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Introduction to the

States of Matter
Solids, Liquids & Gases
Learning Objectives:
 to understand that matter can exist in three

Success Criteria:
 to define matter
 to know the three states of matter
 to compare and contrast the three states of matter
What is matter?
 Everything around us is made up of matter

 Matter is any substance that has mass

and takes up space (volume)
What is matter?

 The three states of matter that you need to know in


Solids, Liquids & Gases

Identifying Types of Matter:
Draw the following table in your books:
Solids Liquids Gases
What is matter?
How do we know it

Now, in pairs you have two minutes to look

around the classroom and write down as many
solids, liquids and gases you can see!
Properties of types of matter:
What makes solids, liquids and gases different from each other ?
Can it be What does it look
What does it feel
poured? like?

Can you
Does it flow? squash it?

In small groups you are going to describe the properties of the three states of
matter: solids, liquids and gases.
Properties of Solids:

• Solids stay in one place and you can
hold them in your hand

• solids keep their shape

• solids always take up the same

amount of space (they don’t spread
out like gases or liquids)

• Solids can be cut and shaped

Properties of Liquids:

• Liquids can flow or be poured
easily. They are not easy to hold

• Liquids change their shape

depending on the container they
are in

• Even when liquids change their

shape, they will always take up the
same amount of space. Their
volume stays the same.
Properties of gases:

• Gases are often invisible

• Gases do not keep their shape or

always take up the same amount of
space. They spread out and change
their shape and volume to fill up
whatever container they are in

• Gases can be squashed

Any Questions?

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