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Speaking PART 1

CLIFFS LC – Victory Loves Preparation

Shakhriyor Bekmurodov
• Band 7.5 (2021, May)
• Band 8.0 (2022, August)
• Band 8.0 (2022, December)

 Fluency and Coherence
 Lexical resource
 Grammatical range and Accuracy
 Pronunciation
You are not assessed by these:

 Interesting and original content.
 Amusing and funny answers
 Polite and well-mannered attitudes
 Eye contact
 The truth
 Correct answers
 Opinions and ideas
 Appearance and dress code
1. Fluency and Coherence

BAND 7+ (the recipe)
 A candidate speaks at length without noticeable
difficulties or loss of coherence
 A candidate can show language related hesitation at
times or some repetition and self correction is made
from time to time
 A candidate uses a range of connectives and
discourse markers with some flexibility
Fluency and Coherence

 Avoid giving short answers. Support your answers
(a good tip is to ask yourself “Why?”
 Use redundant language (discourse markers).This
helps you to sound natural, not robotic. But don’t
overuse it and be careful to use flexibly. (ex: sadly,
unfortunately, fortunately, to be honest, etc. )
Discourse marker usage example:
You know, children like sweet staff … (Flexible)
You know, my mum is a good cook … (Inflexible)
Why we need redundant language
discourse markers and connectives?

Part 2 question: Describe an old person
Answer 1: The person I’m going to talk about is my
grandfather. He is an easy-going person. He’s got many
friends. He’s very funny. He makes everyone laugh.
Answer 2: Well, the person I’m going to talk about is my
grandfather. The best thing about him is that he’s easy
going, I think that’s why he’s got many friends. Another
thing I really appreciate is that he’s very funny that he
makes everyone laugh.
2. Lexical resource (Vocabulary)

BAND 7+ (recipe)
 A candidate uses vocabulary flexibly to discuss a
variety of topics. (this means you should have topic
related words and phrases)
 A candidate uses some less common and idiomatic
vocabulary, sometimes with some inappropriate
 Uses paraphrases effectively
GOOD words vs BAD words

Don’t forget there is no good or bad word in English! It
all depends how you use it.

 Take the word “good” and “beautiful” as examples

 Band 5.5: My neighbor is a good person.
 Band 8.0+: My neighbor has a good sense of humor.
 Band 5.5: The beach was really good
 Band 8.0+: We had a really good time on the beach
 Band 5.5: The scenery was very beautiful
 Band 8.0+: The scenery was exceptionally beautiful
Better word choice!

Some examples:
 Small – tiny
 Big – enormous/giant
 Beautiful – gorgeous/spectacular/stunning
 Good – kind/well-mannered/polite/exceptional
 Interesting – entertaining/attractive/captivating
 Boring – tedious/repetitive/monotonous
 Angry – furious
 Sad- miserable
 Happy – delighted/pleased
 Like doing something – be passionate about/be keen on doing something
 Dislike something- can’t stand something
 A very important thing – an irreplaceable item
 A pupil – schoolboy/a schoolgirl
 People – the locals
Idiomatic language

Be careful! You don’t have to use idioms to get 7.0+, the criteria says
idiomatic language, not idioms.
For example: I have always got on well with my friends. (idiomatic
language is used)
get on – to be in good relationship (idiomatic phrasal verb)
Using idioms is also recommended, provided you use them flexibly.
Answer 1: I always feel over the moon when I get presents. (general)
Answer 2: I was over the moon when I received my laptop for my birthday.

Note: In the first example, the candidate is using the idiom “over the moon”
(happy) inappropriately. It would be better just to say: I always feel excited
3. Grammatical range and accuracy

Band 7.0+ (recipe)
 A candidate uses a range of complex structures with
some flexibility
 Usually speaks with accuracy, though some
grammatical mistakes persist
Accuracy and Range

Question: Tell me about your hometown.
Answer 1: I come from Karshi. It is not enormous or
cosmopolitan. I should also say that it has a lot of historical
buildings. The best thing about it is that there is always
something to have fun. (high accuracy, but no range)

Answer 2. Well, I’ve lived in Karshi all my life. Although it isn’t

so enormous or cosmopolitan, there are a lot of historical
buildings of international importance. The best thing about it is
that if you want to have fun, there is always something for
you. (high accuracy and range)
Accuracy and Range

Question: Do you like chocolate?
Answer 1: Honestly, I’m a fussy eater. I’m really into
eating chocolate. This is because I get a lot of pleasure
from it. That’s why I always keep some under my bed.
(without range)

Answer 2. Honestly, unlike my sister, I’m a fussy eater.

I’ve always been really into eating chocolate. This is
because when I eat it, I get a lot of pleasure. As a child, I
always used to keep some under my bed. (with range)
How to use range?

Make your sentences in different tenses. Use Past, Present and
Question: What do you do in your spare time?
 Like many other teenagers, when I have some free time, I
idle away hours surfing on the Net or relaxing in front of
TV. For example, yesterday I watched a blockbuster called
“Parasite” on Channel 4. (For example, I’m going to watch a
blockbuster called “Parasite” on Channel 4)
 Well, unfortunately I’m quite a busy person. I’m always on
the go, so I hardly ever have time to relax. Believe or not,
it’s been ages since I last had a day off.
Talk about Past using I used to …

 When I was a schoolboy I used to watch movies all the
time. I would always choose action movies or
sometimes cartoons.
 When I was a kid I used to share my bedroom with
my elder brother. So, we would always suffer from lack
of space. Fortunately, a few years ago he got married
and moved to a new place. Now, the room is all
Use Perfect tenses

1. Use Present Perfect or Perfect continuous to describe
Question: How do you keep healthy?
Answer A: Well, I wouldn’t say I’m very sporty but I do
my best to stay healthy and be in a good shape. I’ve
recently taken up swimming classes.
Answer B: Actually, I find it really important to follow
a healthy lifestyle. I’ve been going to the gym for nearly
three years non-stop. So, I do exercises regularly.

Band 7.0+ (recipe)
 Pronounce the words in the way it is easy to
understand and follow what you are saying.
 Accent is tolerated. So, avoid using unnatural accent
How to prepare?

One of the best strategies is to focus on question types!
Even though there are a great number of question, their types are limited. For
Topic: Hometown.
 Tell me about your hometown.
 What do you like about your hometown?
 Is there anything you don’t like about your hometown?
 Would you like to move to another city in the future?
Topic: Studies
 Tell me about your studies.
 What do you like about your studies?
 Is there anything you don’t like about your studies?
 What would you like to do after your studies?
Part 1: Focus on question types!

Most common question types:
1. Description question type.
2. Liking question type.
3. Disliking question type.
4. “Types of” question type.
5. How often question type.
6. Yes/No question type.
7. “Would” question type.
Description question

1. Begin with a lead-in phrase: 3. Add a second pointing phrase.
-Ok, then… - Right, ok… -another point which I could add is that…
-Alright… -Well…. -on top of that I can also add that….
-Well, you know… - Well, first of all…. -also, I should really say that…
-Actually… -a second feature I should mention is that…
2.Add a pointing phrase.
-…the first thing I should mention is that… 4. Add a third pointing phrase.
-… my initial point would be that… -And I shouldn’t forget to mention that…
-…. the point I would like to begin is that… -Something else that I need to comment on is
-… the main thing you need to know is that… that…
-… I need to start off by pointing out that..
-…. I could start of by saying that…
- …. The best thing about it is that
Tell me about your hometown.

Answer 1: I come from Karshi and I’ve lived here all my
life. It isn’t enormous, but regionally important. The
locals are close knit and supportive to each other.
Answer 2:
Well, I come from Karshi and I’ve lived here all my life.
I suppose, if I had to describe it, the main thing you
should know is that it isn’t enormous, but regionally
important. The best thing about it is that the locals are
close knit and supportive to each other.
Liking question type!

Use one of these starting phrases below:
-Well in general I would say that…
-Well, to be honest I should really say that…
-Certainly I would definitely say that…
-Of course I think I’d have to say that…
2. Now choose on of these liking expressions:
-I am/have always been pretty keen on… - I am pretty fond of…
-I am /have always been really into… - I am quite passionate about…
-I am /have always been quite a big fan of… - I am quite enthusiastic about…
3. Then introduce a specific category or type
- …especially… -…to be more specific…
-….particularly… -…to be more precise…
-…but in particular… -…to be more accurate…
4. Now add a second liking expression after the specific type.
5. Give a reason by using one of these linking phrases below:
-and I guess this is probably because…
-this could be because…
-this might be because…
-this is due to the fact that…
6. Use a liking phrase to introduce a second point.
-As well as this… - In addition to this… -To add to this…
7. Again use a liking expression.
Do you like animals?

Answer 1:
 Well to be honest, I would say that I’ve always been
quite passionate about animals but especially
domestic pets like dogs, and I guess this is because I
adore their loyalty and companionship. In addition
to dogs I suppose I’m also pretty keen on
endangered spices, such as dolphins this is due to
the fact I feel some degree of responsibility towards
wildlife protection.
“Types of” question type
1. Always begin with an opening phrase:

-Well, actually… 4. Instead of an adjective use one of the
-Sure obviously… followings:
-Ok, certainly… -common -popular -fashionable -famous -
-Of course, you know… widely used -well known -
2. Then use one of the following: widely known -conventional -customary -
commonly used -prominent
-…there is quite a mixed variety of…
-Commonly-known -prevalent -crucial
-…there is quite a wide range of…
5. Now use a phrase to add a detail.
-…there is quite an extensive diversity of…
-The point I would add about …is that…
-…there is a fairly broad range of…
-And the explanation for this could be that…
3. Now use the following structure to introduce
the first type: -The thing with … is that…
-But, I guess the most +adjective+ would 6. Use a linking phrase to introduce a second
probably be… type
-Though I think the most +adjective+ would -In addition to… -Besides…
possibly be… -Another kind of… would be something like…
-However I suppose the most+ adjective+ could -As well as….
perhaps be… 7. Give details about a second type.
“How often” question type

1. First choose an opening phrase -Like more specifically…
-Well to be honest… 4. Select one of the following:
-Well in truth… -If ( situation A), then I will most likely…
-Actually to be fair…. -If (A), then it’s quite possible that I …
–In actual fact… -If (A), then as a consequence I will probably…
2. Then select a “depends” phrase 5. Add a compare linking phrase
-… I think I would have to say that it really -Whereas in contrast… -
depends. Though, at the same time…
-…I imagine that it would depend on the -Whereas on the other hand…. –
situation. While, oppositely…
-…I guess my answer would be determined by 6. Select one of the following:
different conditions. -If (situation B), then it’s more likely that I will…
3. Use a linking phrase -If (B), then I will almost certainly…
-Like, for instance…
-Like, to be more direct…
-More precisely like…
How often do you go to a library?
(Depending structure)

Sample Answer:
Well to be honest, I think I would have to say that it
really depends. Like for instance, if I have some spare
time, then it’s quite possible that I go to our local library
as often as I can. On the other hand, if I’m at work I
prefer to read e-books on my laptop.
How to improve fluency and lexical

There are two ways to minimizing your chances to get
stuck while you are speaking:
1. Learning “common phrases” by heart which can be
used for multiple topics
2. Learning “topic related” phrases by heart
Common phrases (examples)

I get pleasure when I play football/ listen to music
I feel a sense of relief if I play football/ listen to music
I always feel an immense amount of satisfaction when I play football/ listen to
Time flies by when I play football/ listen to music
I play football/ listen to music because it is a fun thing to do
I play football/ listen to music because I find it entertaining
Whenever I play football/ listen to music my mind switches off and I go into my
own little world
Playing football/ listening to music makes me happy
Playing football/listening to music raises my mood
Playing football/listening to music is the best way to spend my time/to kill my
Playing football/listening to music is the best way to end my day.
PART 1: (May – August)
1. Work and Studies

16. Schools
2. Hometown 17. Bags
3. Home, decoration 18. Wild animals
4. Chocolate 19. Rain
5. Staying up late 20. Teachers
6. Outer space and stars 21. Concentration
7. Jewelry 22. Friends
8. Music 23. Languages
9. Small Businesses 24. Ice Cream
10. Weekends 25. Fixing Things
11. T-shirts 26. Week
12. Happiness 27. Ambitions
13. Art 28. Health
14. Keys 29. Dreams
15. Libraries 30. Days off
Work and Studies

I’m in my second/third/final year at university
 I have one/two more year(s) to do
 I’m majoring in Economics/Engineering/Biology…
 Studying X is my passion
 It makes me push forward
 I take a lot of pleasure/satisfaction from studying/learning X
 My dad/mum influenced me to choose this major
 I wasn’t that keen on X
 X triggered my interest – X made me interested
 X is what I love doing
 I have always wanted to do something
 To do the best to keep up with studies and not to lag behind peers
 To work under extreme pressure
 X makes me really stressed
 X is physically demanding
 To dream of doing something
 To meet deadlines
 Enormous – big

 Cosmopolitan
 There are historical buildings of international importance
 There are restaurants which suit every taste and wallet
 It is regionally important
 It is densely populated
 There is always something to have fun/to entertain yourself
 The pace of life/the standard/quality of life is high
 The locals are supportive/welcoming
 The locals give you a warm welcome
 People are close knit in rural areas
 I’m really into doing outdoor activities
 To escape from a real world
 To be close to the nature
 X is a tiny place with a few factories
 X has expanded over the years.
Home, decoration

To pick bright colors
 To personify the purity
 To decorate living space
 To create depression and anxiety
 White is the most restful color for the eye
 I live in the heart of the city
 I live in a multi-story flat
 My flat is fully furnished
 There is a huge fireplace and a wall mounted TV
 I can see a spectacular view through my bedroom window
 To suffer from a lack of space
 To have an opportunity to have a garden
 I share my flat with my brothers
 I live in a house with a big garden
 Our kitchen is the center of our house
 To gather at the table and discuss the day.

 I’m a fussy eater
 I have a sweet tooth (idiom)
 I get a lot of pleasure when I eat chocolate
 I can’t resist my temptation
 To eat something (chocolate/fast food) excessively – to eat too much
 To put at risk of heart diseases and diabets
 I try to resist my temptation
 Chocolate is harmful for our health and teeth
 I eat chocolate in moderation
 I hardly ever give chocolate as a present
 Kids and women are passionate about chocolate and they are the ones who create the
biggest demand for chocolate
 To be passionate about chocolate – to be crazy about chocolate
 I’m not that keen on eating chocolate
 To be prone to chronic diseases
Staying up late

 It’s just the way I prefer to live
 To be physically active at night
 I’m a night owl –I’m a night person
 To keep a healthy lifestyle
 To fall asleep as soon an one’s head hits the pillow – to fall asleep immediately
 To feel exhausted
 To feel like a zombie
 To feel sleepy the whole day
 Not to get up till midday
 My brain is in a good state in the mornings
 I feel myself more productive in the mornings
 To get up at the crack of down
Outer space and stars

 To explore outer space
 Space holds mysteries
 To watch something with a lot of enthusiasm
 I’m in two minds about something
 To understand how the solar system is formed
 Something (The population) is growing at a fast pace
 People are living in extreme poverty – People are living below the poverty line
 To survive in the long run
 To run out of resources
 X is my long term ambition
 Once in a lifetime weightlessness – no gravity
 To learn about physical world
 I find learning about outer space fascinating
 I can see the Earth from the orbit

 Wearing jewelry is a sign of status
 To get attached to a certain piece of jewelry
 It has a sentimental value to me
 To pass from generations to generations
 It means a lot to the owner
 It has a special meaning to the owner
 To wear super shiny jewelry
 To be in public eye – to stand out from the crowd
 I find wearing too much jewelry distracting
 Buying X cost me an arm and a leg
 I saved my every last penny to get it.

I listen to sad music
 I listen to massive hits and timeless songs
 I listen to any music that is pleasing to the ear
 I feel a sense of relief when I listen to it
 I go into my own little world when I listen to music
 I prefer to listen energizing songs
 It raises/alters/boosts my spirit/mood
 I listen to music which reflects my mood/personality
 Listening to music puts me in a good mood
 I listen to music both unintentionally and intentionally
 Music enhances my focus, concentration and productivity
 It helps me to escape from real world
 Whenever I listen to it, my mind switches off
 If I listen to music, I come up with better solutions to my problems
 It boosts/fosters creativity

I try to have some fun
 I hang out with my friends
 I stay at home all day long and relax in front of the TV
 I don’t do anything special
 I order a takeaway pizza, surf the Net
 I had to put off (cancel) my outdoor activities
 I recharge my batteries after a hard working/study week
 Not having a rest on Sundays affects your psychological and physical wellbeing
 It also affects our productivity level
 I have a lie in till midday
 I usually have a big breakfast
 I’m not very active at the weekend
 I do some outdoor activities
 I don’t have a fixed daily routine
 I try to entertain myself

I wear an oversized t-shirts
 I can’t stand wearing t-shirts which are too tight.
 Tight t-shirts make me sweet and as crazy as it may sound they make me hard to breath
 I just prefer to dress up based on my own taste.
 I wear more formal clothes
 I wear high quality clothes.
 I buy t-shirts which are affordable/reduced at price
 I can’t recall a specific place to buy clothes
 I’m not a shopaholic person
 I don’t judge people by the clothes they wear
 It’s just the way I/people prefer to live
 I think that old people who wear fashionable clothes are extraordinary and they are young
at heart
 Wearing t-shirts with pictures and prints makes me feel uncomfortable.
 It seems to me that I’m in public eye.

 Happiness is being surrounded by loved ones/family members
 Sometimes external objects can raise my mood
 I feel the happiest when I get a pay rise
 To have shorter working weeks and longer holidays
 To feel satisfied with a job
 I can’t stand working overtime and coming home late in the
 We are programmed to feel excited when we buy new things
 New things bring new emotions
 I used to have a sweet tooth
 I felt happy when I was given some chocolate to eat

 To visit an aboriginal art gallery
 Art gives a sense of relief/art relieves stress and anxiety
 To create a masterpiece/ a piece of art
 I’ve always dreamt of becoming an artist
 When I was a kid, I was taken to an exhibition by my dad and
that triggered my interest in art
 Ever since then, I’ve become passionate about art
 Art fosters my creativity and stimulates cognitive development
 To see new collections
 I’ve tried to create a piece of art, but each time I failed

 Loosing a key isn’t a common occurrence/practice for me
 I used to be a disorganized person
 I used to be an absentminded person, I would always
leave my belongings wherever I go
 I have a habit of checking my bag from time to time
 Neighbors can be unreliable
 I never put my trust in my neighbor
 I would rather keep my keys in a safer place like my bag
 It’s better not to leave keys to casual acquaintances

 To cram for an exam – to get preparation in the last minute
 To meet deadlines
 to try not to lag behind peers
 To keep up with studies
 I hardly ever go to libraries
 Searching information online is the best option for today’s children
 Reading books in the library has become a thing of the past
 Library is the best place to socialize and make friends
 It is a place for relaxation since the atmosphere is pleasant
 I usually go to library as often as I can and discuss books with other
 It is the best activity to fulfill an educational pursuit

 The height of fashion
 It’s been a long time since I last bought a handbag.
 Attractive/stylish bag
 I just stuff everything in my pocket
 I buy bags which are well made, affordable and of high quality
 I carry my possessions in my handbag
 The colors reflect my personality
 I prefer minimalism
 Carrying a bag isn’t a common occurrence for me
 I choose durable bags which are not easily damaged, but at the same time they should be
fashionable too.
 I like practical bags that can carry by usual items
 To be on trend you can splash out money
 I choose bags which are affordable (not beyond my budget)
 I prefer bags which are designed with a high level of creativity.
Wild animals

 To bump into a wild animal
 Forests are home to wild animals
 I’ve seen wild animals multiple times
 To keep animals in captivity
 I feel pity when I see wild animals caged/in the cage
 I’m really into tigers/lions/wolves
 I think they have personalities

To be involved in outdoor/indoor activities
 On a rainy day my choices are restricted
 If it’s raining heavily I prefer to stay at home
 I have to put off or cancel my outdoor activities
 I usually relax in front of the TV, play card with my friends and order takeaway
 To get soaked in heavy rain and catch a cold
 To stay at home all day long
 To suffer from lack of rain
 Rain is important for the irrigation of crops
 Rain helps farmers to become more productive and supply fresh fruit and vegetables
 We need X (rain) in every aspect of our life.
 We need rain to cultivate crops, to generate electricity and to maintain the greenery
of the areas
 In summer, droughts in some parts of my country become extreme and prolonged
 
I don’t see myself as a teacher
 Supportive
 Highly knowledgeable
 Welcoming/honest/highly qualified/experienced
 Not a well paid job/sportsmen are pare paid ridiculous amount of salaries
 To lag behind/to keep up with my studies
 To give extra tasks
 Physically and mentally demanding job
 It was my dream job as a child
 Teachers give guidance and help children reach a personal growth
 Teachers contribute to society enormously
 The responsibilities are huge and it takes a lot of energy and patience
 To encourage students
 To come up with better ideas
 She made us play some games that fostered/boosted our creativity
 She followed a creative way of teaching

 I listen to music before bedtime
 I switch all my gadgets to collect all my thoughts
 I meditate half an hour/some time before doing a particular task
 My mind switches off and I feel focused on what I’m doing
 I have to put all my concentration during exams as I don’t have a right to
make a mistake
 I prefer to do things one after the other
 I prefer multitasking, so I do two or three things simultaneously
 Multitasking helps me to save my time
 My concentration is usually distorted when I hear children crying, or
people shouting, or by any noise that comes through my bedroom window
 The noise that comes from outside makes me mad/drives me crazy

 I’ve been quite passionate about learning languages since my early
 I can handle conversation in English quite well
 I’ve recently taken up Spanish/German classes and I’m picking it up
 I can speak English fluently
 My brother influenced me to learn this language
 He gave me instructions in grammar which was quite interesting and this
triggered my interest in mastering it
 He praised and motivated me from time to time when I performed well
 He broke down the process of learning into different small steps and made
me repeat until I got it right
 It built my confidence and I enjoyed every single minute of learning

I don’t have as many friends as my brother have, because he collects friends and keeps them
 I want to make true, faithful friends
 I want my friend to have a sense of humor, and mutual understanding
 We have so much fun and time flies by when we are together
 Friends are the people who share common interests with you
 Friends rush to help when we are in trouble
 I have as many as 400 friends on Facebook, but I have no more that 10 best friends
 Friends come and go, but our family is always with us, so my best friends are my family
 I hang out with my friends, go for a walk
 We usually meet for a drink in a café or a snack bar
 I want friends who are reliable, who support you both in your ups and downs
 If I’m sad, my friends cheer me up
 Time flies by when I’m with my best mates
 We do things together, we are inseparable
 I think true friends judge us and tell us our weaknesses
 I have had my friends from different periods of my life

 It’s my day off
 I love my bed in the morning
 The rest of the day I spend my time with my family
 I relax in front of the TV
 I make myself mentally ready for the next hard
working day
 My weekends are quite diverse
 I get pleasure from unplanned new experiences

 I try to keep fit and stay healthy
 I do cardiovascular exercises rather than muscle
 I do push ups and pull ups to be in a good shape
 I can do more than 50 push ups in a row
 Unlike most boys, I prefer boxing to football.
 Football is a global passion
 All you need is just a ball and a piece of ground
 I do this exercise as often as possible

 My lifelong ambition is to travel around the world
 I have a burning ambition to become a doctor/a lawyer
 To reach a goal
 I’m a fighter, not a quitter. I won’t give in no matter what. I carry on at all costs
 To set an achievable target
 An ambition gives a sense of purpose to our life
 Without ambition our life would be aimless or empty
 To strive to achieve targets
 To step out of comfort zone
 To push the boundaries
 I do my best to achieve my goal
 It is up to us whether our dreams come true or not
 To reach an optimum level
 To reach maximum potential

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