Note Making & Summarising

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Note Making & Summarising

Presented By Sujatha Biju

Note Making Notes are short written record
of facts to aid the memory.
Notes are usually taken to
record a speech or dictation
while listening to it or after
reading a book, magazine or
article. They are referred back
whenever needed and may be
reproduced in the desired
Note Making & Note making and
Summarising summarising is a crucial
skill that helps us in
academics. The function of
notes is to filter the important
information and help us
retain it. It also makes it
easier for us to refer to the
important points in future.
1. It transforms the entire set
Importance of Note Making
of information into a
& Summarising
manageable size.
2. It includes the key points
which make it more
3. It helps in better
understanding of the
4. It aids quick revision during
exam time.
1. Short and Compact: Good
Characteristics of Good notes must be short and
Notes compact.
2. Complete Information:
They must contain all the
important information.
3. Logical: They must be
presented in a logical way.
4. Understandable: They
should be understandable
when consulted at a later
While making notes we follow
Mechanics of Note Making
certain standard practices.
These may be listed as follows:
(a)Heading and Sub-headings
(b) Abbreviation and Symbols
(c) Note-form
(d)Numbering and Indentation
The heading reflects the main
Headings & Sub-headings
theme whereas the sub-
headings point out how it has
been developed. The selection
of proper heading and sub-
heading reveals the grasp of
the passage by the students. In
the absence of proper
assimilation of main ideas and
subsidiary points it is impossible
to make notes.
They are used for precision and
Abbreviations & Symbols economy of words and hence quite
helpful in note-making.
These are essential components of
note-making. Students often make
use of abbreviations and symbols
in doing their written work.
NOTE: At least four recognisable
abbreviations are to be used in
note-making in your board
Abbreviations & Symbols
Abbreviations & Symbols
Abbreviations & Symbols

Note. Confusing abbreviations should

be avoided, e.g., the abbreviation
‘under’ may stand for understand,
understood and understanding.
Similarly ‘indst’ may stand for industry,
industrial, industrious.
Note Form While making notes the whole
information is listed in note-form in points
only. Notes should not be written in
complete sentences as we can’t
remember the whole information. So only
the main points are listed one under the
other and numbered.

It implies the logical division and sub-

division of the listed information by using
figures, letters, dashes and spaces.

All examples and figurative speeches are

Numbering & Indenting Indentation
Indentation means leaving space
at the beginning of a line of print
or writing.
First write the title and then write
down the notes in a logical order.
From the main headings to the
sub-headings, the numbering
should be spaced a little to the
Indented Format

Note Making Format

Notes. Format example-
1.1 (sub-points)
3.2.1 (sub-sub points)
Note Making Format

Key to Abbreviations
Follow the following steps:

How to write note making Step 1 : (i)Read the passage carefully.

(ii)Try to get the theme and subject of the passage. You may ask
yourself: “What is this passage about?” This will provide you the gist.

Step 2 : Read carefully. Identify main ideas and important supporting


Step 3 : Make notes of the main ideas under headings and add sub-
points under sub-headings.

Step 4 : Use proper layout/format, e.g.,

(a) Indented, linear form

(b) Sequential form

(c) Tabular form

(d) Flow chart

(e) Pie chart, graphs or diagrams, etc.

Step 5 : Use recognisable abbreviations wherever possible

● Select only the relevant data and include only the essential

Points to remember ●
phrases from the passage.
Try to use a minimum amount of words. Complete sentences
would not be accepted as notes. Thus, the usage of full
sentences must be avoided.
● Only really important examples need to be included.
● Eliminate the use of auxiliary verbs, prepositions etc.
● It is necessary to give a suitable title to notes and maintain
proper indentation.
● It is mandatory to make at least four headings and
● The summary should be brief and should be made using notes
prepared. It is important that one keeps in mind the word limit
of the summary and strictly adheres to the notes.
● It is mandatory to include at least four abbreviations in your
notes. Add a full stop after each abbreviation to make it clear
for the reader. They should be common and easily identifiable.

For example- “carbs.” for carbohydrates

● It is necessary to prepare a key to abbreviations (minimum

four) and enclose it within a box.
● The presentation of this writing skill is of utmost importance.
Read (First Read)
Summarising a Given Passage
Read the passage very carefully & critically. Read the
passage straight through. You should get a feel for the
author’s tone, style and main idea.

Reread (Second Read)

Rereading should be active reading. Identify the topic

sentence and key facts. Rule out irrelevant points.
Identify areas you don’t understand and try to clarify.

Write in Present Tense

Use active voice (Preferably)

Be concise.

Ensure to accurately present author’s ideas and key


Check the style, grammar and punctuation.

Read the following passages carefully:
1.Conversation is indeed the most easily
teachable of all arts. All you need to do in order
to become a good conversationalist is to find a
subject that interests you and your listeners.
There are, for example, numberless hobbies to
talk about. But the important
thing is that you must talk about other fellow’s
hobby rather than your own. Therein lies the
secret of your popularity. Talk to your friends
about the things that interest them, and you will
get a reputation for good fellowship, charming
wit, and a brilliant mind. There is nothing that
pleases people so much as your interest in their
2.It is just as important to know what
Sample - Continued
subjects to avoid and what subjects to
select for good conversation. If you don’t
want to be set down as a wet blanket or
a bore, be careful to avoid certain
unpleasant subjects. Avoid talking about
yourself, unless you are asked to do so.
People are interested in their own
problems not in yours. Sickness or death
bores everybody. The only one who
willingly listens to such talk is the doctor,
but he gets paid for it.
3.To be a good conversationalist you
Sample - Continued must know not only what to say, but
how else to say it. Be mentally quick
and witty. But don’t hurt others with
your wit. Finally try to avoid mannerism
in your conversation. Don’t bite your
lips or click your tongue, or roll your
eyes or use your hands excessively as
you speak.

4.Don’t be like that Frenchman who

said, “How can I talk if you hold my
2.1Make notes an the contents of above Title: The Art of Conversation Notes:
paragraph in any format, using
abbreviations. Supply a suitable title also.
1. Conv’n—most easily tch’ble art
5 Marks
(a) Reqd. interest’g subject – hobbies
2.2Make a summary of the passage. 3 (b) Talk about other fellow’s int./hobby
Marks (c) Win’g reptn. as good conversationalist
(i) good f’ship
(ii) charm’g wit
(iii) brl. mind
2. Fit subs, for conversationalist
(a) What subs, to avoid/select?
(b) Avoid unpl’nt subs.
(i) sickness
(ii) death
(c) Avoid talk’g about self
3. Qualities of a good conversationalist
2.1Make notes an the contents of
(a) What to say & how to say it
above paragraph in any format, using
abbreviations. Supply a suitable title (b) ment’y quick & witty
also. 5 Marks (c) pleasant & unhurt’g
2.2Make a summary of the passage. 3 (d) avoid mannerisms.

Continued Abbreviations
1. Conv’n - Conservation
2. Reqd - Required
3. Bri - Brilliant
4. Int - Interest
2.2 Conversation is the easiest and the most
2.1Make notes an the contents of
effective tool than other arts. To have such
above paragraph in any format, using
attractive quality, you need to pick a subject
abbreviations. Supply a suitable title
also. 5 Marks that interest your listeners more than you. Talk
to your friends on topics that can indulge your
2.2Make a summary of the passage.
friends in the conversation for a longer period
3 Marks
of time. Being a good conversationalist, you
have to quick and witty. You should have a
pleasant and unhurting quality. Mannerism
should be avoided.
Marking Scheme Note Making 5 Marks

Note Making & 1. Title - 1 M

2. Numbering & Indenting - 1 M
Summarising 3. Key / Glossary - 1 M
4. Notes - 2 M

Summarising - 3 Marks

5. Content - 2 M
6. Expressions - 1 M

Total - 8 Marks

Word limit - 80 to 100 words

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