Proverbs 3 5-6

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Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean

not on your own understanding; In all your
ways submit to him, and he will make your
paths straight.
1. Trust In the Lord with All Your Heart
(Magsalig ka sa Ginoo sa bug-os mo nga tagipusuon)
• “Trust in the Lord with all your heart” bug-os nga pag salig sa
Diyos. This is pure confidence in the Lord.
Confidence means “the feeling or belief that one can rely on
someone or something; firm trust.” “ang pakiramdam o paniniwala na
ang isang tao ay maaaring umasa sa isang tao o isang bagay; matatag
na tiwala.”
• May ara 2 ka mag amigo, nagab.ihan sa dalan, tongod kay madolom
kag ulan2 nahulod sila sa bangin,

• Morale: same sa aton kabuhi, may ara kis.a gina pa himu sa aton si
Lord pero wala naton gina sunod, kay may ara kita pag duda,
Joshua 1: 8-9
• 8 Keep this Book of the Law always on your
lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be
careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be
prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded
you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do
not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be
with you wherever you go.”
2. Lean Not on Your Own Understanding (indi ka
magsalig sa imo kaugalingon nga kaalam)
• Ang Dios nakabalo sang dalan naton, kung diin kita
pakadto. Kung may mgabagay nga indi naton
maintindihan kag wala sang sabat, maga palapit kita sa
iya kilalahon naton sya, kay may ara gid sya sang sabat sa
tanan. Open ang iya pertahan sa pag sulbar sang aton
nga problema, kay sya naka hibalo sa tanan, kinanglan
lang naton isalikway ang limitado naton nga kaalam kag
pag intindi, para makakuha kita sang iya unlimited nga
resources sang wisdom kag pag intindi.
Colossians 3:2
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

Isaiah 55:8-9
8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
9 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.
3. In All Your Ways Submit to Him
(Dumduma ang Ginoo sa tanan mo nga
Psalm 25:5-7
• 5 Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my
Savior, and my hope is in you all day long.

Remember, LORD, your great mercy and love, for they are
from of old.

Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious
ways; according to your love remember me, for you, LORD,
are good.
He Will Make Your Paths Straight (tuytuyan
niya ikaw sa husto nga dalan)
• It is rewarding to trust in the Lord and not ourselves. May ara gid kita
sang reward sa pag sunod kag pag salig sa iya. Biskan anu pa kabuglay
sang imo na agyan subong, isipa lang nga yara ka sa tama nga dalan, if
we trust God, if we acknowledge him, he will clear the path, walaon
nya ang tanan nga kabudlay sa aton nga dalan iguide nya kita palapit
sa iya. Iga rewardan nya kita according sa iya mga pulong, eh guide
nya kita para malampasan naton ang kabudlay sa aton nga kabuhi.
Lord wants us:
• Believe on who he is
• Believe in what he has done
• Believe in what he can do
• Its very hard to trust God if we don’t know he is,
what he has done and what he can do.

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