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Production Technology

( ME-31022)

First Semester

Online Teaching

U Pauk Pauk
Date:24-11-2022 M.E( Mechanical), Associate Professor
First Semester
ME 31022 Production Technology (2-1-1) (3 credit points)
Chapter (2) - Foundry Processes
Chapter (3) - Hard Mold Casting Processes
(From PT Semester-I)
Chapter (1) - Machining Processes and Machine Tools
Chapter (2) – Materials and Geometry of
Cutting Tools
Chapter (3) – Mechanics of Machining Processes
Chapter (10) – Economics of Machining Processes
(From Fundamentals of Metal Cutting and Machine Tools
by B.L Juneia )
ME 31022 Production Technology (2-1-1) (3 credit points)

Marks Grading System

Subject Practical/Viva/Tutorial Mid & Final Exam; Total

Production 30% 70% 100%

study of the forces causing the motion

study of the geometry

study of the forces
of the motion of a
body (i.e. position, causing the motion

Foundry Processes
Learning outcome
To know the fundamental theory of foundry
processes ,mold making, pattern making and core

 Founding or casting is the process of forming objects by
putting liquid or viscous material into a prepared mold or form.
A casting is an object formed by allowing the material to
A foundry is a collection of the necessary material and
equipment to produce a casting.
A mold is the container that has the cavity of the shape to be
Liquids may be poured, some liquid and all viscous plastic
materials are forced under pressure into molds.
Sand casting is best suitable for iron and steel at their high
melting temperatures.
Flow Chart of Foundry Processes
The production sequence in sand casting includes not only
the casting operation but also pattern-making and mold

The principle of sand casting
 Castings have specific important engineering
properties; these may be metallurgical, physical, or
 Casting are often cheaper than forgings or
weldments, depending on the quantity, type of
materials , and cost of patterns as compared to the
cost of dies for forging and the cost of jigs and
fixtures for weldments.
 Properly designed and properly produced casting do
not have directional properties.
 The ability of molten metal to flow into thin sections
of complicated design is a very desirable
 Cast iron is unique in that it has good dampening
characteristics which are desirable in producing bases
for machine tools, engine frames, and other
applications where it is desirable to minimize
The mold
Good castings cannot be produced without good
Sand casting may be made in;
Green sand molds
Drys and molds
Core sand molds
Loam molds
Shell molds
Cement-bonded molds
The major methods of making these molds are called:
 Bench molding
 Machine molding
 Floor molding
 Pit molding
Figure: A cross-sectional view of a three-part sand
mold, with the parts labeled.
Characteristics of mold
(1) The mold must be strong enough to hold the weight of the
(2) The mold must resist the erosive action of the rapidly flowing
metal during pouring.
(3) The mold must generate a minimum amount of gas when filled
with molten metal. Gases contaminate the metal and can disrupt
the mold
(4) The mold must be constructed so that any gases formed can
pass through the body of the mold itself, rather than penetrate
the metal
(5)The mold must be refractory enough to withstand the high
temperature of the metal and strip away cleanly from the casting
after cooling.
(6) The core must collapse enough to permit the casting to contract
after solidification.
A flask
 A flask is a wood or metal frame in which a mold is
 It must be strong and rigid so as not to distort when it
is handled or when sand is rammed into it.
 It must also resist the pressure of molten metal during
 Pins and fittings align the sections of a flask.
 A flask is made of two principle parts, the cope (top
section) and drag(bottom section)
The behavior of cast metal
 When molten metal is poured into a mold, the casting
begin to cool inwardly from all bounding surface
because the heat can flow only outwardly through the
mold. The metal on the surface is more or less chilled
because at first the mold is relatively cool.
 The purpose of the riser is
to feed liquid metal by gravity
into the body of the casting
to keep it full. The riser is cut off
after the casting has cooled.
Gate ,riser, and chills
Gates, risers and chills are closely related.
 The function of a gating system of a mold is to deliver the
liquid metal to the mold cavity.
 The function of the riser is to store and supply liquid
metal to compensate for solidification shrinkage in heavy
 The function of the chill (External or internal heat sinks that
cause rapid freezing in certain regions of the castings)
-is to cause certain sections of
a casting to solidify before
others ,often to help distribute
properly the supply of metal
from the risers.
Gating system
The gating system must
 Introduce the molten metal into the mold with as little
turbulence as possible
 Regulate the rate of entry of the metal
 Permit complete filling of the mold cavity
 Promote a temperature gradient within the casting to
help the metal solidify with the least conflict between
 The sprue should be tapered with the larger end
receiving the metal to act as a reservoir.

An example of a gating system

Type of gates
Three main type of gates: (1) Parting, (2) Top, (3) Bottom

(1) Parting gates

 The parting gate between cope and drag is the easiest and
fastest for molder to make.
 Its chief disadvantage is that the metal
drops into the drag cavity and
may cause erosion or washing of
the mold.
 In the non-ferrous metals,
this drop aggravates the dross and
entraps air in the metal , (a) Parting gate
Top gates
 Top gates are at times used for gray iron castings of
simple design but not for nonferrous alloys since
they have a tendency to form excessive dross when
agitated. An advantage of top gating is that it is
conducive to a favorable temperature gradient, but a
big disadvantage is that of mold erosion.

(b) Top gate

Bottom gates
A bottom gate offers smooth flow with a minimum of
mold and core erosion. Its main disadvantage is that it
creates an unfavorable temperature gradient.

(c) Bottom gate

In addition to acting as a reservoir, a riser mitigates the
hydraulic ram effect of metal entering the mold and
vents the mold.
Chills are metal shapes inserted in molds to speed up the
solidification of the metal

Typical forms of chills for casting

 Vents are small holes made by perforating the sand
just short of the pattern in the mold with a wire or
vent strip.
 The function of a vent is to permit escape of gases
from the mold cavity to prevent the gases from
becoming trapped in the metal or from raising back
pressure to oppose the inflow of metal.
Making a mold
 A flask is selected larger than the mold cavity it is to
contain to allow for risers and the gating system. There
must be enough mold mass over and under the cavity
to prevent any break-out of the metal during pouring.
 Normal procedure is to make first an image of the
piece to be cast and form the mold around it. That is
called the pattern.
 Before use, the pattern is checked for cleanliness and
the free action of any loose pieces.
 When a split pattern is used the drag part of the flask is
turned upside down on the ram up board.
 The drag pattern is placed with the parting surface down
on the ram-up board. The drag pattern is placed with the
parting surface down on the ram-up board along with any
pieces used for the gating and risering system. Facing
sand is then riddle to a depth of about one inch on the
pattern and ram-up board.
 The riddle sand is then tucked into all pockets and sharp
corners and hand packed around the pattern.
 Backing sand is then put into the flask to cover the facing
sand to a depth of 3 to 4 in and packed with rammer.
 The backing should be carefully rammed into any deep
 The remainder of mold is filled and then rammed.
Care is taken to avoid hitting or coming too close to
 The mold must be rammed uniformly hard in order to
obtain a smooth, easily cleaned casting surface and to
avoid metal penetration into the sand, swelling of the
mold, break-outs, or other casting defects.
 The excess sand is struck off, by means of a straight
edge called a strike bar, and the bottom board placed
on the drag.
 Clamps are applied to hold the drag between the ram-
up board is removed.
 The mold surface is cleaned and smoothed with a
slick in preparation for the cope portion of the pattern
and flask.
 Parting material is dusted from a bag over the mold
joint or parting surface and the pattern.
 The cope of the flask is set on top of the drag, seated
firmly, and aligned with the aid of flask pins. The
cope pattern, riser form and parts for the gating
system are placed in their proper position.
 Facing sand is ridled over the cope pattern and
packed firmly as in the drag.

 The cope is then filled with sand and rammed as in

the drag. It is necessary to ram the sand a little more
firmly around the flask in the cope because the sand
must remain intact as the cope is removed from the
 When the cope and drag have been properly finished,
loose cores should be set into place with care not to
damage the mold or core.
 The mold closed carefully. Pins guide the cope.
Molding machines
 Jolt-squeeze molding machines
 Jolt-rollover pattern-draw machines
 The sand slinger
Core and core making
A core is a body of material, usually sand, used to
produce a cavity in or on casting.
Core must have
(1) Permeability (i.e, the ability to alone steam and
gases to escape)
(2) Refractoriness (i.e the ability to withstand high
(3) Green strength so that it can be formed
(4) Dry strength so that it will not wash away or change
size when surrounded by molten metal
(5) Collapsibility(i.e the ability to decrease in size as the
casting cools and shrinks)
(6) Friability or the ability to crumble and be easily
removed from the casting
(7) A minimal tendency to generate gas
Core Making
 The tools used in the production of cores are
much the same as in making a mold
 The core receives its shape from the core box.
 Driers are special forms or racks used to support
complicated cores during baking.
Core shifting
 Chaplets serve to support cores that tends to sag or
sink in inadequate core print seats.
 A chaplet is usually made of the same metal as and
becomes part of the casting.
 An anchor, like the one Fig 2-10, prevents the core
from rising. Chaplets also serve this purpose.

An application of a chaplet and anchor to support a core and a few examples of chaplets
Core baking
 A uniform temperature and controlled heating are
necessary for baking an oil-bonded sand core.
 With linseed oil, the temperature is raised at a
moderate rate, is held at 400 F for about an hour, and
then is allowed to fall slowly to room conditions. If
the same core is baked quickly at 500 F, it will be
mushy and weak.
 The size of a core affects baking. If care is not taken,
the outer surface of core will first bake and attain
maximum strength.
While the inside is curing, the outside will over
bake and lose strength.
This can be avoided by making the center of a
large core of a porous material such as coke or
cinder to allow oxygen to get to the center of
the core so that oxidation and polymerization
can take place.
A pattern is a form used to prepare and produce a
mold cavity.
 It is another tool in the hands of a foundry man.
 It has been said that a poor casting may be produced
from a good pattern, but a good casting will not be
made from a poor pattern.
Type of patterns
Many molds are made from loose patterns.
Such a pattern has essentially the shape of the
casting with perhaps forms for sprues,
risers ,etc. attached. This is the cheapest
pattern to make but the most time consuming
to use.
Patterns fastened permanently to a board or
match plate are known as mounted patterns. A
main advantage is that a mounted pattern is
easier than a loose pattern to use and store.
Typical Core Box
Pattern Material
 Wood is the most common material for patterns. It is
easy to work and ready available.
 Kiln-dried mahogany, walnut, white pine, sugar pine
 Moisture in the wood should be about 5 to 6% to
avoid warping, shrinking or expending of the finished
 Metal patterns may be loose or mounted.
 Advantage of metal pattern is freedom from warping
in storage.
 Metal patterns wear well.
 Patterns are made of plaster and plastics.
 Plaster patterns are easy to make, they can be cast
where original molds are available.
 Plaster is brittle and not suitable for molding large
numbers of sand casting.
Pattern layout
 The parting line represents the surface that divides a
parts that form the cavities of the cope(top) and drag
(bottom) of the mold.
 If at all possible, the parting line should be straight,
which means that a simple plane divides the pattern
into cope and drag sections.
Pattern shrinkage allowance
 As metal solidifies and cools, it shrinks and contracts
in size. To compensate for this, pattern is made larger
than the finished casting by an amount called
shrinkage allowance.
 Dimensions are not shown oversize on a path or
pattern drawing to allow for shrinkage, but the
pattern maker measures to the finished dimensions
with shrink rules.
 Such a rule has a scale that is longer than standard by
a definite proportion such as 1/16,1/8 or 3/16 in/ft.
 Shrinkage is different for different metals, different
shapes of castings of the same metal, and different
molding and casting methods.
 A master pattern from which metal patterns are cast
may have double shrinkage allowance.
Other allowance
Machining allowance is the amount by which
dimensions on a casting are made oversize to
provide stock for machining.
The amount of metal left for machining must
be no more than necessary but enough to
assure that cutters can get an ample bite
beneath and completely remove the hard scale
and skin on the surface of the casting.
 Draft is the taper or slant placed on the sides of a
pattern, outward from the parting line as depicted in
figure. This allows the pattern to be removed(drawn)
from the mold without damaging the sand surface.
 A fillet is a rounded filling along the convergence of
two surfaces of a pattern as indicated in figure.

Draft on both pieces of a two-piece pattern An example of a fillet on a pattern

Color coding
 All surfaces of a wood pattern are coated with shellac
to keep out moisture. Important parts of a pattern may
be colored for identification.
1. What characteristics must a mold have?
2. Draw a sketch of a typical mold and name its
principal parts
3. What are the seven essential properties of a
4. What are chaplets and anchors?
5. What is draft on a pattern and what is its
6. Why are patterns colored?

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