L2 Shared Characteristics and Variety of Organisms

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Thursday, 18 January

Variety of living organismss 2018

(mammal with warm blood and 1. Animalia
body hair) Ateles (all animals)
Starter: Can you (Spider monkeys)

put these in Chordata

order? From (Has a spinal chord) Fusciceps
(The black headed spider monkeys)
most vague to
most specific (large new world monkeys) Primates
(Old and new world monkeys)

Challenge: What is the black headed spider monkey called using the
binomial naming system?
1b – Variety of living things
Describe the common features shown by eukaryotic organisms: plants,
animals, fungi and protoctists.

Describe the common features shown by prokaryotic organisms such as


Understand the term pathogen and know that pathogens may include fungi,
bacteria, protoctists or viruses.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

Kingdom Animalia
(all animals)

Phylum Chordata
(Has a spinal chord)

Class Mammalia
(mammal with warm blood and body hair)

Order Primates
(Old and new world monkeys)

Family (large new world monkeys)

Genus (Spider monkeys)

Ateles fusciceps
Species (The black headed spider monkeys)
1a – Characteristics of living organisms
CONCEPT CHECK – Exam style question

Q1: Suggest and explain 3 pieces of evidence from the

There are over 2000 types of jellyfish
passage that show that jellyfish are a type of living
around the world. Jellyfish swim by
organism. (3)
rhythmic pulsations of the umbrella. The
tentacles on a jellyfish are covered with
millions of stinging cells. Jellyfish usually
feed on small fish that get caught in their
Q2: Some jellyfish can clone themselves to make identical
tentacles or sometimes even other
copies. Suggest how this also shows they are living
organisms. (1)
Jellyfish take oxygen into their cells directly from the water around them.
Jellyfish don’t actually have brains but they do have something called a
nerve net which can coordinate responses. Most Jellyfish release sperm
or eggs directly into the water around them. Jellyfish have no blood,
bones or hearts. But come of them can do incredible things like glow in
the dark.

Jellyfish are some of the oldest living creatures on Earth and have
probably been around on the planet for over 600 million years. Jellyfish
numbers are increasing as they are one of the few living organisms that
are thriving with warmer more acidic oceans.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1a – Characteristics of living organisms
CONCEPT CHECK – Exam style question

Q1: Suggest and explain 3 pieces of evidence from the

There are over 2000 types of jellyfish
passage that show that jellyfish are a type of living
around the world. Jellyfish swim by
organism. (3)
rhythmic pulsations of the umbrella. The
tentacles on a jellyfish are covered with
Any 3 from - They swim which is movement; they feed on
millions of stinging cells. Jellyfish usually
small fish which is nutrition,; they make sperm and egg
feed on small fish that get caught in their
which is used are used in reproduction; they take oxygen
tentacles or sometimes even other
out of the water for respiration; they can coordinate
responses which is control.
Jellyfish take oxygen into their cells directly from the water around them. Q2: Some jellyfish can clone themselves to make identical
Jellyfish don’t actually have brains but they do have something called a copies. Suggest how this also shows they are living
nerve net which can coordinate responses. Most Jellyfish release sperm organisms. (1)
or eggs directly into the water around them. Jellyfish have no blood,
bones or hearts. But come of them can do incredible things like glow in It is a type of reproduction
the dark.

Jellyfish are some of the oldest living creatures on Earth and have
probably been around on the planet for over 600 million years. Jellyfish
numbers are increasing as they are one of the few living organisms that
are thriving with warmer more acidic oceans.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things

• All living organisms can be classified into

groups based on certain criteria.
• One of the simplest forms of classification is
to split all living things into 5 Kingdoms.
• The 5 kingdoms are called animals, plants,
fungi, protoctists and bacteria.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things

Plants Animals Fungi

These 4 groups are eukaryotic

organisms as their cells all
possess a nucleus.
Protoctists Bacteria
Bacteria are prokaryotic
organisms as their cells
don’t have a nucleus.
Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham
1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms - Plants

• They are multicellular.

• Cells contain chloroplasts.
• Carry out photosynthesis and therefore make
their own food
• Have cellulose cell walls.
• Store sugar as starch or sucrose.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Plant examples
Non-flowering plants Flowering plants

Herbaceous legume


Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms - Animals

• They are multicellular.

• Get their nutrition from feeding on other organisms
• They are capable of movement from one place to
• They have nervous coordination.
• They have no cell wall or chloroplasts.
• Store carbohydrate as glycogen.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms - Animals

• They are multicellular.

• Get their nutrition from feeding on other organisms
• They are capable of movement from one place to another.
• They have nervous coordination.
• They have no cell wall or chloroplasts and therefore do
not photosynthesise.
• Store carbohydrate as glycogen.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Animal examples

Invertebrates Vertebrates

e.g. mammal
e.g. Insects

Mosquito Human

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Fungi

• Can be multicellular or unicellular.

• Cell wall made of chitin.
• Made of a network of fibres called a mycelium
(collective) of hyphae (Individual) which have
many nuclei.
• Store carbohydrate as glycogen.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Fungi examples

Single celled Multicellular

Yeast Mucor (bread mould)

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

By Bob Blaylock - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11456513 By Esv - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3064238 14
1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Protoctists

• A strange collection of simple organisms that

do not fit into the other groups therefore often
known as the ‘dustbin’ kingdom.
• Some are like animals some are more like
• Mostly single celled.

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Protoctist examples

More animal like More plant like

Amoeba Chlorella

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

By Picturepest - https://www.flickr.com/photos/picksfromoutthere/10891717213, CC BY 2.0,
https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=33644237 16
1b – Variety of living things
What am i?

• What am i?

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Bacteria

• Small single celled organisms.

• Cell wall made of peptidoglycan. Come in different sizes
(helps classify later on)
• Some have a capsule or slime layer.
• Has no nucleus.
• Some species have flagella for movement.
• Some contain plasmids (small loops of DNA).
• Have one circular chromosome. (bacterial DNA)
• Some can do photosynthesis.
Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham
1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Bacteria




Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

A typical bacterium 19
1b – Variety of living things
Kingdoms – Bacteria examples
Rod shaped Spherical shaped

Lactobacillus bulgaricus Pneumococcus

Used in the production of yogurt from milk Causes the disease pneumonia

By Doc. RNDr. Josef Reischig, CSc. - Author's archive, CC BY-SA 3.0, By Doc. RNDr. Josef Reischig, CSc. - Author's archive, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=31554855 https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=31556616 20
1b – Variety of living things
CONCEPT CHECK – Exam style question

Q: Complete the missing parts of the table. (5 marks)

Kingdom Carbohydrate Cell wall Nucleus
store present
Animal Yes
Starch Cellulose Yes
Bacteria Glycogen Peptidogly
Fungi Glycogen Yes
Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham
1b – Variety of living things
CONCEPT CHECK – Exam style question

Q: Complete the missing parts of the table. (5 marks)

Kingdom Carbohydrat Cell wall Nucleus

e store present
Animal Glycogen None Yes
Plant Starch Cellulose Yes
Bacteria Glycogen Peptidoglycan No
Fungi Glycogen Chitin Yes
Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham
1b – Variety of living things

Plants Animals Fungi

These 4 groups are eukaryotic

organisms as their cells all
possess a nucleus.
Protoctists Bacteria
Bacteria are prokaryotic
organisms as their cells
don’t have a nucleus.
Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham
1b – Variety of living things

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

1b – Variety of living things
• It could be a fungus e.g. athlete’s foot

• It could be a bacteria e.g. cholera

• It could be a protoctists e.g. Plasmodium which

causes malaria.

• It could be a virus e.g. influenza.

Any other pathogens you might know? 25

Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham
1b – Variety of living things

• Not made of cells, and do not carry out any of the

normal ‘characteristics’ of living organisms.
• Much smaller than bacteria cells.
• All are parasites (live and reproduce in a host causing
it harm).
• Made of genetic material (DNA or RNA) surrounded
by a protein coat.
• All natural viruses cause disease. They can infect
every type of living organism. 26
Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham
1b – Variety of living things
Viruses - examples

Tobacco mosaic virus HIV Influenza

Prevents the formation of Destroys the immune Causes the ‘flu’

chloroplasts in plants. system causing AIDS

By BruceBlaus - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

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https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=44968164 27
1b – Variety of living things
CONCEPT CHECK – True or false?

1. Viruses are living organisms.

2. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.
3. Fungi store their carbohydrate as glycogen.
4. All plants photosynthesise.
5. Bacteria cell walls are made of cellulose.
6. Chlorella is an example of a protoctist.
7. There are 5 kingdoms.
8. Protoctists have plasmids.
9. Plants store their carbohydrate as starch.
10.All fungi are single celled.
Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham
1b – Variety of living things
CONCEPT CHECK – True or false?

1. Viruses are living organisms.

2. Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.
3. Fungi store their carbohydrate as glycogen.
4. All plants photosynthesise.
5. Bacteria cell walls are made of cellulose.
6. Chlorella is an example of a protoctist.
7. There are 5 kingdoms.
8. Protoctists have plasmids.
9. Plants store their carbohydrate as starch.
10.All fungi are single celled.
Copyright © 2018 Henry Exham

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