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Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)


Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)


This lesson is intended to improve the understanding of BISOC students on crime,

criminality, types of crime affecting national security and an overview of terrorism.

After this lesson, the trainees will be able to:
L.O 1. Define the basic concept of crime and criminality.

L.O. 2 Define National Security

L.O 3. Identify and enumerate types of crime affecting national security

L.O 4. Explain and discuss the basic concept of terrorism.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)


Is an act committed or omitted in violation of a public law forbidding or commanding it.
(I Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, Rawle’s Third Revision, 729 as cited in Luis B Reyes’ The Revised
Penal Code: Criminal Law)

Title 1, Article 3 of the Revised Penal Code: Acts and omission punishable by law are
felonies (delitos). Felonies are committed not only by means of deceit (dolo) but also by
means of fault (culpa). There is deceit when the act is performed with deliberate intent; and
there is fault when the wrongful act results from imprudence, negligence, lack of foresight, or
lack of skill.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Three (3) elements of a felony:

1.) That there must be an act or omission

2.)That the act or omission must be punishable by the Revised Penal Code

3.)That the act is performed or the omission incurred by means of dolo or culpa

 By act it must be understood as any bodily movement tending to produce some effect
in the external world, it being unnecessary that the same be actually produced, as the
possibility of its production is sufficient.

 Only external act is punished.

 By omission it means inaction, the failure to perform a positive duty which one is
bound to do. There must be a law requiring the doing or performance of an act.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

“Nullum crimen, nulla poena sine lege”. There is no crime where there is no
law punishing it.

Crimes Mala in se vs. Mala prohibita:

 Mala in se, or wrongful from their nature, such as theft, rape, homicide, etc.

 Mala prohibita, or wrong merely because prohibited by statute, such as illegal

possession of firearms.

 Index crimes versus Non index crimes.

 Crimes against person against crimes against property.

 Index crimes

 Non-index crimes

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

The state of being criminal; a criminal act or practice
Crim·i·nal·i·ty (noun) The definition of criminality is the state of being illegal.http

Crime Vs. Criminality (By Ann Green on 4 December 2013)

What Is Crime?
Is an action that may be prosecuted by the state and is punishable by law.
What is Criminality?
The state of being a criminal.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

What’s The Difference Between Crime and Criminality

A crime is when the law is ignored either deliberately or accidentally while criminality is the state of
being a criminal. (

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

 is a state or condition wherein the country’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and
democratic institutions, as well as the people’s way of life, cherished values, welfare and
well-being are protected and enhanced.

 is the requirement to maintain the survival of the state through the use of economic,

military and political power and the exercise of diplomacy

 is a concept that a government, along with its parliaments, should protect the state and its
citizens against all kind of "national" crises through a variety of power projections, such as
political power, diplomacy, economic power, military might, and so on.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Elements of National Security

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Measures taken to ensure National Security:

o Using diplomacy to rally allies & isolate threats
o Marshalling economic power to facilitate or compel cooperation
o Maintaining effective armed forces
o Implementing civil defense & emergency preparedness measures (including anti-
terrorism legislation)
o Ensuring resilience & redundancy of critical infrastructure
o Using intelligence services to detect & defeat or avoid threats & espionage, & to
protect classified information
o Using counterintelligence services or secret police to protect nation from internal
threats economic security

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)



 Internal armed conflicts (Communist insurgency and Muslim Secessionism)

 Weak institution (Partisan armed groups, criminality and organized crimes, graft and
corruption, and poverty and inequality)
 Severe calamities and persistent environmental degradation
 Other concerns: Health, OFWs, Terrorism, scarcity of resources, food, energy, etc.

 Territorial disputes and other regional flashpoints
 Regional military build-up and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction
 Global and regional developments affecting the Philippine interests
 Transnational organized crimes (International Terrorism, piracy at sea, drug trafficking,
smuggling of firearms, and cybercrimes)

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Transnational Crimes:
 Drug Trafficking
 Money Laundering
 Arms Smuggling
 Human Trafficking
 IPR Violation
 Piracy on High Seas
 Cyber Crimes
 Terrorism

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)



Renierlo “Renren”/“Kudri” Dongon

 No globally accepted definition.

 The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims (New Oxford American

 in its broadest sense, the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as a means to create
terror or fear, in order to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Origin of the term:

"Terrorism" comes from the French word terrorisme. The French word terrorisme is derive
from the Latin verb terrere (terreo) meaning “to frighten”. Originally referred specifically to
state terrorism as practiced by the French Government during the 1793-1794 Reign of Terror.
(When the Jacobins came to power)

What is terrorism?
• The definition of terrorism has proven controversial. Various legal systems and
government agencies use different definition of terrorism in their national legislation.

• The international community has been slow to formulate a universally agreed, legally
binding definition of this crime.

• These difficulties arise from the fact that the term “terrorism” is politically and
emotionally charged.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)


The international community has never succeeded in developing an accepted comprehensive

definition of terrorism. During the 1970s and 1980s, the United Nations attempts to define the
term floundered mainly due to differences of opinion between various members about the
use of violence in the context of conflicts over national liberation and self-determination.

"One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Some illustrations of the difficulty in defining terrorism:

 The Soviet–Afghan War lasted over nine years from December 1979 to February 1989
 The birth of the state of Israel
 The fight for the independence of Algeria
 Our heroes quest for Philippines independence.
Are they terrorists who fought for independence and national liberation?

Terrorism is any act “intended to cause death or serious bodily harm to civilians or non-
combatants with the purpose of intimidating a population or compelling a government or an
international organization to do or abstain from doing any act”. (Secretary General of the
United Nations, November 2004)

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

In the Philippines what is terrorism?

RA 9372 known as the Human Security Act of 2007

An act whereby any person commits any acts punishable under any of the following provisions of
the Revised Penal Code:

● piracy in general & mutiny in the high seas or in the Phil waters;
● rebellion or insurrection;
● coup d”etat;
● murder;
● Kidnapping & serious illegal detention;
● Crimes involving destruction;
● Piracy & highway robbery;
● Illegal & unlawful possession, manufacture, dealing in, acquisition or Disposition of
Firearms, Ammunitions or Explosives) disposition of firearms, ammunitions or explosives.

Thereby sowing and creating a condition of widespread and extraordinary fear and panic
among the populace in order to coerce the government to give in to an unlawful demand.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Since the passge of the Human Security Act of 2007, only one case has been filed: The case
of People of the Philippines vs. Manuel Ibarra Jr. @ Jun Guevarra, Kenny Mamogkiat, et al
(Public Terminal Bombing, Midsayap, Cotabato on May 8, 2008) docketed as Criminal Case
No. 08-392 pending before the RTC Br 24, Midsayap, Cotabato.

Manuel Atao Ibarra Jr. alias Jun Guevarra was

arrested last April 1, 2009 through a PNP-led joint
operation in Brgy Perez, Kidapawan City

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

United States State Department – Premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated

against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended
to influence an audience.

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) – The unlawful use of force or violence against
persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any
segment thereof, in the furtherance of political or social objectives.

US Vice President Task Force on Combatting Terrorism - Terrorism is the unlawful use of
threat of violence against persons or property to further political or social objectives. It is
usually intended to intimidate or coerce a government, individual or groups, to modify their
behavior or politics.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Challenges in the study of terrorism

1. Conceptual challenges
-Problem of motives
-Problem of targets
-Problem of perpetrators
-Problem of intention
2. Moral challenges
3. Methodological challenges

Pejorative use

Those labeled "terrorists" by their opponents rarely identify themselves as such, and typically use
other terms or terms specific to their situation, such as separatist, freedom fighter, liberator,
revolutionary, vigilante, militant, paramilitary, guerrilla, rebel, patriot, or any similar-meaning word in
other languages and cultures. Jihadi, mujaheddin, and fedayeen are similar Arabic words that have
entered the English lexicon. It is common for both parties in a conflict to describe each other as

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

“Waves” of terrorism (David Rapoport: Four Waves of Terrorism)

First wave: 1880s to 1920s
Frustrated political reforms
Second Wave: 1920s-1960s.
Frustrated national aspirations.

Third wave: 1960s-1980s.

Separatist and revolutionary. The era of International terrorism
Fourth wave: 1980s-ongoing. Religious terrorism.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)



Country of Origin Terrorist Organization

Abu Nidal Organization
Al – Aqsa Martyr’s Brigades
HAMAS (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Palestine Islamic Jihad Group
Palestine Liberation Front
Palestine Islamic Jihad
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
PFLP – General Command
Ansar al Islam
Kata’ih Hizballah
Kongra – Gel (formerly Kurdistan Workers’ Party)
Tanzim Qa’idat al Jihad fi Bilad al Rafidavo
Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Country of Origin Terrorist Organization

Lebanon Asbat an Ansar


Harakat ul – Mujahidin

Pakistan Jaish – e- Mohammed

Lashkar – e Tayyiba

Lashkar I Jhangyi

Tehrik – I – Taliban Pakistan

Uzbekistan Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan

Israel Kahane Chai

Mujahedin – e – Khalq Organization

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Country of Origin Terrorist Organization

Al Qaida
Saudi Arabia
Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghred

Japan Aum Shinrikyo

South East Asia Jemaah Islamiya

Bangladesh Harkat – ul – Jihad al – Islami

Sri Lanka Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

Somalia Al Shabaab

Algeria Armed Islamic Group

Egypt Gama’a al Islamiyya

Libya Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

Morocco Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

Country of Origin Terrorist Organization

UK of Great Britain and Continuity Irish Republican Army
Northern Ireland
Real IRA

Greece Revolutionary Organization 17 November

Revolutionary Struggle

Turkey Revolutionary People’s Liberation Party/Front

Spain Basque Fatherland and Liberty

National Liberation Army

Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia

United Self Defense Forces of Colombia

Peru Shining Path

Philippines Abu Sayyaf Group

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

A terrorist only has to be

successful once…

We have to be successful
every time.

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

In the Philippines who are considered terrorist organizations?

• Maute Group?
• Rajah Solaiman Movement?
• Rogue MNLF Group/Misuari Breakaway Group?
• KHALIFA ISLAMIYAH MINDANAO (KIM) is a dedicated jihadi organization that seeks to
establish an independent Islamic state in Mindanao Island Philippines. The group is led by
an Afghan-trained Islamic cleric known as Humam Abdul Najid.
• Other groups that pledges allegiance to ISIS

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)


Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

 There is no “one size fits all” approach to terrorism
 There is no “silver bullet” panacea for insurgency (terrorism)
(David Kilcullen, “Counterinsurgency”)
 Finally, while recognizing the importance of “soft” ways to achieve
conciliation, it should be noted that changing the population's attitude
can hardly, if at all, be achieved without the use of force.
(Ariel Merari, “Driven To Death: The Psychological And Social Aspects Of Suicide

A Hunter or a Fishermen?

“In refusing to commit a smaller sin, we might incur a far greater wrong”

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)

N.B. (Propose additional module)

 Incorporate the use of drone in ISO operations

 15 days Combat Manuever/Mission planning

 Incident Command System (ICS)

 Ground to Air Signal (GTAS)

 If we cannot take down even the internet/website of the CPP/NPA/NDF
( (PNP Anti Cybercrime Group) what would then
be the future of our Anti-insurgency campaign?

Module: Lead Instructor & Facilitators Training (LIFT)



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