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As you are aware, our Assignment 3 Case Study includes some sections which are collaboratively
constructed and others which are individually constructed.
Collaborative writing can take many forms but most importantly, it must enable all team members
to have a voice, be heard, and feel confident in the final product.

Thinking together
All team members share their ideas. This can be done in the activities on our discussion board, via
email, Canvas Messages, Facebook, WhatsApp, Google Docs, Google Hangouts, Zoom,
Collaborate, Microsoft Teams…..however works best for your team.

Collaborative writing
Part 1 Part 3
• Person A collates the team thoughts into a • Person C collates the team thoughts into a
cohesive 250 word paragraph cohesive 250 word paragraph
• Person B proofreads and edits writing • Person D proofreads and edits writing
mechanics mechanics
• Person C looks for any additional • Person A looks for any additional
supporting citations supporting citations
• Person D writes the reference list entries for • Person B writes the reference list entries for
Part 1 using APA7 Part 3 using APA7

Confirm and Agree
All team members review Parts 1 and 3. Respectful and robust discussion to confirm, modify, or
adapt the paragraphs.
As a team agree on the final version of Parts 1 and 3. No changes should be made once the team
has agreed on the paragraphs. Copy and paste Parts 1 and 3 into individual Assignment 3

Celebrate your excellent team collaboration.
Ensure that you take screenshots of your active contributions to the team process for your

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