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Presentation Topic:

Submitted by: Hassan Ali
Group: 9-A
Submitted To: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Faisal
Topics To Be Discussed
• Development of Bones
• Functions of Bones
• Structure of Bones
• Classification of Bones
• Bone Marrow
• Bone Surface Marking
Bone Development
• Bone develops By Two Processes
1. Membranous Formation
2. Endochondral Formation
. During Endochondral Formation
• Chondrocytes convert Hyline Cartilage into Bone
• Slow process
• Occurs in Long Bones
• Takes 18_20 years or even More
During Membranous Formation
• Two Types of Cells involved
1. Osteoblast
2. Connective Tissues
• Involved in 'Moulding Process'
• Bones Formed
1. Facial Bones
2. Clavicle
3. Vault of Skull
• Fast Process
Function of Bones
• Body support
• Facilitation of Movement
• Protection of internal organs
• Storage of mineral and fats
• Hematopoiesis
• Provide Body Shape
Bone Marrow
• At Birth, All bone Marrow is red and Hematopoietic
• Decreases with age
• Replacement with yellow marrow
• At 7 age, Yellow marrow appears in Distal Bones
• Replacement gradually moves proximally
• So That with time, person become adult
• Red Marrow is Restricted To
1. Bones of Skull
2. Vertebral column
3. Throcic Cage
4. Girdle
5. Head of Humerus and Femur
Bone Surface Marking
• Tubercle: Small elevator Evience
• Tubersity: large Round elevation
• Groove: Elongated Depression or Furrow
• Fossa: Shallow or Deep Area
• Crest: Ridge of Bone
• Fovea: Small pit at Head of abone
• Notch: Indentation at edge of Bone
Classification of Bones
• Bones are classified into 5 Types
1. Long Bones
2. Short Bones
3. Flat Bones
4. Irregular Bones
5. Sesamoid Bones
Long Bones
• Length>Breadth
• Tubular Shaft(Diaphysis)
• Epiphysis at Both Ends
• Outer Layer of Shaft is Covered By Compact Bone
• Compact bone is covered by Periosteum
• Articular surface is covered with Hyline cartilage
• Articular surface is composed of Cancellous Cells
• Which again surrounded by Compact Bone
• Long Bones Found in Limbs
1. Humerus
2. Femur
3. Metacarpal, Metatarsals
4. Phalanges
Structure of Long Bones
• Diaphysis: Shaft of Bone, Strongest and largest part
• Metaphysis: Most Vascular Part, Having Maximum growth capacity,
clinically important in Children
• Epiphyseal/Growth Plate: Most weekest part in Growing Bone, at Poverty
epiphyseal plate changes into epiphyseal Lines
• Epiphysis ( the TiP): in adults , Epiphysis fuses with Metaphysis, But in
males epiphysis fuses two years before than in females
Short Bone
• Composed of Cancellous which is covered by compact
• Covered with periosteum
• Articular surfaces covered by Hyline Cartilage
• Found in Hands and Foots
1. Talus
2. Lunate
3. Scaphoid
4. Calcaneum
Flat Bone
• Composed of Thin outer and inner layers of Compact bone
• Scapula is an exceptional Flat bone
• Flat Bones include
1. Vault of Skull( Frontal and parietal )
Irregular Bone
• Composed of Thin shells of compact bone
• Interior made up of Cancellous bone
• Includes
1. Skull bones
2. Vertebrae
3. Pelvic
Sesamoid Bone
• Formed in Tendon
• Greater part buried in Tendon
• Free surface covered with cartilage
• Largest sesamoid Bone is Patella
• Other examples
1. Flexor pollicis brevis
2. Flexor hallucis Brevis

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