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Indonesia is the largest archipelagic
nation in the world. It encompasses
more than 17,000 islands (17,508
according to the Indonesian Hydro-
Oceanographic Office).

Indonesia is the largest archipelagic

nation in the world. It encompasses
more than 17,000 islands (17,508
according to the Indonesian Hydro- Indonesia is the largest
Oceanographic Office). archipelagic nation in the world.
It encompasses more than 17,000
islands (17,508 according to the
Indonesian Hydro-Oceanographic
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Indonesia is the largest archipelagic nation in the world. It encompasses more than 17,000
islands (17,508 according to the Indonesian Hydro-Oceanographic Office). About 6,000 of these
islands are namead, and about 1,000 are permanently settled. The five main islands are Java,
Kalimantan, Papua (formerly called Irian Jaya), Sumatra, and Sulawesi. There are two major
archipelagos, Nusa Tenggara and Maluku, and about sixty smaller archipelagos. The larger
islands of Indonesia are mountainous, with some peaks reaching 3,800 meters above sea level
on the western islands and as high as 5,000 meters on Papua. The highest point is Puncak Jaya
(5,030 meters) on Papua. The region is tectonically unstable with some 400 volcanoes, of which
100 are active.
Indonesia is the largest archipelagic
nation in the world. It encompasses
more than 17,000 islands (17,508
according to the Indonesian Hydro-

Click Oceanographic Office). About 6,000

of these islands are namead, and
about 1,000 are permanently settled.
The five main islands are Java,

To Add Kalimantan, Papua (formerly called

Irian Jaya), Sumatra, and Sulawesi.
There are two major archipelagos,

Nusa Tenggara and Maluku, and
about sixty smaller archipelagos.
The larger islands of Indonesia are
mountainous, with some peaks
reaching 3,800 meters above sea
level on the western islands and as
high as 5,000 meters on Papua. The
highest point is Puncak Jaya (5,030
meters) on Papua.
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Indonesia is the largest
archipelagic nation in the

Indonesia is the largest

archipelagic nation in the

Indonesia is the largest

archipelagic nation in the

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