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Writing an Essay

An essay is a piece of writing several

paragraphs long. It is about one topic, just as a
paragraph is. However, because the topic of an
essay is too complex to discuss in one
paragraph, you need to divide it into several
paragraphs, one for each major point. Then you
need to tie the paragraphs together by adding
an introduction and a conclusion.
Parts of Essay
Introduction (introductory paragraph)
Body (at least one, but usually two or more
Conclusion (concluding paragraph).
- General statements
Orang2 suka wisata kuliner

Bandung adalah salahsatu kota kuliner di Indonesia

Ada banyak makanan enak di bANDUNG

- Thesis statement
3 MAKANAN POPULER DI BANDUNG: Cilok, seblak, peuyeum
a. - Topic sentence cILOK
- supporting senTENCES : BULAT, ACI N TERIGU, GAJIH,
- Concluding
B. - Topic sentence . Seblak
- supporting sentences
- Concluding Sentence
Concluding Paragraph
Introductory Paragraph
General statements
Introduce the general topic of the essay
to attract your reader’s attention
thesis statement
to state the main idea of the essay. A thesis
statement for an essay is like a topic sentence for a
paragraph: It names the specific topic and gives the
reader a general idea of the contents of the essay
Most of people like music. Music can make the
listener happy. It also makes people get
relaxed. It can bring back the memories. Music
can accompany anyone in daily activities. There
are 3 most favorite music genres in Indonesia:
Dangdut, pop, and rock.
• In conclusion, dangdut, pop, and rock are the
music genres that are very popular in
Indonesia. Dangdut and pop fans are the
young and the old, while most of the rock
music fans is the young. However, most
people believe that dangdut will last long in
People like to eat . There are lots of delicious
food in Indonesia. Bandung has various delicious
food. There are 3 most popular foods in
Bandung: Seblak, Batagor, and Cilok.
• The most popular foods in Papua
Papua, a beautiful name that brings us to the land of
a thousand charms, the earth of Papua which is
located at the eastern tip of the Republic of
Indonesia. the exotic other native tribes that are
owned are scattered throughout Papua, each of these
ethnic groups has its own uniqueness. The charm of
the indigenous people combined with the abundant
natural wealth. Papua is famous for its 3 special
foods, namely sago, papeda, and sago caterpillars.
In brief, seblak, batagor, and cilok are the most
favorite foods in Bandung. Those 3 delicious
food make people want to taste them when they
visit Bandung. Therefore, Bandung will always
be one of vacation destinations in Indonesia.
tourism places in bengkulu
Sumatra Island consists of ten provinces, one
of which is Bengkulu. Bengkulu City has various
kinds of tourism places .The 3 most famous
tourism places in Bengkulu are Pantai Panjang ,
Fort Marlborough, and Rumah Pengasingan
Bung Karno.
Concluding Paragraph
• It signals the end of the essay. To do so, begin your conclusion with a
transition signal.
• It reminds your reader of your main points, which you can do in one of
two ways: you can:

• Summarize your subtopics

• Paraphrase your thesis
• It leaves your reader with your final thoughts on the topic. This is your
opportunity to convey a strong, effective message that your reader will
• Make a prediction.
• We have seen how the costs of attending collage have been rising.
while, at the same time, sources of financial aid for students have
been disappearing. If this trend continues, fewer and fewer
families will be able to send their children through four years of
• Suggest results or consequences.
• To sum up, the costs of attending college are up and financial aid
for students is down. Fewer and fewer future members of the
workforce are able to educate themselves beyond high school. As
a result, the nation will waste the intelligence, imagination, and
energy of a large segment of the present college-age generation.
• Suggest a solution, make a recommendation, or call for action.
• It is clear that the U.S. system of higher education is in trouble. For many
students, four years of college is no longer possible because of increasing
costs and decreasing financial aid. To reserve this trend, we must demand
that government increase its financial support of colleges and universities
and restore financial aid programs. Our future depends on it.
• Quote an authority on the topic.
• In conclusion , costs are rising and financial aid is declining, with the result
that many can no longer afford to go to college. If our nation is to prosper,
increased government funding for education is essential, even if it requires
higher taxes. As Horace Mann argued in this Fifth Annual Report, a nation’s
economic wealth will increase through an educated public. It is therefore
in the self-interest of business to pay the taxation for public education.
Paraphrasing the thesis statement
There are lots of kinds of fish from Muncar, and
the most famous fish are Lamuru and Tuna.

In conclusion, Indonesian people like to eat fish.

Muncar beach can produce varieties of fish. In
addition, Lamuru and Tuna are the most popular
among others.
- Most people like music
- a kind of entertaining
- People get entertained and relaxed
- There are several music genres
- 3 Most popular music genres in Indonesia:
Dangdut, pop. Rock
• Most people like music. By listening to music,
people get joy and entertainment. By music,
people also get relaxed. Music has lots of
genres. In Indonesia, there 3 most popular
music genres:
• dangdut, pop, and rock
• In conclusian, Danddut, pop, and rock are the
music genres that Indonesian people like
Subang is a Town in West Java. It is at the north
of Bandung. It is also bordered by Indramayu,
Karawang, and Purwakarta. Subang is famous for
lots of things. There are the things that make
Subang famous: Subang pineapple, rambutan,
ciater, and sisingaan art.
Palembang is the capital city of South Sumatra.
Palembang is a beautiful city, and it becomes a
tourism destination in Indonesia. People also
know Palembang because of some its cuisines.
There are the Popular cuisines from
Palembang: pempek, pindang patin,
celimpungan, and mi celor.
• Film is an entertainment. Most of people like
to watch movie. Indonesia is a country that
produces lots of films every year. There are
lots of talented and famous Indonesian
actors, and there are 3 most popular actors in
Indonesia: Reza Rahadian, Iqbal Ramadhan,
and Pradita Wicaksono.
• West Java is one of big provinces in Indonesia.
It has huge population. West Java is also a
beautiful province. However, West Java lies in
high risk of disaster area. Recently, there are
disasters in West Java: Earthquake in Cianjur,
Landslide in Garut, and flood in Bandung.
• General Statement
Public figure – famous
Syahnaz , one of popular public figure
Lots of people know her

Factors she becomes famous

Sister of Rafly
FVT actress
Entertainment is something very important for
most of people. People need entertainment to
be happy. Watching electronic cinema is one of
entertainments in Indonesia. There a lot of
popular actors and actress. Syahnaz is one of the
popular actresses. There are factors that make
Syahnaz popular: sister of Rafli Ahmad, FTV
actress, her beauty.
• Rafli is the Syahaz’s brother. He is one of the
most popular and the richest public figures in
Indonesia. Syahnaz also often appears in Rafli
Ahmad Show, so Syahnaz popularity is lifted
• Syahnaz is a very well-known artist. Her acting
is fabelous. She often acts in lost of electronic
cinema that means she appears a lot on TV.
Therefore, lots of Indonesian people know her.
• Bandung is one of cities in Indonesia. It is
capital of West Java. The weather is quite cold.
Bandung is so popular. There are factors that
make Bandung popular: Fashion tourism, and
culinary tourism.
• Most of people like music
• Relax
• Happy
• Mood booster
• Music genres
• Most popular music genres in Indonesia
• Pop, dangdut, rock
• Most people in the world like music. Music
can make people relax. In addition, music can
make the listener happy because it can boost
the mood. Music has lots of genres. In
Indonesia, there are 3 most popular music
genres: Dangdut, pop, and rock
• Indoesian girl like korean Drama
• Interesting
• Good looking actors
• Making the watcher carried away
• Most favorite korean actors

• Lee jong yu.. Hung hek kyul

In almost every part of the world, it occurs the
Korean Drama fever. It also happens in
Indonesia. Most of teen girls in Indonesia like to
watch Korean drama. Besides the topic is
interesting that can make the watcher carried
away, it is because the actors are very good

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