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Writing Skill-

Email Writing

Dhruvika K. Khushalani
What is an email?

 Email means Electronic Mail.

 It is one of the most commonly used and
popular service on Internet.
 Email systematically accepts, forwards, delivers
and stores messages.
Why use Email?

 A free tool.
 The fastest way to contact others.
 Easy to use.(compose–- send– receive)
 Messages are stored permanently.
 Very useful for mass communication.
 Documents, images, links etc can be attached easily.
 Saves time and energy.
Email Etiquettes

Do’s Don’t’s
Use subject line clearly. Don’t keep message long.
Don’t forget to mention your
Include your name Don’t be negative
Proof read and edit your mail Don’t forget to check spelling and
Use proper salutation Don’t use humor or sarcasm
Keep your mail short and flawless
Check your attachments before sending

Recheck your email Don’t hit Reply All


e.g. Dear/ Respected Sir/ Madam, Honorable…etc
Intro- (first paragraph)
Content/body- (second paragraph)
Conclusion- ( final paragraph)
Closing Salutation/ complimentary close-
e.g. yours truly/sincerely/regards/ best wishes..etc
( also include your full name,
email address,
phone number)

Attachments if any
Cc and Bcc
 Cc- Stands for Carbon Copy
 BCC- Stands for Blind carbon copy

Cc and BCC are two ways to include more people as recipients in an email. These
are the ways of sending copies of an email to multiple people.

In CC, you can see a list of recipients. All your recipients can see who has been
added to your mail.
In BCC, other recipients won’t be able to see it.

This is the only difference between CC and BCC.

Page 23- A6.iii

 You are the college representative and your Principal

has assigned you the task of writing a letter to the
Divisional Officer, Satpuda Mountain Ranges, Nagpur,
seeking permission for the mountaineering expedition
to be organized by your college.
Bcc- optional (non visible email ids)
Subject- Permission for organizing mountaineering expedition.
Respected Sir/Madam,
I am Dipali. Sharma, the College Representative of S.D.M college of Arts
and Commerce. On behalf of my Principal Dr. Subhash. Das, I would
request you to give me the permission for organizing the mountaineering
I would like to inform you that the NCC unit of our college has planned for
the expedition from 25th January to 29th January. The selected students are
all expert trekkers and they will be accompanied by experienced
mountaineers. Our principal has instructed to arrange for all
precautionary- measures and is personally taking care of all the required
We shall be obliged if you kindly permit us to carry on with the expedition. I
have attached the expedition programme for your kind perusal.
Awaiting your positive reply.
Thanking You,
Yours faithfully,
Dipali. Sharma
College Representative
S.D.M college of Arts and Commerce,
Pune- 400098 91xxxxxxxx
1. Expedition Programme
2. Permission letter by the Principal
Write an email to the editor of a newspaper to
draw attention of the authorities, regarding the
bad conditions of roads in your city.
Write an email to your friend who lives abroad
thanking him/her for spending the holiday

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