gets home.
had had Dinner before they (do) ……………
1. They (have) ……………….
had had homework.
had called
2. John (call) ……………………… left
me by the time I (leave) ……………… .
had reached
3. He (reach) ………………………. rained
Home when it (rain) ……………….. .
rang had just opened
4. When the phone (ring) …………… , I (just open) …………………………. the door.
had finished his work by the time he (return)returned
5. Henry (finish) ……………………. ………….. home.
The main idea of the passage is the thought that is
in the passage from the beginning to the end.
In a well-written paragraph, most of the sentences support, describe, or
explain the main idea. They are called details.
The main idea is sometimes stated in the first or middle or last
sentence of the paragraph. However, sometimes the main idea must
be inferred; it is not stated in the paragraph.
To scan is to look for specific information quickly without reading word by
You have to know what you’re looking for before you begin.
When you scan, look for key words, names, dates, or other specifics that mean
you have found the information you are looking for.
Don’t stop to read everything on a page slowly and carefully.
Instead, scan until you come to the information you need; then read carefully.

Which sentence best states the main idea of the paragraph?

...... a. Scanning is reading quickly to find specific information.
….. b. Before you read a passage, you should scan it.
….. c. It is not a good idea to read word by word.
….. d. Scanning is a useful reading skill.
have been learning
1.I (learn) ………………………………….. English for seven years now.

was not working

2.But last year I (not / work) …………………………. hard enough for English,
were not really
that's why my marks (not / be) ……………………………. that good then.

3. As I (pass / want) want to pass my English exam successfully next year,

I (study) I am going to study harder this term.

4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) sent me on a

language course to London.

5. It (be) was great and I (think) think I (learn) have learned a lot.
6. Before I (go) went to London, I (not / enjoy) had not enjoyed
learning English.

was doing met

7. But while I (do) the language course, I (meet) lots of
young people from all over the world.

noticed is
8. There I (notice) how important it (be) to speak foreign
languages nowadays.
am revising
9. At the moment I (revise) English grammar.
pass will start
10. If I (pass) my exams successfully, I (start)
an apprenticeship in September.
Tense Active voice Passive Voice

Present Simple S + V1 S + is, am, are + V3

Present Continuous S + is, am, are + V ing S + is, am,are + being + V3

Present Perfect S + have, has + V3 S + have, has + been + V3

Present Perfect S + have, has + been + V S + have, has + been +

Continuous ing being + V3
Past Simple S + V2 S + was, were + V3

Past Continuous S + was, were + Ving S + was, were + being + V3

Past Perfect S + had + V3 S + had+ been + V

Past Perfect Continuous S+ had + been + Ving S+had+been+being+V3

Future Simple S + will, shall + V1 S + will, shall+ be + V3

(to be going to + v1) ( to be going to +be + V3 )
Future Continuous S + will, shall + be+Ving S + will be + being + V3

Future Perfect S + will, shall + have + V3 S + will have + been + V3

Future Perfect Continuous S + will, shall + have been S + will have + been +
+ Ving being + V3
1. Present Simple is , am, are + V3
- The teacher punishes the boy. - The boy is punished by the teacher.
- Do you always laugh at him? - Is he always laughed at by you?

2. Present Continuous is, am, are + being + V3

- The painters are painting our house. - Our house is being painted by the painters.
- Are the students doing the exercises? - Are the exercises being done by the students?

3. Present Perfect has, have + been + V3

- They have built a new hotel. - A new hotel has been built by them.

* Present Perfect Cintinuous has,have + been + being +V3

- Trenton Company has been making bikes since - Bikes have been being made by Trenton Company
1960. since 1960.

4. Past Simple was , were + V3

- My sister wrote a letter. - A letter was written by my sister.
- Did the servant polish Tom's shoes? - Were Tom's shoes polished by the servant?

5. Past Continuous was , were + being + V3

- While John was introducing me, the telephone -While I was being introducing by John, the
rang. telephone rang.
- Weren't they digging this hole when you went - Wasn't this hole being dug by them when you
past yesterday? went past yesterday?

6. Past Perfect had + been + V3

- The guests had eaten all the food. - All the food had been eaten by the guests.
- Had he seen you before? - Had you been seen by him before?
* Past Perfect Continuous had + been + being + V3
- Mr. Trevor had been teaching English in - English had been being taught by Mr.Trevor
Jamiaca for many years before he moved to in jamaica for many years before he moved to
Thailand. thailand.
7. Future Simple will + be + V3
- His mother will beat him if he does that - He will be beaten by his mother if he does
again. that again.
- Will Mary invite Jack to her party? - Will Jack be invited by Mary to her party?
8. "going to" future is,am, are +going to + be + V3
- They are going to widen the bridge. - The bridge is going to be widened by them.
- Is she going to open the shop? - Is the shop going to be opened ?
9. Future Continuous will be + being + V3
- They will be mowing the grass at two o'clock - The grass will be ebing mown at two o'clock
tomorrow. tomorrow by them.
10. Future Perfect will have + been + V3
- By next March the pupils will have taken the - By next March the examination will have
examination. been taken by the pupils.
**Future perfect Continuous will have been being + V3
- By next year they'll have been building that - By next year that raod will have been being
road for a year. built by them for a year.
Active voice and Passive voice
Form & Example
Active voice and Passive voice
4. Past Simple Tense
: S + V2 / V.ed

้ อกเหตุการณ์ทเี่ กิดขึน
Usage : ใชบ ้ และจบลงไปแล้ว
Ex. It rained a few days ago.
I ate Pizza yesterday.
Adv. of Time : yesterday, last night (week/month/year) / etc.
: this morning, ……………… ago
1. We (be) ……………….. at home last weekend.
2. Pim (come) ……………….. to my house yesterday.
3. The plane (arrive) …………………… twenty minutes ago.
4. My teacher (buy) …………………… a new car two weeks ago.
5. They (watch) …………………… the television last night.
6. Past Perfect Tense
: S + had+ V.3 / S + V.2
Usage : ใชเ้ ปรียบเทียบเหตุการณ์ในอดีต
เหตุการณ์เกิดก่อน when เหตุการณ์ทเี่ กิดหล ัง
had + V.3 before V.2
Ex. : David had washed his shirt before he went to bed .
David went to bed after he had washed his shirt.
I had eaten Pizza before I saw the movie.

1. They (have) ………………. dinner before they (do) …………… homework.
2. John (call) ……………………… me by the time I (leave) ……………… .
3. He (reach) ………………………. Home when it (rain) ……………….. .
4. When the phone (ring) …………… , I (just open) …………………………. the door.

5. Henry (finish) ……………………. his work by the time he (return) ………….. home.
Form & Example

Tense Form Example

1. Present Tense    

1.1 Present Simple S + V1 I eat pizza every week.

1.2 Present Continuous S + be + Ving My sister is studying English
is/am/are now.
1. 3 Present Perfect S + V. to have + V3 I have studied here since
1.4 Present Perfect S + have/has + been I have been studying here
Continuous +Ving since M.1.
2. Past Tense    

2.1 Past Simple S + V2 I ate pizza yesterday.

2.2 Past Continuous S + was/were + Ving It was raining when
we went out.
2.3 Past Perfect S + had + V3 I had eaten a pizza before
I went home.
2.4 Past Perfect S+ had + been + Ving I had been eating a pizza
Continuous   before I went home.
3. Future Tense    

3.1 Future Simple S + will/shall + V1 I will go to school tomorrow.

(to be going to + v1)

3.2 Future Continuous S + will+ be+Ving We will be working on farm at nine o’clock tomorrow.
2.1 Past Simple S + V2 I ate pizza yesterday.

2.2 Past Continuous Form

S + was/were + Ving& Example It was raining when we went out.

2.3 Past Perfect S + had + V3 I had eaten a pizza before I went home.

2.4 Past Perfect S+ had + been + Ving I had been eating a pizza before I went home.

3. Future Tense    

3.1 Future Simple S + will/shall + V1 I will go to school tomorrow.

(to be going to + v1)
3.2 Future Continuous S + will+ be+Ving We will be working on farm
at nine o’clock tomorrow.
3.3 Future Perfect S + will+ have + V3 I will have eaten pizza for
2 hours when you arrive.
3.4 Future Perfect S + will+ have been + I will have been eating pizza
Continuous Ving for 2 hours when you arrive.

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