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 International Roughness Index is defined as an expression

of irregularities in the longitudinal profile of pavement
surface that adversely affects the riding quality of a vehicle.
These irregularities lead to uncomfortable feeling for road
users. Smoother roads are required because they provide
comfort and safety to road users, reduce vehicle operating
cost by reducing fuel and oil consumption, tire wear,
maintenance cost and vehicle depreciation, and reduce
pavement maintenance cost.

17-Jan-16 2

 Introduction
 Purpose of study
 Scope of work
 Advantage of IRI test
 How to connect hawkeye 1000 system
 How to operate the hawkeye 1000 system with lap top/pc
 How to transfer survey into raw data
 Field exploration
 Report
 Acceptance criteria

17-Jan-16 3
 Its true value is determined by obtaining a suitably accurate
measurement of the profile of the road, processing it
through an algorithm that simulates the way a reference
vehicle would respond to the roughness inputs, and
accumulating the suspension travel. It is normally reported
in inches/mile or meters/kilometer. In this evaluation study,
ARRB laser profiler which is considered a world bank class
1 profiler was used to measure roughness of the road.

17-Jan-16 4
Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to determine the road

roughness of the understudy road in order to
assess the state of the existing IRI value and to
develop general conclusion about road roughness.

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Scope of Work

The scope of work consists of the following:

 Carrying out non-destructive test using laser profiler
(ARRB) as per ASTM E950 to check the road
roughness values.

 Collecting information and the drawings about the site,

the structure particulars and environmental data.

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 Roughness is good overall indicator of the road


 Roughness can be caused by many different pavement

distresses such as patching, potholes, poor sub-grade
strength, surface defect, poor construction or general

 Roughness is a good overall indication of the structural

condition of the road.
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 Roughness is easy to understand by most people(“I know it
when I feel it”).

 IRI is an international and world bank standard and can be

easily compared between different roads, different road
stretches, different times, different areas or different

17-Jan-16 8
 First open the electronic case front panel for Hawkeye
1000 system.

 The monitor would be connect with the Hawkeye in the

electronics case

 Connect the USB cable with pc/laptop.

 Power the 12v in with the source of power, to power the

electronic case and impute sensors.
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 (DMI) connect it for the distance sensor

 Connect the network data cable with external pc

 Connect the GPS cable receiver, to power the data

collected via this connector.

 Connect the laser profiler cable with beam.

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Switch on the pc/laptop; connect the network cable

with pc/laptop and wait for two to three minutes.

After waiting for two to three minutes, on the Hawkeye

1000 electronic machine with at the right side of the
heart beat of the machine and for another three
minutes again.

17-Jan-16 11
 In acquisition launcher again locate image acquire and stop
it, because is not required.

 After the acquisition launcher as been launched, onlooker

live viewer show that the modules as been launched, but
you need to close some module, because this module does
not required.

 Locate options at the task bar, in this options menu, locate

module connections and click on it.

17-Jan-16 12
 After waiting for three minute for the heart beat to worm up,
then locate viewer file on pc/laptop and open the viewer file.

 In this viewer file, click on logged, to lunch acquisition


 In acquisition launcher click on launch all modules, to all the

modules to be launched.

17-Jan-16 13
 Onlooker module connection status will show, click on
ok,so that you can be able to start work on it.

 Click on start menu that show on the pc/laptop screen

or locate survey on task bar and click on survey
configuration and insert all the information's there and
click on ok after you finished.

17-Jan-16 14
 Click start menu to start the survey reading

 After you click on start the machine will tell you that the
survey as started, that is for lead in on the site to allow
the speed of the vehicle to reach 80km/h

 Click on ctrl and space to start the proper survey

reading, after you reach the end point of your
reference, click on stop or ctrl and space to the survey
after you the reference point.

17-Jan-16 15
 Click on success survey when you finished to save your

 Transfer your work by click on transfer on the task bar .

 Close all the modules in the acquisition launcher.

 The transfer file would show, locate the date of you survey
and click on it and copy it

17-Jan-16 16
 After that close the transfer file and switch off the pc/laptop

 Remove the network cable from the pc/laptop.

 Switch off the heartbeat of the Hawkeye 1000 machine.

 Remove the 12v in power source for the safety of the


17-Jan-16 17

 On the pc/laptop and locate Hawkeye tool kit file on the


 Click on import survey, import survey raw data click on


 In the browser folder click on this pc file.

 Inside this pc file, click on Ti112390dok(c :) file, locate the

date of the survey that you want to use and click on it,
after that click on ok.
17-Jan-16 18

 Click on import to import all the survey after the

successfully imported click on ok

 Close import raw survey data.

 Locate the survey reference name and click it and click on


 Roughness processing will open or click on the left side of

the pc/laptop screen, click on profiler and locate
17-Jan-16 19
 Click on process roughness.

 After that click on report.

 Click on export to csv

 Click on export as csv

 Insert your file name and click on save.

 Template of Microsoft excel to show your survey reading

 Transfer your site work into raw data

 Close the Hawkeye toolkit file.

17-Jan-16 20
On the pc/laptop and locate Hawkeye tool kit file on the pc/laptop.

Click on import survey, import survey raw data click on browse.

In the browser folder click on this pc file.

Inside this pc file, click on ti112390dok(c :) file, locate the date of

the survey that you want to use and click on it, after that click on

Click on import to import all the survey after the successfully

imported click on ok

17-Jan-16 21
 Close import raw survey data.

 Locate the survey reference name and click it and click on open.

 Roughness processing would open or click on the left side of the

pc/laptop screen, click on profiler and locate roughness .

17-Jan-16 22
 Click on process roughness.

 After that click on report.

 Click on export to csv

 Click on export as csv

 Insert your file name and click on save.

 Template of Microsoft excel to show your survey reading

 Transfer your site work into raw data

 Close the Hawkeye toolkit file.

17-Jan-16 23

 Performing the calibration checks at the begging of the day

of operation and anytime the operator may suspect change
of the system performance since the last calibration.

 Avoid sudden speed change to minimize unwanted impute

to the acceleration and transient to the filters.

17-Jan-16 24
 Compute the international roughness index from
longitudinal profile measurement using a quarter-car
simulation at simulation speed of 80km/h (50mph) as
per E1926-08.

 At least give 150m for lead in before the section.

 Give at least 100m for lead out after the section.

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 Avoid measuring speeds bellow 25km/h (15mph)since
the quality of the long wavelength content of the
measured profile will be affected or a much higher
resolution accelerometer shall be used.

 If there is a question about the performance of the test

apparatus for the test run, make an immediate check
by measuring the test section again.

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The field report for each test section shall contain

data on the following items:

 Date and time of day;

 operator, driver, and vehicle identification;

 Weather condition; principally temperature, cloud

cover, and wind;

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 Location and description of test section;

 Surface description; type of pavement and condition ;

 Run number;

 measuring speed;

 Direction measured;

 Lane measured, transverse position

17-Jan-16 28
As per project specification for IRI; result should
comply with the following:

 The IRI average value over 400m section not exceeding

 The peak individual value over a 25m section shall be less
than 1.5km/h not more than 2 values per 400m.

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