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Chapter 8

8.1 WHAT ARE SALTS? . that an acid reacts with an alkali in a neutralisation reaction to
form a salt and water. The general word equation for
Does 'table salt’ or ‘sodium chloride' come neutralisation reactions is as follows.
to mind when you Acid + Alkali Salt Water
hear the term 'salt'? Sodium chloride is the The salt sodium chloride is formed when hydrochloric acid
common salt that we use to flavour and reacts with the alkali sodium hydroxide.
preserve food. However, there are many
other types of salts. Seawater, for example, Hydrochloric acid + Sodium hydroxide Sodium chloride +
contains potassium, calcium, magnesium Water
and sulfate salts, other than sodium chloride
The 'sodium' in sodium chloride comes from sodium
hydroxide, while the 'chloride'comes from hydrochloric acid.
What happens when sodium oxide, instead of
sodium hydroxide, reacts with hydrochloric

Hydrochloric acid + Sodium oxide >> Sodium

chloride +water

From the word equation above, you
can see that the salt sodium chloride
and water are formed. Metal oxides
(such as sodium oxide and copper
oxide) and metal hydroxides (such as
sodium hydroxide and calcium
hydroxide) are bases. A base reacts
with an acid to form a salt and water
in a neutralisation reaction.
To understand what a salt is, it is useful to
understand the concept of ions. You have learnt
in Chapter 5 that an atom is an electrically
neutral particle with an equal number of protons
and electrons. Will the particle still be electrically
neutral if it gains or loses electrons?
You have leamt earlier that salts are formed when
bases react with acids. Table shows the different
salts formed from the neutralisation reactions of
different bases with acidsThat all acids contain
hydrogen. A salt is a compound formed when one
or more of the hydrogen ions (H) of an acid is
replaced by a metal ion or an ammonium ion
For example, when sodium hydroxide
(NaOH) reacts with hydrochloric acid (HC
the hydrogen ion (H) in hydrochloric acid i
replaced by the sodium ion (Na) in sodium
hydroxide to form sodium chloride (NaCl).
When ammonia solution (NH,OH) reacts w
nitric acid (HNO,), the hydrogen ion (H) in
nitric acid is replaced by the ammonium io
Besides alkalis, insoluble bases react with acids
to form a salt and water as well.

Acid + Base --> Salt + Water

The neutralisation reactions between acids and
insoluble bases such as copper oxide, zinc oxide
and iron oxide can be used to prepare salts.
outlines a method that is used to prepare the salt
copper sulfate from sulfuric acid and copper
oxide. The word equation for the reaction is as
Sulfuric acid + Copper oxide --->Copper sulfate +
1. Gently warm 50 cm³ 3. Heat the filtrate gently 4. Allow the saturated copper
2. Let the beaker cool down.
of dilute sulfuric acid in an evaporating dish to sulfate solution to cool and
Filter the contents in the
in a beaker. Avoid evaporate most of the crystallise.Dry the copper
beaker to remove the excess
boiling it.Use a spatula water. A saturated solution sulfate crystals on a piece of
copper oxide. Collect the
to add copper oxide, a of copper sulfate is left in filter paper.
filtrate (copper sulfate
little at a time, to the the evaporating dish.
solution) in a conical flask.
acid. Stir constantly.
Continue adding until
there is excess copper
oxide that has not
reacted, left in the
Hydrochloric acid + Calcium carbonate--> Calcium chionde + Water + Carbon dioxide
The action on metal carbonates, such as Calcium carbonate and copper carbonate, can be
used to prepare salts
Acid + carbonate --> salt + Water + carbon dioxide
Thank you!
From grup 1

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