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(Two-Way Anova Analysis)

• The two-way ANOVA compares the mean
differences between groups that have
been split on two independent variables
(called factors). The primary purpose of a
two-way ANOVA is to understand if there
is an interaction between the two
independent variables on the dependent
Fungsi (Aplikasi)
• Mengenal pasti interaction effect dua
pemboleh ubah bebas terhadap satu
pemboleh ubah bersandar tertentu.
Functions (Applications)
• Identifies the interaction effect of two
independent variables on a particular
dependent variable.
• Mengenal pasti kesan Gender (pemboleh
ubah bebas 1) Education level (pemboleh
ubah bebas 2) kepada Willingness to
communicate (pemboleh ubah bersandar)
pelajar sekolah
Identify the effects of Gender (independent
variable 1) and Education level (independent
variable 2) towards Willingness to
Communicate (dependent variable).
IV 1 = Factor 1 = Main Effect 1
IV 2 = Factor 2 = Main Effect 2
IV1*IV2 = Interaction Effect of IV1 and IV2
on DV
Factor 1 DV

Willingness to
* communicate

Factor 2
Keperluan Data
• Satu pemboleh ubah bersandar (data
selang atau nisbah) dan dua pemboleh
ubah bebas (data nominal atau ordinal)
Data Requirements
• One dependent variable (DV) (interval or
ratio data) and two independent variables
(IVs) (nominal or ordinal data)
• Assumption 1: Your dependent
variable should be measured at
the continuous level (i.e., they
are interval or ratio variables
• Assumption 2: Your two independent
variables should each consist of two or
more categorical, independent groups
• Assumption 3: You should
have independence of observations,
which means that there is no relationship
between the observations in each group or
between the groups themselves.
• Assumption 4: There should be no
significant outliers.
• Assumption 5: Your dependent
variable should be approximately
normally distributed for each
combination of the groups of the two
independent variables.
• Assumption 6: There needs to
be homogeneity of variances for each
combination of the groups of the two
independent variables.
Rule of thumb to make decision
• If sig.value (p) < Sig. level (0.05) =
significant different (Accept Ha). Refer to
mean value, which more higher value.
• If sig. value (p) > Sig. level (0.05) = not
significant different (Reject Ha).
• R2 = Variance percentage of contribution
IV’s (Factors) on DV.
Effect Size
(Partial Eta square =η2 )
Cohen (1992) Rule of thumb effect size:
Small effect = 0.20
Medium effect = 0.50
Large effect = 0.80
Test of different --- The power of different (larger
effect size  too different)
•T-test (Effect size  Cohen’s d)
•Anova Test (Effect size  eta partial square value)
Exercise 3
• Variables of research:
• Dependent Variable: Willingness to
• Independent Variable:
2.Education Level
Assignment 3
• Run Two-Way ANOVA base on data
• A. Research Objective
• B. Conceptual Framework
• B. Hypothesis
• C. Result (Interpretation and table)
• D. Appendix: SPSS out put.
• Due Date: 18 MAY 2023

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