Male and Female Reproductive System and Menstruation

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Male and Female

Reproductive system
Year 7 Health
Male reproductive system
The Vas Deferens – tubes
The Bladder – that carry and store sperm.
where urine is
The Testicles – where
The Urethra – tube sperm and testosterone is
that transports urine  produced. Production of
sperm is continuous.
from the bladder 
and semen from the The Scrotum – soft pouch
seminal vesicles to of skin that holds the testes
the opening at the and keeps them at the
end of the penis. correct temp.

The Penis – made

of spongy erectile
Female reproductive system
Fallopian tubes
• Catch the egg after it is
released from the ovaries
and transport it down to the
• Fertilisation occurs here
The Vagina
Produces discharge to clean itself to
The ovaries prevent bacterial infections
• Stores and releases eggs and
produces hormones Urethral Opening: Urine is
discharged here
• One egg is released a month
The uterus
• Designed to provide Vaginal Opening:
protection and support for a Where menstrual blood comes out
developing foetus
and where a tampon may be inserted
• Sheds during menstruation
if the egg is not fertilized
Year 7 Health
What is menstruation?
Is the name given to a women’s monthly bleeding. Can
happen between ages 8 to 15. BUT everyone is

When a girl menstruates, her body sheds the lining of

the uterus (endometrium) = “the blood”
When a girl’s period come regularly it is
called a menstrual cycle

Menstrual It is a sign that the reproductive system is

working properly and the body is
cycle and its preparing for pregnancy
stages A cycle is counted from the first day of 1
period to the first day of your next period

The average cycle is 28 days long

Stages of the cycle

Days 1-5 Days 6-13 (pre

Days 15-28 (post ovulation)
(Menstruation) ovulation) Day 14 (ovulation) The egg travels along the
- First day of your Bleeding has stopped Increased hormones fallopian tube towards the
period and start of the Egg matured from cause the release of a
Egg will be fertilised if it
menstrual cycle increase in hormones mature egg (ovum) comes across sperm
- Bleeding lasts from the ovary
Lining of the uterus The unfertilised egg will
around 5 days starts to thicken break apart and be shed with
next period
Menstrual flow
Periods can be light, moderate or heavy in terms of
how much blood comes out the vagina
On average women lose 4tbs(60mls) of blood
during their period
- Breast swelling and tenderness
- Food cravings, esp. for sweet food
- Skin problems eg. breaking out in pimples

PMS symptoms - Bloating

- Wanting to be alone
- Irritability
- Mood swings
Period products

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