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• The first of the five pillars is the Shahadah, "I bear witness that there is no
god except Allah, and I bear the witness that Muhammad is the
messenger (Rasul) of Allah.“
• (Mishkat) Shahadah is the keystone of Islam and the first and foremost
belief in the teachings of all the Prophets.
• It consists of two parts. The first part, I bear witness that there is no god
except Allah, contains the affirmation of the Oneness of God.
• It means that no one except the Allah is worthy of worship and

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• Worship should be offered to Him alone because He and no one else is our
Lord and Creator, Nourisher, Sustainer and Dispenser of Life and
• Sickness and health, poverty and riches; in short, all manner of good
and evil, gain or loss, lies solely in His control. Whatever living things exist
on the earth, or in the heavens be they men or angels, are all His creatures
and slaves.
• Allah has no partners, neither does any one share His Divinity.
• Nobody can amend or alter His will or interfere with His function.
• Hence, Allah Almighty alone is worthy of devotion and worship.

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• He alone is the Supreme Being, the Glorious One, to whom all our
prayers and supplications should be addressed.
• He alone is the real Owner of the heavens and the earth, the Lord
• It is, therefore, necessary that all His commands and instructions are
strictly obeyed and faithfully carried out.
• Against His commands, the commands of no one else should be heeded
even if they are our parents or rulers or of the head of the community
or a dear friend, or the biddings of our own heart.
• The second part of the Shahadah consists of 'and I bear witness that
Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is the messenger (Rasul) of Allah.
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• In this the affirmation is made of the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet
Muhammad‫ﷺ‬-that the Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬is the Apostle of God.
• It means that he was raised up by the Almighty for the guidance of the
world, and whatever he taught and preached such as; Divinity of the
Holy Quran, the existence of the angels, the certainty of the Last Day,
the Resurrection, the Judgement, the award of Heaven and Hell
according to one's deeds on earth, is true and authentic.
• Indeed, all the truths he revealed to mankind are based on divine
• Therefore, they are absolutely correct and beyond dispute.

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• There is not the least excuse, the slightest reason, for doubting or
questioning his words.
• The guidance he gave to men, the laws he laid down were divine
guidance and divine laws that had been inspired to him by the
Almighty Allah.
• It is obvious that once we have accepted the Prophet as the true Apostle
of God, it becomes obligatory for us to believe in his guidance, to adhere
to his commands and to observe faithfully the Shariah he brought.

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