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The word “intelligence”

The word “intelligence”

The word “intelligence”

The word “intelligence”

The word “intelligence”

“technical profession”
The word “intelligence”

The word “intelligence”

What is Intelligence?

Defined as the end product resulting

from the collection, collation,
evaluation, analysis, integration, and
the interpretation of all available
What is Intelligence?

“processed information”
What is Information?

“Unprocessed material or raw data”

Categories of Intelligence

• Tactical Intelligence

• Strategic Intelligence

• Counterintelligence
• Tactical Intelligence

“focuses on specific subjects or

• Strategic Intelligence

“Intelligence that is not of immediate

Use but for future utilization.”

“ capabilities, vulnerabilities
and probable courses of action
of foreign nations”
Components of Strategic

1. P-olitical Intelligence
2. E-conomic Intelligence
3. T-ransportation & Telecommunication Intel
4. S-iological Intelligence
5. B-iographical Intelligence
6. A-rmed Forces Intelligence
7. G-eographic Intelligence
8. S-cientific & Technical Intelligence
• Counterintelligence

Mission of Intelligence Unit

• To collect, evaluate, analyze,

report and disseminate
Basic Intelligence Principles

“intel and opn are

Basic Intelligence Principles

“ must be useful ”
Basic Intelligence Principles

“must be available on time”

Basic Intelligence Principles

“intel opn must be flexible”

Basic Intelligence Principles

“intel opns requires

imagination and foresight”
Basic Intelligence Principles

“intelligence must be pertinent”

Basic Intelligence Principles

“intel requires careful and

thorough planning”
Basic Intelligence Principles

“intel opns are influenced by the

elements present in the operational
Basic Intelligence Principles

“there must be adequate security”

Basic Intelligence Axioms

“Intel is a command responsibility”

Basic Intelligence Axioms

“Intel is the responsibility of all

governmental agencies”
Basic Intelligence Axioms

“intel of the gov’t must superior

to that of the enemy”
Basic Intelligence Axioms

“intel is crucial to internal security”

Purpose of Intelligence

“anticipate threats”
Purpose of Intelligence

“seek opportunities”
Four (4) Phases of Intelligence Cycle

Intelligence Cycle


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