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My Name is Anmol of class 9th A.
I am a student of C.J.D.A.V Public School,
Meerut .
Our Project is :-
• Accident Prevention Program(APP)
My Team Mates Are :-
1) Anmol 9th A
2) Krish Loahiya 9th A
Problem Statement
From some time I am observing a problem of road accident
happening because of over speeding the vehicles on the
diversions of roads, speed breakers, pits, cuts between the
dividers, crossroads etc. Some people die on the spot, some
in the hospitals or some get severe injuries. It is very
common these days. So, we have to stop these type of
We are thinking about a solution on this.
Our Solution is :-
We should create inbuilt systems in the vehicle or any
instrument which is compulsory to wear / connect while
driving or riding(otherwise vehicle doesn't start ), which
automatically speak when the speed of a vehicle gets high
or very high. It will catch the image of the road on which
we are travelling from the satellites and tells us that is there
any diversion, pit, speed breakers etc.
The benefits of the above project is :-
• We can regulate the speed of the vehicle by which we
can prevent accidents.
• The expand of money of government and the family will
be very less.
• It can prevent many peoples from dying on the spot of
accident or in the hospital.
Thank You
For Giving
valuable time.

By Anmol student of 9th A

A.T.A.L Student
C.J.D.A.V Public School,

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