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• Learn and understand basic chemical • Aoao ma malamalama i faiga faavae o
safety practices. saogalemu o vailaau.
• Learn and Understand the two(2) • Aoao ma malamalama i ituaiga
basic types of soil. eleelea poo palapa’la e lua.
• Learn and understand the seven(7) • Aoao ma malamalama i ituaiga autu e
basic types of cleaning agents. fitu (7) o vailaau faamama.

• Identify the effects of acidity or • Faailoa mai aafiaga o vailaau aava ma

alkalinity in cleaning agents. vailaau le aava ile faamama.

• Learn and understand the • Aoao ma malamalama i le taua o le

importance of using disinfectant faaaogaina o vailaau tape ai siama.

• Good safety practices will help • O faatinoga lelei o le saogalemu o le a

prevent serious injuries to you, fesoasoani e puipuia ai manuaga
visitors, patients, and especially staff. matui-a ia te oe, tagata asiasi, ma
• It is your responsibility to understand gasegase, aemaise lava le
and abide by safety guidelines. aufaigaluega.
1.Training: • O lou tiutetauave le malamalama i
taiala mo le saogalemu.
• Pay close attention and listen
carefully during training sessions • 1.aoaoga faamasani:
provided, which delivers valuable
• Ia taulai atu ma le totoa ma faalogo
information’s about chemical safety!
lelei i oaoga o loo tuuina atu, e
aumaia ai faamatalaga taua e uiga i
vailaau ma latou saogalemu!

Labels and Documents: Igoa ma Faamatalaga:
• Read labels of any chemicals • Faitau le igoa o soo se vailaau.
• Follow manufacturers instructions and • Mulimuli I faatonuga mai falegaosimea ma
warning carefully. lapataiga ma le manino.
• Faitau ma mulimuli i famatalaga saogalemu o
• Read and follow S.D.S safety manual.
• Never use unlabeled chemicals. • Aua nei faaaogaina vailaau e leai ni faailoilo.
Safety Practice

. Flammability: • Fua vevela:

• Check flashpoints on product labels. • Siaki le fuavevela I luga o faailoilo.

• Never use flammable products near • Aua nei faaaogaina vailaau mu gofie e
sparks, flames ( furnaces, kitchen, latalata i ni aloiafi, apeafi mumu
boilers, gas, or burners) (furnaces, umukuka, boilers, kesi, po
o mu.)
• Always make sure there is adequate
ventilation when using cleaning • Ia mautinoa i taimi uma e lava le
chemicals if they are flammable. avanoa pe a faaaoga ia vailaau
faamama pe afai e mu gofie.
Safety Practice

.4- Personal Protection Equipment: 4 O au mea faigaluega e puipuia ai

• If use toxic substances or strong
• Afai e faaaoga ni vailaau, po o ni vai
acids or alkaline chemicals always
a-ava malolosi, le a-ava malosi e
wear PPE!
tatau lava ona faia PPE.

• PPE includes:
• Gloves
• PPE e aofia ai:
• Totigilima
• Safety Goggles
• Goggles saogalemu
• Face Shields
• Fetaiai ma talita
• Aprons
• Talieleele
• Respiration
• Faamanava

Remember to always wash your • Manatua e fufulu i taimi uma ou

hands before and after using any lima a o lei faaaogaina, ma pe a
chemicals” uma ona faaaoga soo se vailaau "
“ Never mix any chemicals with • "Aua lava neie faafefiloia soo se
anything but water, and follow vailaau i soo se mea, vagana ai le
dilution instructions exactly” vai, ma ia mulimuli i faatonuga.

• 1-Loose, dry soil: • 1 – Eleele pefu ma eleele Mago:

• Also called dust or dry dirt, usually it • E taua foi o le efuefu po o le eleele
floats in the air and settles on matutu, e masani lava ona
surfaces. faatafetafea i le ea, ma nofo I soo se
mea mafolafola.
• Can usually be removed with • E masani lava ona aveesea i gaioiga
mechanical action alone. faatino.
• Examples: Sweeping, dust mopping, • Faataitaiga: salusalu, oloolo, soloina,
wiping, vacuuming, and wet saluina, ma le solo susu.
2-Oily, Sticky Soil

• Also call Tracked in Soil. • Eleele soli mai totonu.

• Dirt mixed with grease and other oily • Ua fefiloi le palapala ma gao ma
materials. suauu.
• Grease and Oils come from many • O gao-a ma suauu e mai i le tele o
sources: punaoa:
-> Foods, body contact, lubricants, - Meaai, fesootaiga o le tino,
engine exhaust fumes. gao maseese ma ea mai afi.
2-Oily, Sticky Soil

• Oily soil is often tracked into • O le eleele suauua e masani ona

buildings on peoples shoes. soli mai i fale i seevae o tagata.
• The longer this type of soil stays • O le umi o nei ituaiga o eleele I
on surface, the more it bonds to luga o fola, o le a pipii ma faigata
that surface and the harder it is ona aveesea.
to remove.
Learn and Understand the seven(7) basic
types of cleaning agents”
Cleaning agents are products that
remove soil from surfaces.

1. Water/Steam • Vai/ausa
2. Natural Soap • Fasimoli faanatura
3. Synthetic Detergents • Pauta faamama
4. Solvent Cleaners • Solvent (faigofie ona mu)
5. Acid Cleaners • Vailaau aava
6. Alkaline Cleaners • Vailaau le aava
7. Abrasive Cleaners • Faamama ----

• Water • Vai
• Water works well when soil contain no oil. • E aoga le vai pe afai e le o i ai se suauu i le
• Natural Soap. eleele.

• Natural soap increase the cleaning power • Fasimoli faanatura.

of water because they penetrate soil and • O le fasimoli e faaleleia atili le aoga o le
wet the surface underneath so the soil can vai, ona latou te ulufia le eleele ma susu ai
remove more easily. nofoaga ina ia faigofie ai ona aveese le
• Acid Cleaner eleele.
• Acid cleaner removed mineral deposits Aava malosi
and rust stains left by water that you • O aava malolosi ua aveesea palapala ma
might find under the flushing rims of ele pipii o loo totoe mai le vai, e mafai ona
toilets or urinals. e maua i lalo o augutu o paipa ma ipu o
faleletaua .

• Alkaline Cleaner • Alkalane .

• Alkaline cleaner removed most greasy and • O Alkalane ua aveesea ai le tele o palapala
oily soil have acid components. oloo pipii/feifeloi ma le gao/suauu ua i ai
ni vaega ole sua aava.
• Abrasive cleaners: • Abrasive cleaners:
• Remove and clean by physically abrading, • Aveese ma famama e ala I galuega faatino
scratching or scraping away scrubbing soil. pei ole oloolo ma valuvalu ona o tulaga
pipii ose eleelea

• Greasy or oily soils are usually acidic • gaoa po o eleele suauua e masani
and require an alkaline cleaner to lava ona acidic ma e manaomia ai se
remove them. vailaau e iai le alkaline e aveesea ai.
* Rust and mineral deposits are usually * O ele, ma palapal’a mai le va, e masani
alkaline and require an acidic cleaner lava ona alkaline ma e manaomia ai
to remove them. se vailaau e iai le acid e aveese ai.

P.H stands for “ POWER OF HYDROGEN”, when you know the

pH factor of a cleaning agent, you can tell how strong the
product is and how safe it is to handle!
it is the process of decreasing the concentration
of solute (chemical) in to solution (water)

• Another thing that affects the • O le isi lea aafiaga o malosi o

strength of cleaning agents is vailaau o fesuisuiaiga o vailaau.

• A cleaning agent’s “dilution ratio”

• O fesuiaiga ole vailaau" e faailoa ai le
indicates how much water must be
aofai o le vai e tatau ona fefiloi ma le
mixed with the product to get the
vailaau e maua ai le malosi lelei mo
optimum cleaning power.
le faamamaina.
• Ratios are expressed as “ I to X “ or 1
• O Ratios ua faaalia o le “1 ile X" po o
unit of cleaning agent to x units of
le 1 iunite o le vailaau il e X iunite o
le vai.

• For example , a 1 to 256 dilution • Mo se faataitaiga, o le 1 i le 256 le

ratio also shown as ( 1:256) fua, po o le (1:256) o lona uiga o
means that 1 part cleaning agent le 1 vaega o le vailaau e tatau ona
should be mixed with 256 parts fefiloi ma le 256 vaega o le vai ina
of water in order for the product ia mafai ona maua le lelelei ole
to perform as the manufacturer vailaau pei ona faamoemoeina.

• For example: • Faataitaiga:

• One gallon contains 128 ounces. • O le kalone e tasi e aofia ai le 128
In volume units, 1 to 256 means aunese. I le aofaiga ole fua- 1 i le
that ½ ounce of cleaning agent 256 o lona uiga o le 1/2 aunese
should be mixed with 1 gallon of vailaau-e tatau ona fefiloi ma le 1
water. kalone o vai.
Identify the non-chemical factors
that affect cleaning

• Water Temperature: • Vevela vai:

 Hot water can have an adverse effect • O le vai vevela e mafai ona i ai se
and cause problem. aafiaga faigata ma e mafua ai se
 Regulations require the water to not faafitauli.
be hotter than 120 degrees. • Aiaiga le vevela ole vai etatau ona i
lalo ole 120 le vevela.
• Contact time:
 It is length of time that a cleaning
• O le umi o le taimi e tatau on a nofo
solution stays on a surface before it is
ai le vailaau I luga ose nofoaga faatoa
rinsed off or removed.
solo ai ma faamama.

• Mechanical Action: • Faainisinia

• It is a combination of physical forces to Tusa lava poo vailaau e ulufia le
help remove soils from surface. eleelea ma faatapeape le palapala
 Although cleaning chemicals ele mafai ona latou faamaeaina le
penetrate surface and suspend soil, faamama.
they cannot complete the cleaning • Vagana, e tatau i le tagata faigaluega
process by themselves. ona faaaoga mea faigaluega
 Works must use brush agitation, faainisinia e famaea mafaamama
water pressure, abrasive pads or lelei ai le palapala, ma aveese ai le
vacuum to finish breaking up and eleelea.
removing the soil.
Learn and understand the importance of using disinfectant

• Disinfection: • Faamamaina o siama e ala I

 One of the most important jobs vaila’au:
as a custodian is to kill germs, • O se tasi o galuega sili ona taua i le
bacteria, and viruses or stop their avea ai o se Tausifale o le
growth before they make people faaitiitia/tape lea o siama, ma
sick. taofia lo latou tuputupu ae latou te
lei faamama’iina tagata.
• Methods of germ
control; • O metotia efaaititia ai
• 1-Sanitation siama;
• 1-Tumama
• 2-Disinfection
• 2-Tineia lea o siama
• 3-Sterilization
• 3-Sterilization

• Disinfection: • Faamamaina o siama ose auala e

• it is the process of cleaning faaogaina e faaoga ai vailaau e
something, especially with a faaumatia/tape ai siama:
chemical, in order to destroy
• O vailaau e faaoga ai e tape ai siama
• Disinfectant
• Chemical agents that free/kill harmful
microorganisms (bacteria and fungi)
Types of Disinfectants

• Natural Pine oil • Hypochlorite: ( Clorox)

• Iodine  Disinfectants work only on surfaces
• Iodophors that are already clean. It is used as a
• Hypochlorite second step disinfectant.
• Synthetic Phenols
• Quaternary ammonium compounds • Quaternary ammonium compounds
• Peroxide • Quats are potent/powerful
disinfectant chemicals commonly
found in disinfectant wipes, sprays
and other household cleaners that
are designed to kill germs.
 Example: virex II 265
Triad III

• Clorox:
• Two step disinfectant cleaner.
• Eye irritation • Malosi mata.
• Throat and respiratory tract irritation • Aafia Faai, ma ala manava.
• Burn mouth, throat and stomach. • Mu le totonu ole gutu, puta ma ala
• Voc (volatile Organic Compounds)
• Voc ( manogi poo “mist” mai vailaau
pe a faaoga.)
• Bleach must be applied to a surface
• E tatau ona faʻaaogaina I nofoaga ua
that has previously been cleaned
uma ona faamamaina lelei ise
with an appropriate detergent.
vailaau faamama.

• Bleach is solely a disinfectant and can • Ole bleach e na o se fomaʻi, ma e le

be inactivated by microscopic organic mafai ona faʻamalosia isi siama ninii
debris. mai palapala.
• Bleach rapidly degrades in the • E vave faʻaitiitia le malosi i luma o le
presence of light and when mixed malamalama ma pe a faʻafefiloi ma le
with water. vai.
• Kill time 10minutes but if evaporates • E malosi - 10 minute, ae afai e
in less than 10mins , greater volume faʻaitiitia i lalo ifo o le 10 minute, e
of solution should be applied. tatau ona faʻaaoga se isi malosi e sili
Quaternary ammonium compounds.


• One step disinfectant cleaner. • TULAGA MATAUTIA.
• Hazards • Malosi mata.
• Eye irritation • Aafia Faai, ma ala manava.
• Throat and respiratory tract irritation • Mu le totonu ole gutu, puta ma ala
• Burn mouth, throat and stomach. manava.
• Voc (volatile Organic Compounds) • Voc ( manogi poo le mist mai le vailaau pe
a faaoga.)
• Kill time – 10mins • Taimi faatulagaina – 10 minute.
• Ph-10.5 • Ph-10.5
• Color –blue • Lanu – lanu moana
• Dilution ph: 8.8 @ 1.256.
Guidelines For Using Cleaning Chemicals

• Do not mix chemicals: • Aua le faafefiloi vailaau:

• Dilute chemicals only with water, and • Fesuiai vailaau na ole vai, ma
then according to the manufacturers faalagolago i faatonuga mai
directions. falegaosimea.
• Make sure all chemical containers are • Ia mautinoa o loo tusia faalelei ia igoa
properly labeled. vailaau uma.
• Store chemicals in appropriate, safe, • Ia teu vailaau i nofoaga talafeagai,
secure places. saogalemu, ma mautu.
Guidelines For Using Cleaning Chemicals

• Bring to your work area only amounts • Aumai i le nofoaga faigaluega na o le

of chemicals necessary to do the job. aofaiga o vailaau e manaomia e fai ai
• Use P.P.E to protect yourself against le galuega.
spills and splashes of chemicals. • Faaaoga au mea faigaluega
• Wash your hands or affected skin saogalemu e puipuia ai oe lava mai
immediately in case of spills. masaasaa ma pisipisi o vailaau.
• Fufulu ou lima po ose vaega o lu tino
ua aafia i le taimi lava e masaasaa ai.
Guidelines For Using Cleaning Chemicals

• If you don’t know what chemical is, • Afai e te le iloa po o le a le vailaau, e

how to use it, or what its potential faapefea ona faaaoga, po o le a foi
hazards are, ask your supervisor or ona faigata e ono i ai, fesili muamua
instructions first. atu i lou supavaisa po o faatonuga.
• Remove leaking containers. Shift • Aveese fagu ua leaga. O kalone
contents to another container and re- fesuiai e tatau ona toe tisia igoa.
label it. Do not discard a container in Aua le sasaaina vailaau i kalone lapisi
the trash or pour chemical down a ma lua poo alavai, ae lei logo ina lau
drain without prior approval from supavisa.
your supervisor.

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