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Hazardous Materials Safety

HazMat Safety
There are over 17 Million different chemicals in use
around the world each day.
HazMat Safety
 HazMat Compliance

 HazMat Security
HazMat Compliance
The transporting of Hazardous Materials
internationally requires the cooperation of
hundreds of individuals and various government
agencies. In the United States three government
agencies have regulations which apply to
HazMat: DOT, EPA, and OSHA.
HazMat Compliance
The DOT Hazardous Materials Regulations specify
requirements for the safe transportation of
hazardous materials in commerce by rail, air,
sea, and motor vehicles.
HazMat Compliance
The DOT HazMat regulations cover transportation
related activities by shippers, brokers, freight
forwarders, warehouses, carriers, packaging
manufacturers, and many others. These
regulations apply to all aspects of the
transportation of an item from packaging to its
final point of delivery.
HazMat Compliance
DOT HazMat regulations are enforced by…
 Federal Highway Administration
 Federal Railroad Administration
 The Coast Guard
HazMat Compliance
Federal Law provides for civil penalties up to
$25,000 for each HazMat violation. For willful
violation of the laws there are stiffer penalties
including imprisonment of willful violators.
HazMat Compliance
DOT HazMat regulations include
requirements for…
 Training
 Classification and
 Protective Packaging
 Hazard Communication
 Incident Reporting
HazMat Training
HazMat Training
Employee awareness will be the most important
part of your HazMat program. The more
exposure your workforce has to information
pertaining to HazMat the better equipped they
will be to handle an issue or serious incident.
HazMat Training
Before any employee performs a function subject
to the DOT HazMat Regulations, that person
must be provided initial training in the
performance of that function.
HazMat Training
If a new regulation is adopted, or an existing
regulation has changed, that employee must be
instructed in those new or revised requirements
prior to the performance of the new function.
HazMat Training
If an employee has not been trained in a specific
task relating to new or revised HazMat
regulations they may perform the task under the
direct supervision of a properly trained individual
for a period of 90 days.
HazMat Training
Every employee working with HazMat must receive
initial training and periodically be retrained at
least every three years.
HazMat Training
The training should cover three specific categories:
 General Awareness
 Function Specific Training
 Safety Training
HazMat Training
 General Awareness
Should provide employees a familiarity with the
HazMat Regulations. Employees should be able
to recognize and assess a HazMat situation.
HazMat Training
 Function Specific Training
Should be applicable to the trainee’s daily work.
This training could be quite brief and may be
easily incorporated into OJT.
HazMat Training
 Safety Training
Should include emergency response
procedures, protective measures, and methods
of avoiding accidents.
HazMat Training
Employers are responsible for the proper training,
testing, and record keeping
HazMat Compliance
DOT HazMat regulations include
requirements for…
 Training
 Classification and
 Protective Packaging
 Hazard Communication
 Incident Reporting
HazMat Classification and
HazMat Classification and
The DOT HazMat Regulations set forth the criteria
for determining the hazard class and the proper
shipping name for hazardous materials.
HazMat Classification and
Proper labeling or placarding is vital to public
safety. The more information available to
emergency responders and during an incident
the better.
HazMat Classification and
Hazardous Materials are broken down into nine
numbered classes.
HazMat Classification and
Each hazard class is generally made up of
materials with similar properties and shipping
requirements. This allows for identification of the
basic dangers involved with the material.
HazMat Classification and
1) Explosives

2) Gases

3) Flammable and Combustible Liquids

HazMat Classification and
4) Flammable solids, combustible materials, and
dangerous when wet materials

5) Oxidizers and organic peroxides

6) Toxic materials and infectious substances

HazMat Classification and
7. Radioactive Materials

8. Corrosive Materials

9. Miscellaneous dangerous goods

HazMat Classification and
More specific information about materials is
provided by the placard (which may break the
hazard class down further into divisions) and the
display of the UN number, a four digit code
which allows emergency responders to identify
the chemical being shipped.
HazMat Classification and
The HazMat table in 49CFR172.101 provides
extensive information about the requirements for
specific materials. This is the same table used
by regulatory agencies when they determine
compliance with the regulations.
HazMat Classification and
Proper compliance with the classification and
identification portion of the HazMat regulations
will eliminate most violations.
HazMat Compliance
DOT HazMat regulations include
requirements for…
 Training
 Classification and
 Protective Packaging
 Hazard Communication
 Incident Reporting
HazMat Protective Packaging
HazMat Protective Packaging
The packaging required for HazMat is the first line
of defense in preventing a release during
HazMat Protective Packaging
DOT HazMat regulations specify various
performance levels for packaging HazMat.
HazMat Protective Packaging
The type of protective packaging used is
dependent on the nature of the material to be
packaged. All packaging must be designed to
prevent a release during normal transportation
or storage of the material.
HazMat Protective Packaging
Normal transportation of these materials can often
involve significant changes in temperature and
ambient pressure. The protective packaging
must take this into account.
HazMat Protective Packaging
Shipments of liquids must be sealed correctly and
have proper labels to indicate the correct
orientation of the container.
HazMat Protective Packaging
All inner packages must be adequately secured
and cushioned in order to prevent spillage or
breakage during normal transport.
HazMat Protective Packaging
Substances that may react with each other may
not be placed within the same packaging.
HazMat Protective Packaging
Inadequately packaged HazMat should not be
transported, accepted for transportation, or
offered for transportation.
HazMat Compliance
DOT HazMat regulations include
requirements for…
 Training
 Classification and
 Protective Packaging
 Hazard Communication
 Incident Reporting
HazMat Hazard Communication
The elements of hazard warning information are to
be communicated through shipping documents,
packaging markings and labels, placards, and
written emergency response information.
HazMat Hazard Communication
Shipping Documents
HazMat Hazard Communication
Shipping documents can be in the form of a bill of
lading, freight bill, hazardous waste manifest, or
another shipping document.
HazMat Hazard Communication
At a MINIMUM, a properly prepared shipping
paper clearly identifies HazMat by its proper
shipping name, hazard class and division, UN
identification number, packing group (if
applicable), and total quantity.
HazMat Hazard Communication
Additional hazard warning and handling
information, such as “POISON” and “CARGO
AIRCRAFT ONLY” must also be entered on the
shipping documents.
HazMat Hazard Communication
Package Markings
HazMat Hazard Communication
Package markings and labels convey information
such as, the shipping name, UN identification
number, and hazard class of HazMat.
HazMat Hazard Communication
Information on the outside of a package will allow
carriers and warehouse staff to comply with
proper loading and stowage protocol. This
information could prevent potentially dangerous
situations, such as inadvertently contaminated
HazMat Hazard Communication
HazMat markings must be durable, visible, in
English, and comply with proper size and color
HazMat Hazard Communication
HazMat Hazard Communication
HazMat warning placards must properly be
displayed on the outside of motor vehicles,
freight containers, and other bulk shipments of
Hazardous Materials.
HazMat Hazard Communication
The HazMat placard gives a clear description of
the contents of a large shipment of Hazardous
Materials to the general public, emergency
responders and others.
HazMat Hazard Communication
Emergency Response Information
HazMat Hazard Communication
Emergency response information and an
emergency response telephone number must be
provided by the offerer and maintained by the
carrier for use in the mitigation of an accident
involving HazMat.
HazMat Hazard Communication
The offerer must also provide information
concerning immediate health hazards, fire or
explosion risks, immediate precautions that must
be undertaken in the even of a spill, first aid
information, and and emergency response
telephone number of an individual who is
knowledgeable of incident response information
for that particular material.
HazMat Hazard Communication
Material Safety Data Sheet – A list, provided by the
manufacturer, which contains detailed
information, including comprehensive safety
information, about a single product. The
information provided can vary from manufacturer
to manufacturer, and from the various forms of
the same chemical.
HazMat Hazard Communication
Emergency response numbers = CHEMTREC,
CHEM-TEL, INFOTRAC, 3E Company, etc.

Many manufacturers will include contact

information for individuals within their company
in their MSDS.
HazMat Hazard Communication
The information included on the shipment and in
the shipping documents is intending to inform
those people working with or around the HazMat
shipment of the nature of the product.
HazMat Hazard Communication
The information you provide will ensure the
HazMat is safely handled, never stored with
incompatible goods, and will likely be used by
emergency personnel in the event of a serious
HazMat Compliance
DOT HazMat regulations include
requirements for…
 Training
 Classification and
 Protective Packaging
 Hazard Communication
 Incident Reporting
HazMat Incident Reporting
The DOT & FAA HazMat Regulations require
carrier to report all incidents involving HazMat.
These incident reports are maintained in a
database that will allow them to identify and
correct problems which occur during
transportation and storage.
HazMat Incident Reporting
The proper reporting will allow the detection of
serious problems and the regulations may be
HazMat Incident Reporting
Hazardous Materials Information Center
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM Eastern
HazMat Compliance
DOT HazMat regulations include
requirements for…
 Training
 Classification and
 Protective Packaging
 Hazard Communication
 Incident Reporting
HazMat Compliance
Your community depends on you to take the extra
step to protect them from danger. An estimated
85% of all HazMat incidents are the result of
preventable human errors. One incident can
have tremendous consequences.
HazMat Security
HazMat Security
DOT has additional regulations which require the
development and implementation of a security
plan if you offer or transport the following…
HazMat Security
HazMat that must be placarded under federal
HazMat in a bulk package having a capacity of
greater than or equal to 3,500 gallons for liquids
or gases or more than 468 cubic feet for solids
A select agent or toxin regulated by the CDC under
42 CFR Part 73
HazMat Security
At a minimum your security plan must address:

 Personnel Security
 Unauthorized Access
 En route Security
HazMat Security
Employers are responsible for training their
employees and implementing their security plan.
Compliance is currently being enforced!
HazMat Security
Suggestions for HazMat security…
HazMat Security Plan
Risk Management Self-Evaluation Framework


Based on the result of the RSEF develop your

security plan to improve weak areas.
HazMat Security Plan
The RMSEF utilizes the following steps
 Scoping
 Knowledge of Operations
 Assessment
 Strategy
 Action
 Verification
 Evaluation
HazMat Security Plan
Scoping – Determining the scope of operations
that should be subject to security risk
management. Identify the types of HazMat you
handle and the modes of transport which are
HazMat Security Plan
Knowledge of Operations – Review your current
security procedures and related safety
HazMat Security Plan
Assessment – Analyze potential security threats
and identify security control points where
improvements can be made.
HazMat Security Plan
Strategy – Prioritize and group security risk and
decide on preventative procedures. Create a
written security plan summarizing those
HazMat Security Plan
Action – Implement the plan!

Verification – Implementation of the security plan

must be monitored.

Evaluation – Determine if your goals are being met

and if your strategy is getting results in the field.
HazMat Security Plan
Other suggestions…
HazMat Security Plan
Encourage your employees to report any and all
suspicious activity.

Implement routine inspections.

Conduct regular meetings on security topics.

HazMat Security Plan
Establish a partnership with local emergency
HazMat Security Plan
Utilize technology to track shipments
 GPS tracking

 Cell phones
HazMat Security Plan
Escorts for sensitive shipments.

Limiting the amount of stops en route.

Limiting the number of entrances at a facility.

Asking counterparts in industry.

HazMat Security Plan
DOT regulations require all employees to be
trained in the company’s security plan.
HazMat Security Plan
The training should cover the following:
 Company Security Objectives
 Specific Company Security Procedures
 Employee responsibilities
 Action to take in the even of a security breach
 Organizational security structure
HazMat Security Training
DOT regulations also require all employees
working with HazMat to have general security
training. This may be incorporated into their
initial HazMat awareness training or the
company’s security plan training. Your local DOT
HazMat office has free training materials
HazMat Security
Hazardous Materials Information Center
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM Eastern
HazMat Security
How do we inform the public and involved
personnel without giving too much information to
criminals and/or terrorists?
HazMat Security
Placarded shipments of HazMat do not
necessarily make a effective target for terrorists.
HazMat Security
As the technology develops alternatives to the
placarding regulations are on the horizon.
 RFID (radio frequency identification tags)
 GPS vehicle tracking systems
 Centralized Information System
HazMat Security
All signs point to placards as an irreplaceable
source of readily available hazard information.
HazMat Security
Discuss security issues with your fellow
employees.Many of the best ideas come from
problems solved in the field.

YOUR security solution could be the best!

HazMat Safety
In summary…
HazMat Safety
DOT HazMat regulations are enforced by several
agencies and cover everyone involved with the
handling of the shipment.
HazMat Safety
DOT HazMat regulations include
requirements for…
 Training
 Classification and
 Protective Packaging
 Hazard Communication
 Incident Reporting
HazMat Safety
As well as the following
security requirements for
HazMat offerors…
 Security Plan
 Security Plan Training
 General Security Training
HazMat Safety
A workforce well-trained in DOT HazMat
regulations and HazMat security is your best
defense against serious incidents. An
investment in prevention will eliminate many
potential problems and minimize the severity of
HazMat Safety
HazMat Safety
Hazardous Materials Information Center
Mon-Fri 9AM-5PM Eastern

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